Is there any posting etiquette here?

OK. I have no idea as to where this should have been posted, or maybe even if it should have been posted at all, but I'm wondering so I figure I'll ask.

I realize in this day of texting, facebook, twitter, and on and on, that a lot of messages are exchanged by means of a ton of abbreviations and minimal capitalization and punctuation. I'm not suggesting that eccie has gone to that level, but I came across a post this morning that raised the question in my mind. Where do we draw the line, or do we?

I admit I'm kind of old school, and haven't gotten into a lot of that. It must be the teacher in me coming out. Anyway, I pulled a quote from that post and copied it below. I replaced the name that was used with *** to keep it discrete and remove anything personal. The entire post is in lower case and there is no punctuation or any clear distinction between sentences. To me, it's hard to read.

I have not mentioned the poster because it's not important and I'm really not meaning to be critical. I understand there is a time for brevity, but IMO this is a bit much. Just my two cents worth.

Here's the post:
i have seen this lady ******* i have been doing this for a long time and she told me about the horrible ad on eccie after i had been to see her 3 times so i got this account to tell all guys trying to find a nice young lady she is one to come to she is not with a pimp and even if she was he is never around to be seen she is actually one of the nicest and cleanest younger girls i have seen she is nineteen and for nineteen shes knows a lot about how to talk to people and she has a good attitude i always give her an extra donation of 50 more than regular and i really don't know why donations are low but she is just what a lot of you guys are looking for a kind of girl like that is hard to find and in person shes more beautiful then her photographs
Lana Warren's Avatar
This just happens to be my #1 pet peave! Granted, there are some posters that didn't get past the 3rd grade, but I would almost bet that the majority are just plain lazy!
LazurusLong's Avatar
Maybe the poster was attempting to set a record for the longest run on sentence?
The days of spelling, punctuation, and grammar are over. Anyone who has used Microsoft Word for the last decade has most likely started to lose their spelling abilities. You don't use it, you lose it.

Prepare for things to get worse with the advent of internet shorthand and smilies.
I'm a grammar and spelling Nazi. DRIVES ME CRAZY when people do not know the difference between "you're" or "your" or "they're" "their" and "there"

that was one hell of a run on sentence!
and in the poster's case, he does not know the difference between then/than
oldmarine's Avatar
You said it well Lana. I really hate messages with no punctuation or capitalization. You spend a lot of time just figuring out where the sentence breaks are and trying to make sense of the long stream of words. And Jamie, don't get me started on the bad grammar.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I concur!
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Ah, it was a dark and stormy night...
pmdelites's Avatar
for most of my informal internet exchanges, i generally use lower case letters. i do punctuate appropriately and use bolding or italics for emphasis. plus, i double check my spelling, grammar, and content [often editing the post after i make it; sometimes errors stand out when viewing in display rather than edit mode].

If I need to write a more formal exchange or document, I do capitalize appropriately.

so, while the quoted posted does have a knack for lower cased and run-on sentences [reminds me of some foreign languages where there aren't ANY punctuation marks], please don't paint all us lower casers with the same color. thanks!
Jamie - I really am an old (former) teacher and I couldn't agree with you more. I spend way too much time looking at ads on BP and seriously considered placing my own ad to offer my help (free of charge) to those who may be somewhat challenged in that area. Of course, I realize that a lot of those ads try to incorporate cutesy little phrases and creative spelling, but I don't mind that so much. However, as you mentioned, words like 'your' versus 'you're', 'their' versus 'there' and so on just drive me nuts.

PMDELITES - I hope I didn't give the impression that I put all people in a category just becasuse of a particular trait. I fully understand that sometimes there are reasons for lower case, etc., but you made it clear, by example, that you do know the difference and even if using lowercase, you're using punctuation, correct spelling, word usage, and grammar.
Unfortunately, punctuation, grammar and proper English have faded into the background as email, texting, sexting and a host of other abbreviated communication methods sweep the younger generation. I can forgive children and teens, it's their parents' fault for not insisting they learn to speak and write appropriately. But old(er) folks that know better but have adopted these insane practices are the worst. Once again, ThIS IS mY PeT PeeVE On HeAR WheN PeEpul PosT A MessAuGE LiEk ThIS AnD ThinK ITS KooL!
OldGrump's Avatar
I think texting has destroyed many attempts to punctuate or capitalize. However, if that post was keyed from a PDA, someone is in need of a finger massage.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I am a terrible speller. But with spell check available there is no real excuse for the sad state of today's written communication. I was truly amazed when I joined the company I am with now, my first business letter drew compliments from several managers at HQ. A simple business letter written in the old school style has become an aw inspiring feat today. . . how very sad.

ferdburf's Avatar
For you folks with kiddos still in school, check out the "instructions" that come home with kiddos at the beginning of the school year, or look at the school "handbook." I've never seen so many misspelled words and incorrect grammar in my life!

It's getting to the point I just come here to look at peekchurs!
Roger that, ferdbuf!!! I don't have kids in school, but I do have grandkids and I'm not that far removed from having been an educator myself. I still get an email or other written communication from a school district from time to time, and I cringe every time because these people are supposed to be teaching our kids . . . OK. I'll shut up for now. Complaining doesn't seem to help anyway.