CHANGE (The Data if it Helps)

Iaintliein's Avatar
Can both be true? "Truth" and reality in politics often have nothing to do with one-an-other.
Munchmasterman's Avatar


You decide. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
The trac numbers are totaly different plus they don't acknowledge the illegal entry as a crime. The description of what they track differs from the numbers ICE tracks. Trac claims less than 45000 total criminals. They only show crimes handled in imigration court

Trac only shows convictions these 2 years. illegals with criminal pasts might come from convictions numerous years ago.

"Overall, in FY 2011 ICE's Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations removed 396,906 individuals — the largest number in the agency's history. Of these, nearly 55 percent or 216,698 of the people removed were convicted of felonies or misdemeanors (tracs description is felonies and crimes) — an 89 percent increase in the removal of criminals since FY 2008. This includes (but is not limited to)1,119 aliens convicted of homicide; 5,848 aliens convicted of sexual offenses; 44,653 aliens convicted of drug related crimes; and 35,927 aliens convicted of driving under the influence. ICE achieved similar results with regard to other categories prioritized for removal. Ninety percent of all ICE's removals fell into a priority category and more than two-thirds of the other removals in 2011 were either recent border crossers or repeat immigration violators"
Fuk Munch. It was A or B.