Wisconsin State Fair ups the ante

Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
It began life in Georgia as the Luther Burger....

Now it's the hit of the Wisconsin State Fair!

The Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger!!

Don't forget the side of chocolate-covered bacon!
Captain Caveman's Avatar
I can eat with the best of them... but I don't know even my poor arteries can handle that!
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Don't forget the side of chocolate-covered bacon! Originally Posted by Dannie
I think a side of white cream gravy for dipping the sammich in would also be in order.

Plus a giant Pepsi

Make mine a diet Pepsi...I wouldn't want to ruin my girlish figure
Guest012211-3's Avatar
"Friendly burgers"? ha! Well, not health-friendly.
Prowordsmith's Avatar
And just to top things off, add a side of IHOP pancakes with the cheesecake inside!
Ahhh the Fair, I can wait tell the State Fair comes to Dallas. I wonder what they will have new on the menu this time. Dose anybody remember what the big new food item was last year?
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Does seeing Oprah scarfing down fried butter wearing a cowboy hat and boots with her "friend" Gail King in tow ring a bell?

Thank you, deep fried butter. It was driving me crazy. Yea
Holy Cow CA! All I did was look at those pictures and I swear, I felt my butt get bigger

These state fair foods are incredible. They just think of the most fattening thing ever and fry it and now this. Idea! I'll invent the "fried" krispie Kreme burger and make millions!

Seriously, watch. Next year they'll be interviewing some schmuck on the news and he will have invented it.