Why I left TOB!

In response to DaisyDuke...

I agree with you on her lack of intelligence 100% if she were truly smart we would be in a lot more trouble and there would be a lot more confusion. And I understand that she gives her free advertising but at what cost? For one she lost me I have over 5000 followers on my Twitter and about fifteen thousand hits to my website a month which I did show Gina/Whisperer my Google Analytics.. and happy to show anybody else who wants to see!

For many years I had p411 and tob on my website... even after I was banned FROM THE FORUM SECTION without any explanation for about three years! I never questioned why the entire time I just kept quiet at least I can advertise that's all that really mattered or so I thought at the time LOL . I remained loyal and supported them even while I was banned with no explanation on their forum for a whole 3 years. To this date no explanation was given to me although according to them they have one I guess they're just not willing to share it. Hahaha

It's no coincidence I got bannedd around the same exact time I stopped hanging out with crazy because I realized she was crazy! It's also no coincidence that at that time I started receiving death threats and all kinds of crazy text messages and emails for the first time in five years of doing this.

At the time I did not have proof and I did not speak a single word against her I waited till I had solid proof to do that! It's also no coincidence that I used to see one of the Tob mods over at crazies place all the time in fact he used to think he was her boyfriend and she used to ask me to play along. Lol

Although she may not be smart the fact is she is ruining their site with so many people complaining and them just protecting her while they continue to lose more and more support just doesn't make any sense unless they're all just a bunch of crazies supporting each other lDK! Lol

I will never return to tob unless they apologize to all the ladies and grow some balls and do what they're supposed to do to take care of the community they claim to care about... but that will probably be when hell freezes over LOL some people are just stuck in their hateful ways even if it's of no benefit to them. They can't just keep shunning people( especially reputable established providers) because they don't like their opinion or because it goes against their crazy TOB/P411 mascot people are going to start getting sick of it ...and thank God we have another option :-)
Let's make it SUPER CLEAR. I was NEVER BANNED from being a PAID advertiser on TOB(escortoards .net). I was banned by Nikki Holiday via her puppy Boink, for 3 years from the TOB FORUM with NO EXPLANATION. But lets be sure to make this SUPER CLEAR I NEVER ONCE (until the recent merge) even asked WHY or asked for the ban to be removed...that's how much I cared & how much of a "Drama Queen" I am! If I did & I'm lying then you should have some kind of proof...like ONE EMAIL? I presented a link in in the alert section with emails exchanges I've had w/ TOB & P411 !

So now that it's clear I presented PROOF & you have not....let us step back in time & see what REALLY HAPPENED.

In 8 years I have posted on the following sites; TOB, BP, TER, P411 & ECCIE. In those 8 I have only ever ONCE been banned from a site & that was the TOB forum! NEVER ONCE HAD ANY ISSUE W/ANY board or board administrator! So if I'm such a "Drama" Queen" I should have issues with all the sites...but NOPE I DON"T, NEVER ONCE HAVE! Also by now you should KNOW I'm NOT THE ONE TO KISS ASS OR SUGAR COAT A SERIOUS SITUATION! I also don't care if ECCIE decided"they don't want me here either"! HAAHAHA That should be CLEAR to you too, seeing that I deleted my own TOB profile & reviews! I don't need ANYBODY but my God, he knows whats in my heart & the TRUTH & that's ALL I NEED! Even if every board banned me & everyone in the hooker world hated me, for the sake of honesty & fairness, I'm cool with that.

Also I would like to mention I have NEVER had an issue with ANY provider (other than Crazy). If I have PLEASE don't speak w/out proof...if you have it SHOW IT! You can go ask the ladies about me, anyone can do that, & see for your self what they have to say about me!

So back to the story...

In 2012 I met crazy & I had been a FBSM provider for 4 years. At that point I had never been "banned" on any site before! It took me one year to realize how crazy she was & realize she was harassing providers & taking notes on everyone. Upon this realization I told crazy I did not want to remain friends & wished her the best of luck. It was not long after that I began to receive death threats via text apps & emails. Shortly after I was banned from the TOB FORUM. She also attempted to get me banned from Escortboards (EB TOB's advertising site at the time). Luckily the guy who ran the site for TOB "Will" was sane & fair, he was already hip to Crazies tricks. Upon realizing she was falsely reporting me for "Bulling" her & other "providers" she was subsequently banned from advertising on EB for the next 3 years.

But the harassment continued, In fact I actually posted the death threats on EB in hopes someone might be able to prove who it was., or at least scare her away. Instead the attacks slowed down a bit only to pic back up w/ a rage! On a daily basis I received death threats, my BP ads were being flagged & "Community Removed", my twitter was reported for spam & suspended for 2 months, racist hateful emails sent out to other providers & designed to look like they came from my email and on & on.

Imagine going to a business for years, never having an issue. Basically you are a good regular who frequents this said business & always spend $$. One day while your there another customer is stalking & harassing you. What would ANY LOGICAL HUMAN BEING DO? I suspect most would tell the business staff right? Now imagine you go to the manager for the FIRST TIME EVER & tell her whats going on...now imagine her response is this..."you better stay out of my line of fire" !!!! That's EXACTLY what happened to me while on P411. My ads got flagged twice for saying "sensual body rub" or something stupid like that. Mind you I NEVER had ANY ISSUE w/ P411 or P411 staff before. I was told I was banned for life from "advertising" on P411, but could remain a member. That's when I got frustrated & attempted to tell P411 staff the situation. (you can see the email exchanges posted on the link in the alert section.) But instead of being treated like the GOOD PAYING costumer I was for many years I was yelled at & called "Hooker Drama" literally told "stay out of my line of fire". Excuse my language but what kind of fucking business is that??!! I can tell you for fact I LOVE ME & I'm not going to let ANYONE talk to me or treat me like that I don't give a fuk WHO YOU ARE! Nor will I give my $ or support to people like that! So I told her what I thought about her "line of fire", wished her happy holidays & asked that my P411 be permanently disabled.

YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOUR SELF! Treating ppl that FEED YOU & never caused a problem before, like that! I am a STRONG STRONG believer of women supporting each other & caring for each other. When I see another woman doing better than me I look up to her & try to learn from her, that's partially how I've made it so far!

REALLY SAD, you should be a ROLE MODEL a business woman to be looked up too & learn from. Instead you act like a narcissistic wana be pimp. *SMH When your a true business person, you should also behave like it. I mean you don't HAVE TO, but you do have to expect that people will give their opinion & reviews on your service based on how you treat them! You can do what you like to/with your own business's, but you can't be the boss of the world! I'm FREE of your shenanigans!

WHEN TONS OF ESTABLISHED PROVIDERS TELL YOU THE SAME EXACT THING ABOUT THE SAME EXACT PERSON....YOU SHOULD AT LEAST KNOW HOW TO AD 1+1....LOL Instead you call everything & everyone "Hooker Drama" and for one who claims not to want to be a part of it...you sure are here running your mouth with NO PROOF...I'm going to get you kicked off of eccie too....don't want to be associated with you blah blah blah KEEP YOUR HOOKER BOARD DRAMA TO YOUR SELF WHISPERER/GINA

This is not an attempt to get banned from ECCIE & w/ all due respect to ECCIE/Mods I'd rather be me & tell the TRUTH & get banned then stay on all these boards like a two-faced-ass-liking COWARD! So if I get banned for this I'M 100% COOL WITH IT!


Please Ameraa, this is way too much useless info for a guy who basically here to buy good and reliable pussy. After trying to comprehend your rant I only come to one conclusion, I'm putting you on my ignore list. Put your mouth to better use, chill out and suck some cock.
Please Ameraa, this is way too much useless info for a guy who basically here to buy good and reliable pussy. After trying to comprehend your rant I only come to one conclusion, I'm putting you on my ignore list. Put your mouth to better use, chill out and suck some cock. Originally Posted by SnorreS
Thanks! Glad to see you can add 1+1!
  • Riggo
  • 04-27-2016, 10:33 PM
Please Ameraa, this is way too much useless info for a guy who basically here to buy good and reliable pussy. After trying to comprehend your rant I only come to one conclusion, I'm putting you on my ignore list. Put your mouth to better use, chill out and suck some cock. Originally Posted by SnorreS
The harassment wasn't limited to the ladies! I know for a fact, so put your mouth to good use and shut it!
The harassment wasn't limited to the ladies! I know for a fact, so put your mouth to good use and shut it! Originally Posted by Riggo
That kind of honesty makes me want to put my mouth to good use on you!
Since we are on a TOB thread..what happened to Mace?
Sooo much bs goes on in Denver. I would get these emails from a provider, now out of "retirement" asking to do my ads in exchange for a free session with her boyfriend...uh..no...it's very cliquey, and dirty. I've had my ads flagged on P411 and EB for little to no reason, and I'm sure that will now escalate to new highs. I know of at least three providers that have been outed recently...if I'm the next, you'll know why. At least here I can speak my mind.
Sooo much bs goes on in Denver. I would get these emails from a provider, now out of "retirement" asking to do my ads in exchange for a free session with her boyfriend...uh..no...it's very cliquey, and dirty. I've had my ads flagged on P411 and EB for little to no reason, and I'm sure that will now escalate to new highs. I know of at least three providers that have been outed recently...if I'm the next, you'll know why. At least here I can speak my mind. Originally Posted by sexyblue21
I found it is VERY ""Clicky". BUT that does not mean these "clicky" people are bad people...at least that's what I discovered. And Colorado is also the ONLY place my ads get flagged too!! But trust & believe 90% of the harassment & chaos is caused by ONE PERSON....doing it to SOO MANY people in SOOO many different ways that it has caused SO MUCH confusion & discord! It's NOT Colorado in general, I've found that out of all the ladies I met ( & I have met a lot of providers) are sweet ladies who have there own life!! No none of us are perfect...but the things being described by many are similar & created to have people pointing fingers at each other.

Anyways I am soooo happy to see you here expressing your honest opinion & feelings! Welcome! Yes it feels great to have a board who treats us like we do matter, BECAUSE WE DO!
I was banned for a fake reason then my name smeared on their page hahaha TOB is probably one of the most pathetic sites there is the Admins think they're amazeballs because they oversee a hooker board and can use buttons to keep people quie . That site has been so dead lately. I peek over there and Nada.
Raoul's Avatar
  • Raoul
  • 05-04-2016, 08:59 AM
That site has been so dead lately. I peek over there and Nada. Originally Posted by Simply Spice
See how you are. Walk in, light up the room, then poof, you're gone. But not forgotten.

And yes, the convo is much less lively than it used to be maybe "they" like it that way

As for the powers that be over there...of anywhere for that matter...remember what usually happens to dictators.

Hey stranger!!! Lol
adalinaalba69's Avatar
I was banded from TOB for simply enlightening the ladies on the error of the website when the change over happen. Itdeifnietly has hit my business for doing it but the site isn't producing the same numbers because it's not on all search engines. I know that ALOT of people use TOB and it's very well known here but what about the people from other states. Anywho. I currently only use 411, adult search, eros and here for advertising. If there's another one I'm missing that actually produces numbers let me know!
I think it's just heavy handed and boring. I am considering starting a diff Colorado foru, as Eccie can't seem to take a hold in Colorado. We'll see...
I do think P411's avail now function is pretty decent, and gets enough traffic. I deal mostly with regulars.