HELP -- Nicole Preston Needs a Knocked Out Kitchen for a Photo Shoot.

Pearl Man's Avatar
Got a really nice kitchen? We need a volunteer to offer up his or her kitchen for Nicole Preston’s photo shoot next week. I’m thinking about some nice long granite countertops, lots of cabinets. Maybe an island and some hanging utensils. Something out of Architectural Digest would be nice. LOL. The whole thing will take about 2 hours max and, yes, you get to watch. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated and your kitchen might become famous. Please send me a PM if you are interested or have an idea.
Bestman200600's Avatar

Do you know any realtors in Southlake that have a large home that you can use?
Can I hold the lights.
I volunteer to be Nicole's fluffer!
TBONE's Avatar
  • 09-09-2009, 11:10 AM
Pearl Man

If you can shoot between 1am and 3am and keep the noise down my kitchen is available.
Pearl Man's Avatar
C'mon people, I need a kitchen. Somebody out there has a real nice kitchen and wants to see Nicole nekkid? After April she is gone, gone, gone and this is her last photo shoot. Help us out!!!!