Grandfather Rates???

Lana Warren's Avatar
If you, the hobbyist or provider, haven't seen that particular person in over a year, do you feel that the grandfather rate applies?
cubsoxbull's Avatar
Lana, I would say no, but just my opinion.
smokeater's Avatar
Over a year? That's a bit too long. I could see even 3
- 4 months being ok but not a year, my rate is my rate...I only grandfather my loyal regulars.
Do you have something posted about grandfathering rates? If you do, then you should honor your ad. If you don't, then it's entirely up to you.

If you're asking if you should feel obligated in some way to grandfather someone who hasn't seen you in more than a year, then I'd say a definite "no." Of course, I'd give the same answer to someone you saw just last week. I don't think anyone is ever entitled to a grandfathered rate unless you've told them they were. Now, whether it's good business is another question.
It is up to you. It's your business. Do you want his money or not? simple as that.
OldGrump's Avatar
You mean that isn't a special rate for us grandfathers? Rats!

Now for the rate that applies to long time clients, I would think a year is a stretch.

Just set a time / frequency & stick with it.
Int3rested's Avatar
It's up to u & what u think is best...sounds like a great grandfather rate
Oh drat! I thought it was a special rate for us grandfathers. Damn the luck!
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
If you're talking about one guy, what the heck, see him at the old rate (assuming it's fair rate). It'll be another year before you see him again. If he becomes a regular, seems like you may be ahead.
I guess it would depend on how much you like him, how busy your schedule is and whether or not you need the additional amount your new rate brings?
  • npita
  • 05-03-2010, 02:28 PM
If you, the hobbyist or provider, haven't seen that particular person in over a year, do you feel that the grandfather rate applies? Originally Posted by Lana Warren
That would seem to be one of those, ``it's your business, you decide your rates,'' things. The only reason I can see for grandfathering any client is because in some way, doing so is a benefit to you. If a client is a regular, then you might want to keep him as a regular Grandfathering him at some rate might ensure he keeps returning. If a client isn't a regular and he hasn't seen you in a year, will losing him as a client make much difference?
I agree with most the posts above.Decide if it is worth it to you.just remember if you give him the grandfather rate this time he will want that same low rate from now on.
ANONONE's Avatar
It seems it would depend upon previous regularity, any existing agreement, and communication.

A year seems a bit long for a guy to make an assumption though.

If this was a regular and you want to keep him, my advice would be to handle it in a some form of up front communication that is honest, but polite:

"Look the last time we met, you paid an expired rate, and i let it slide. Please understand that if we continue to see one another, my rates are actually as follows:

[whatever they happen to be]

I love seeing you, and please don't forget if you ever have any questions about my rates and services, feel free to drop me a line."
tsrv4me's Avatar
It is your business .....and your rates are yours ..if he isnt happy with that he should see another provider ..I mentioned to one provider that her new ads showed her rates were a lot higher ....she told me 'dont worry lover ..your rate is the same as old one .I am grandfathering you' ....I appreciated that response and will see her a bit more often now ...if she had said "sorry hun but I have to raise the rates to make ends meet' I would have understood also ...but then I wouldnt be able to see her as often I guess it is six of one half dozen of another the way tho she is a real SWEETIE ...T