Creative Types Have More Sex Partners

elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
"Talk about creativity. Professional artists and poets hook up with two or three times as many sex partners as other people, new research indicates...The more creative the study participants, the more partners they'd had."

The results are detailed today in the academic journal, The Proceedings of the Royal Society (B).

With that said, I would imagine this is a pretty creative group.

What types of creative outlets do you have when you are not practicing Good Lovin' Yoga or Penis Pilates?

For me, I write, draw, compose music, produce videos, and interactive visual design.

PM me for the full article...especially if you want to know about the associated schizophrenia.
johnrubmehard's Avatar
Sorta seems like a Networth attracts alot of women also....I spend my time stacking my gold bars into titty shaped abstracts....guess I got both ends covered....
I Hunt
Chevalier's Avatar
Tax law. If you don't consider that creative, you haven't seen some of the tax shelters I have.

OK, chess as well.

But the point isn't just creativity, it's creativity that chicks dig. Unfortunately, when it comes to tax law and chess . . . .
caddyman's Avatar
Tying knots in drink straws with my tongue. For some reason the girls find that interesting …
Tying knots in drink straws with my tongue. For some reason the girls find that interesting … Originally Posted by caddyman

That's why that good looking lil gal was staring?
Pistol Man's Avatar
Chevalier, then, of course, there is accounting. Doesn't everyone want and desire a creative accountant? Oh well, back to the numbers!
Chevalier's Avatar
Oh, I'm that too. Remember, accounting is only boring when you do it right.

I didn't mention it before because I'll probably already be swarmed by hordes of women sexually excited by the mention of tax law and chess.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 08-27-2009, 04:22 PM
I am not an accountant but I do practice creative should see my check book!!

Hey Caddy...I can tie a cherry stem in a know using my tongue.....suppose any ladies would appreciate that skill??
Pearl Man's Avatar
I like to take pictures of beautiful naked ladies. Gets my creative juices flowing. I also like to create complicated financial spreadsheets in Excel. Guess I like taking pictures better though. LOL
Kelly TNT's Avatar

I play the drums!!!

(even the virtual ones)
Just Sayin..

LOL....I'm getting worked up just thinking about this!

Something about watching a man behind a drum set...playing great music...

Makes Me Crazy!!!

Don't get me started on the "twirling the sticks" thing!


~Kelly TNT
Mesquitor's Avatar
Kelly, then you MUST go see the Granbury Live theater in Granbury. They give a great show and the drummer looks like he's enjoying an intense "O" when he gets wound up. You would be squirming in your seat!

The fiddle player's damn good too!
elpocitopolloloco's Avatar

I play the drums!!!

~Kelly TNT Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
"If the kid can't make you cum, nobody can."
-Morris Day,
Drummer, Producer, Recording Artist
1thatgotaway's Avatar
My creative outlet is "Naked Photography" No, not like that... I'm naked my portrait subjects can wear whatever they like. Really loosens up people's expressions. It is extra fun when little mr. photog sneakes into a pic and you don't notice until you are going over proofs