A FAKE Review. Total LIE

I was told to post here. dallasdan NEVER saw me. I fwd the emails from him to the mods stating he CANCELLED on me. He felt like perv for the type of session he was booking, so he CANCELLED. It was a detailed fantasy session in which I was all for. I went and bought a cowboy jersey for this session. Everyone that knows me... Knows I dislike the cowboys. I get a call from a ATF client telling me there is a bad review up??? So I check. IT IS A LIE. It just really hurts my feelings. I am not a spinner. Never claimed to be. I Always do my best to provide a awesome service and a experience to remember. I really do enjoy my toy sessions. If I did not... Why would I spend so much $$$ on them? Again, a HUGE thanks to those that know me & keep my bills paid
GneissGuy's Avatar
Nobody should post false or distorted reviews.

However, don't worry about it too much. The truth will win out in the end. People on this board have to develop good bullshit detectors.

Just post the truth about what happened and don't let it make you post anything that will reflect badly on you later.
Okay we now have a dispute and per policy both sides have had their say. This is not open to discussion n