Fake Review in Denver?

ShawnaPatterson31's Avatar
Hello all, I have a little mystery for you to assist me in solving!

I have recently visited Denver, had a lovely time with 4 gentleman in the few days I was there.

I wouldn't normally give out my "number" as far as clients seen but in this case it's very relevant to this discussion.

All 4 of these clients were booked via p411, I saw no one from an eccie request. I'm sure most players have accounts on both sites but these 4 were requests all from p411. I only book and advertise via eccie & p411.

Ok, here's the important part of the story for me. I have received a negative review from an individual claiming to have seen me in Denver. He gave this review using a new handle name that he created about a week after my visit to Denver.

I check all my reviews to be sure I have in fact seen the individual. It's usually a very simple process. I either remember them by handle name or if there handle on eccie is different from p411 where they may have booked, I simply go back and double check our exchanges until I find what I need to verify. On occasion I contact the gentleman. Usually it is a very quick process.

Of course in this situation, I have no eccie record of this individual because he didn't have this account before a week ago. Therefore, if we saw each other he'd would have had a different handle name on eccie and if we indeed saw each other in Denver than he'd be one of the 4 men all of p411 that I saw.

I have contacted the 4 men, they claim it wasn't them and I even got a "hell no it wasn't me, when are you coming back?"

I know being asked if you left a negative review of a provider is awkward! I can imagine it be uncomfortable. But, I do not think these men are lying to me. I have sent a PM to the individual that made the review via his eccie handle name that was used to post the review.

He has not returned my request to simply give me his handle name and info to assist me in verifying that we saw each other. I know he has received the message.

I know that people sometimes don't click, ya can't please everyone! Hey.... if we saw each other than pm me your p411 handle name, maybe your phone number, why not? What do you have to hide?

Fact is, you are most likely the individual that keeps trying to book with me via p411. The man that has changed his handle name 3 times since December contacting me trying to book. Every time, I figure out it is the same crazy ass and call you out. Then you erase all your messages, and change your handle name asap. The 3rd time I had to contact for the 1st time in over 3 yrs the administration and ask them to send you a cease contact request. This happened just a few weeks ago... awful coincidental that suddenly now this pops up!

I'm calling you out....... who the hell are you? This board is NOT a forum for disgruntled contemptuous children to act out vendetta's toward providers. It's not my fault that every time you contact me, your brand of CRAZY comes pouring out like projectile baby vomit!

BE A MAN! Come forward, not by repeating stolen pieces of other reviews that anyone could repeat. I have had friends contact you and that's the card you try to play....

A negative review from a newbie that can't even prove who he is, isn't much kiddo. I'm sure your use to hearing those words from a woman "isn't much". You probably hear those words a lot, probably dating back to your mother! You, you little shit, aren't much at all!

Next time you want to go around making up little stories maybe try not to claim you saw a lady in a location she has only visited once, which made it very easy for me to narrow down that I didn't see you. If you claimed it were a location that I frequent a lot more than it been a lot more difficult for me to narrow down the truth.

COME FORWARD with the info that I'd have if we saw each other!!!!! If you don't then your lack of action I think speaks volumes.

PM me, back up who you are.... I'll post it promptly that I saw you, you came forward, and your entitled to your opinion. Hell, I'll even apologize for my ugly words on this thread!

COME FORWARD, or go FUCK OFF (words I'm also sure you're familiar hearing from women)!

Is this going to make or break me? Hell no, but it is disturbing that someone can go make up reviews when ever his little boy butt get's hurt. Any one have any idea's on how I can prove his claims aren't valid?
Girl you got pages & PAGES of great reviews!!! Sounds like a hater to me. Anyone who is considering a visit w/ u should be smart enough to see this is most likely B.S.

When ur that good...it's ALL FREE ADVERTISING!

W/ your track record I am sure that review will be buried in 79 more fantastic reviews in no time!
ShawnaPatterson31's Avatar
Thanks girl..... When you know it's fake and someone has been messing with you.. you just want to throat punch him! Ya know!
this is bullshit. I am so sorry you're dealing with this.
You had me with you right up until, "I'm sure your use to hearing those words from a woman "isn't much". You probably hear those words a lot, probably dating back to your mother! You, you little shit, aren't much at all!"
From there to the end of your screed, you hurt your case. Though I can sense your frustration.
BBQ-Guy's Avatar
You go girl!
There's some more of that passion i just love about you...dangit now my dick's getting hard lol.
If you find your weasel we can play some baseball with him
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Shawna, the investigation is completed and I've ruled it a fake review by a multiple-handled, now ex-member. Its been removed from Eccie and removed from your profile. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
It's so refreshing to see a board that actually cares about the well reviewed ladies & treats them w/ respect & understanding!
ShawnaPatterson31's Avatar
Thank you so much, I just realized yesterday that the review was taken down and dealt with. I agree with A Cakes - It is very refreshing to at least be taken seriously by the admit. Not every site makes a provider feel like that. I truly believe that members that make multiple handles are up to no good from the start. What's the point of having multiple handles unless you are planning to be shady! Making a false review was evidence of that, IMO.

A lot of us on both sides depend on the information of this board to be as close to the truth as possible, with only the variances of ones' personal opinion or perspective. Those with intent to utilize it for other means are dangerous in more ways than one. I'm so please that the admit on this site were smarter than this individual.
I'm also happy to know that it is a policy of this board to not allow multiple handle names, someone had the fore thought to implement that policy probably at least partly to avoid sketchy behavior like this. Thank you admit, mods, owner of the board - great and powerful OZ behind the curtain!
Whom ever you all are........
Thank you so much.