Some one got pissed off

Skip_8's Avatar
Wasn't She on here?

I'm not advocating nor excusing bad behavior.

If memory serves me correctly, wasn't she into some kinky painful shit?

If a lady has an ad for Massage and you respond to the Massage ad, please just expect a Massage! Today was shitty. Not only did I make it clear I only do massage, I even have signs on my wall stating that.

That means, show up and lay on my table and receive the service you responded to.

Just had someone kiss me, stick their tongue in my mouth (germaphob here!) and push for way more, grabbing me, trying to stick their fingers in me. TRY TO HAVE FS WITH ME!!!! GROSS! Horrible. I'm too old for this crap. My patience is getting very pushed and I will snap if assaulted again. Back off! If you respond to a massage ad, expect a massage. If you want more, do NOT be a cheap ass douche bag expecting to pay massage prices and cough up the funds to see a pro.

Please, please, please hire a professional for those types of things and hire massage-girls for massage.

Just a quick question, who fuck wants to kiss her. Maybe my eyesight has gone bad,
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Let me get this straight. There are people paying her $150/hr for a massage with no extras?

ffireman's Avatar
There blind and dumb spice
Skip_8's Avatar
Apparently, she's still on here as deerwhisperer and she sent me a PM earlier this morning telling me to remove my post or at least my pictures. She doesn't want to be on this site at all. I just read it now, btw.

I guess, since I didn't jump, she sent me a follow up nasty gram rant. I also just read it now.

@deerwhisperer, If you are not doing extras anymore, then that's fine.
You have nothing to worry about.

All I did was to simply cut and paste your rant and add from your BP posts.
They are linked, so If you read the rant, you can click on your other ads at the bottom.

You don't want your pics up, don't post them for the whole world to see.

Again, if you don't do extras, that's fine. You being here 'UTR' here to check up on what is said about you, will only ad to speculation that you do extras. The only reason that I can think of you being here is that you do happen to do extras but don't want the word to get out. Kind of like the no review AMP in north austin, FS and all but they want it under wraps.

The rant claimed attempted FS while in PM she's saying he did FS? At this point, I smell something fishy cuz knowing rape survivors, their stories never ever waiver. Ever.