Just wanted to let you ladies know that some of you have come across my facebook feed as people I may know; and some of you have ALL YOUR PERSONAL INFO ON THERE. Be careful. I'd hate from some weirdo to get ahold of your personal info.
I've already had to go jack up one fool for harassing a young lady.
Be Careful Out there.

Mehhh! more power to em...This topic has been brought up over and over......
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Did you say jacked off a fool

FunInDFW's Avatar
Sounds like you're just as bad as them, tough guy.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Op just discovered phone number search, how cool.....
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Give the guy a break.

I've never had Facebook until ... about 4 months ago I created a Facebook page with a fake name. But I used my computer.

Having never experienced Facebook, but I've learned a lot about it from this site, I was curious what might happen.

Like what the OP wrote, I have seen suggested "friends" pop up from personal family members to people that I've known from the demimonde.

I haven't friended anyone. And I don't have a location, pictures or anything but it's really weird even though I understand how it's accomplished (well sortof).

So if you're not familiar with Facebook, like I really haven't been, then seeing what you "see" without even having a profile is a bit on the erry (how do you spell Errary? Errey? erye? eery. dammit I'm getting tired) side of things.

MUCH too close for comfort for me. I'll never create a real Facebook page. Ever.

Happy weekend! (BTW: I'm available for appointments this weekend!!!)
Sounds like you're just as bad as them, tough guy. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
U want to meet up and find out?
Op just discovered phone number search, how cool..... Originally Posted by mrredcat43
You apparently can't read.
I never owned and never will own a Facebook but thank you OP for looking out for the ladies best interest. Many are aware of fb invading the privacy of others many different ways. Many are not. I am sure you just helped someone.
Grace Preston's Avatar
While I do appreciate you taking the time to warn the ladies en masse-- perhaps you should also be warning the individual ladies whose information you've found. Not everyone reads coed.
Generic White Guy's Avatar
So the OP "alerts" everyone of a flaw with Facebook & The Hobby - ladies, good guys and bad guys... Claims to have "jacked" up a guy and threatened another guy in the thread...

corona's Avatar
I think it's funny when the provider's number comes back as a male on Facebook.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I think it's funny when the provider's number comes back as a male on Facebook. Originally Posted by corona
Pretty common actually-- people tend not to change their numbers on Facebook after the initial sign up... and with so many of us using burner phones, those numbers get recycled quickly.
FunInDFW's Avatar
U want to meet up and find out? Originally Posted by marvelousntx
Sure, bruh. Thanks for proving my point. The misc called...
Y0yoY0's Avatar
Sounds like you're just as bad as them, tough guy. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
U want to meet up and find out? Originally Posted by marvelousntx
u wot.jpg


Did you say jacked off a fool

. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat

Relax, OP... I'm sure the group appreciates your sentiments, but maybe best to stick to providing L1 rather than getting all crazy about it...

Anyway, check out this very contemplative pic of Tom Hanks as a bunny:

Funny Tom Hanks_.jpg