How many sex partners have you had?

elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
What's your number? According to a survey of adults aged 20 to 59, women have an average of four sex partners during their lifetime; men have an average of seven.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics

I'm pretty sure we are extending the curve on this statistic. I stopped counting after 100.
me too huney!!
That seems really low. REALLY low, for both men and women. I was well over the average by the time I was 20, and that was several years before I developed my, erm, friendly alter-ego.
Indiana Bone's Avatar
Around 150 give or take a couple
guest83109's Avatar
Was the survey of adults in Saudi Arabia?

If this is correct, man, I must be a freak! I really don't want to start counting.
My number is separated into two categories, amateur and professional. I file the professional under therapy and don't count them.
Therefore my number will remain frozen at 27.
What's your number? According to a survey of adults aged 20 to 59, women have an average of four sex partners during their lifetime; men have an average of seven.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics

I'm pretty sure we are extending the curve on this statistic. I stopped counting after 100. Originally Posted by elpocitopolloloco
Is this per week?????
Chevalier's Avatar
Excluding P4P, I would be helping to offset some of y'all and keep the average lower than it would otherwise be.
TrulySummer's Avatar
Define partners. Does this mean just the people you slept with or do you count ones your SO slept with too? What if you slept with them together? Also, does only having oral with them count?
If I was to give an acurate count the rest of you would think I'm some sex addict, hmmm maybe so. I'm not in the Wilt Chamberlain league but it's in the mid to high hundreds.
The answer is always 12.
Only one.
I'm guesstimating around 200, but I'm a slacker and not real good at rythmatic
Real life - 3.
Hobby life – over 500 and quit counting many years ago, so I have no idea what the current(correct) number is.
TexRich's Avatar
I don't even want to know, or fathom the number...