Ladies, Please read this thread about posting ads

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 11-22-2009, 05:04 PM
hey ladies, I want all of you to take advantage of being able to post an
ad twice a week....we have the regular provider ads which is Monday-Sunday
but we also have weekend line ups for the weekend posting which runs ladies try posting your regular ads on Monday and
then again on Thursday in the weekend line up......not trying to tell you
how to do your business but it makes sense to utilize both ad sections.....
I sent out personal pm's to a few ladies to let you know about the options
you have.....and I got a cute response from one lady.....she said it is hard
enough to write 1 ad let alone 2......
Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks Fawn
Fawn, thank you for looking out for us ladies. It's so nice to have a mod that cares about our business
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 11-22-2009, 08:16 PM
Well Dharma, I do care.....and I'm glad you see my post as in trying to help....
I do have some more info for you ladies in this section: located in the coed section...
Infoshare (Verified Provider Access Only)-Dallas
and I like that only verified providers have access to it....
but check it out.....fawn
where do i find this?
Toolman54's Avatar
Ladies, listen to Fawn. She's a wise, smart and savvy lady.

And, as the one lady told Fawn that it's difficult to write 1 ad much less 2, I humbly offer my services. I work with words and I'd be happy to help any providers who get brain locked trying to come up with ideas or how to get their message across. Just PM me.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Grab an older ad and do a repeat now and again. I do it...LOL

Thanks Fawn.....muah!
"....we have the regular provider ads which is Monday-Sunday
but we also have weekend line ups for the weekend posting which runs ladies try posting your regular ads on Monday and
then again on Thursday in the weekend line up...."


I hope I understand the guidance offered. This is not to be a hijack, but I personally wish that if the provider ad is "a special for the weekend" they would include a tailored concise (stand-alone ad) on: donations, days, times, contact methods, and anything else to streamline the process.

I say this because I tend to consistently find confilcting data between; provider ads, showcases, web sites, and the p-411 which is not clairified in the "special".

If, I have offended anyone, my apologixes, that was never the intent.