When you send a provider a email through P411 and

cubsoxbull's Avatar
Would like to get some opinions here. Thanks..

When you send a provider an email through P411 and don't receive a reply, should you assume:

1) She doesn't want to see you ?
2) She doesn't check her email ?
3) Business is booming and she's to busy ?

oldmarine's Avatar
It has happened to me a couple of times but I have been able to get in touch through a BP ad or a post here. I vote for #2.
I think it's really a combination of all three, honestly. I think #1 applies more to me than the other two though. I have an extensive list (20+ bullet points, haha) of do's and dont's on my P411 profile, so a few will get put off and that's ok, because it'll save us the time and hassle of a crappy session.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I JUST had an issue this morning about this and NO, wasn't ANY of those reasons.

Often your spam filters are blocking us, darlin gentlemen, or rerouting the responses we send to your personal email addresses to your "trash" folders. And if you happen to be a fellow who just dumps his "junk mail" without reviewing it, well.....you never know we replied and think us rude.

Best thing to do when contacting a lady through P411 is to include a phone number in your note. Either that, or add her email address to your contacts if you want to make sure you get her messages.

I wrote P411 and the gracious Nicole there contacted the gentleman in question for me, who called immediately. P411 IS working on installing a personal messaging system like the one we have here. That will be very helpful and eliminate a lot of communication problems.

maybe you have been blacklisted in the powder room.

I find that those who don't respond to p411 email within a day or two are generally more on the flaky side and tend to cancel last minute or not show up at all.

I say move on and don't worry about it, there are plenty who will respond.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
If you contact me, doesn't matter how busy I am, IF I received it, you WILL get a polite response asap, even if only to tell you sorry, I have no time open. That's just TCB. Keep that in mind when leaving phone messages, too, please, and always verbally state your phone number. Sometimes things get garbled in transmission, you called on the freeway and the background noise is too much, some glitch prevented your return number from being recorded or it's blocked or your box is full and not accepting messages, you called the lady by the wrong name and she thought it was a wrong number, whatever. Try again, please.

I JUST had an issue this morning about this and NO, wasn't ANY of those reasons.

Often your spam filters are blocking us, darlin gentlemen, or rerouting the responses we send to your personal email addresses to your "trash" folders. And if you happen to be a fellow who just dumps his "junk mail" without reviewing it, well.....you never know we replied and think us rude.

Best thing to do when contacting a lady through P411 is to include a phone number in your note. Either that, or add her email address to your contacts if you want to make sure you get her messages.

I wrote P411 and the gracious Nicole there contacted the gentleman in question for me, who called immediately. P411 IS working on installing a personal messaging system like the one we have here. That will be very helpful and eliminate a lot of communication problems.

Originally Posted by Fancyinheels

Thank You, Fancy!!

I've had 2 gents in the last couple of weeks who sent emails from their P411 accts but my responses to them bounced back as 'DAEMON MAIL FAILURE'.

There was nothing I could do, my options were nill. There weren't any phone numbers to dial either. I had to chat online with Lori from P411 to explain what happened. She flagged the accounts and locked them until the gents inquire to find out why.

Another note, please make sure the email address listed on your P411 account matches the one you respond from. I don't know why these would be different. But if you're going to contact ladies via the system, at least check ALL of your email accounts before blaming anyone.

Due to this, the gents I missed probably think I've ignored them. Their fault, NOT mine.
The internal messaging system they're implementing will really help communication.

I still sometimes hit "reply" to a P411 request. That doesn't work! It bounces back. We need to cut and paste the gentleman's email address from the body of the email request into the "to:" field.

Some ladies may just look at that address and type it into the field which can result in typos~ mistaking '1" digits for lowercase letter "l"s or something.
If a provider checks my profile and I don't get a response, I will send a follow up email.

The ones I mark off the list are the ones who don't bother to even look at my profile.
cubsoxbull's Avatar
Thanks to all that replied. From a provider standpoint I think the providers who take the courtesy to send a reply one way or another goes a long way.

Also monkmonk thanks for letting me know you can see who accessed your profile, I wasn't aware of that function in P411 but now I am.

Also I am very aware to check my spam filter just to make sure if someone replied that it didn't go in the spam area.
I usually only check my e-mails twice a day!! If you want to come in that day, send the P411 request, and give me a quick call or text and let me know you sent it... I will check it right away...
Also monkmonk thanks for letting me know you can see who accessed your profile, I wasn't aware of that function in P411 but now I am.

. Originally Posted by cubsoxbull
I believe that's only true if she checks through the computer. If she calls (on the phone) P411 to check, then there's no trace of her viewing.
ForeverYoung's Avatar
I do the same as monkmonk. If I don't receive an email reply and the lady didn't bother to check my profile I figure she's not interested. I move on and don't try again. If no email reply, but she checked my profile I'll try again.
I believe that's only true if she checks through the computer. If she calls (on the phone) P411 to check, then there's no trace of her viewing. Originally Posted by HoneyRose
I wasn't aware of this ... didn't even think about providers checking any way other than the computer ... may answer a lot of questions ... I have had a lot of providers reply to my inquiries and scheduled visits without anything ever showing up on my tracking page.
pmdelites's Avatar
If you contact me, doesn't matter how busy I am, IF I received it, you WILL get a polite response asap, even if only to tell you sorry, I have no time open. That's just TCB. Keep that in mind when leaving phone messages, too, please, and always verbally state your phone number. Sometimes things get garbled in transmission, you called on the freeway and the background noise is too much, some glitch prevented your return number from being recorded or it's blocked or your box is full and not accepting messages, you called the lady by the wrong name and she thought it was a wrong number, whatever. Try again, please. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
excellent advice wrt phone numbers. i always say each number separately and slowly [for example "two one four <pause> five five five <pause> one two one two"] during the message and sometimes at the end. so many people just say it too fast and, as you mentioned, it gets muffled or drowned out by background noise.