Curious minds want to know? Quest: 1

  • SummerBella
  • 09-10-2009, 10:55 AM
Chemisty or Variety?

My guess is it is somewhat different for everyone.

However, I wonder in general is there a greater number of hobbyist that would prefer to have one or two providers they see on a regular basis in which they have extraordinary chemistry with or if the variety or thrill of the unknown more motivating(the hunt)?

Curious minds want to know?
LatexLover's Avatar
What a great question! For me, variety is what makes me try someone new. But it's the chemistry that makes me return for more! If we click and had a great time then I will usually be a repeat offender 
TexRich's Avatar
based on the "hunt" philosophy, IMO, it means you are constantly looking for variety. otherwise how much fun is it if you hunt the same game all the time? its not much hunting if you are with the same person all the time. I think you leave the hunting genre and move to another level of the hobby, which can be very refreshing in itself I suppose. My proclivity is variety because I look at each woman as an exhilarating chapter in my personal hobby book. but I doubt I will be writing my memoirs later in my golden years....
I like it ALL! If you DO be so fortunate as to get both then you have really won a prize!!!!!
  • SummerBella
  • 09-10-2009, 02:40 PM
I am thinking both too.......I don't want to live without the pure esctasy that is received from raw chemistry - but, the thrill of the unknown can be alluring too.......
  • YSD
  • 09-10-2009, 02:47 PM
I am all about and totally into the chemistry. That is something that attracts me to the hobby. Great sexual chemistry with the right girl just cannot be beat.

However, let me add a caveat. As much as I like good chemistry it is hard to discover in the hobby and even harder to maintain. So I vacillate between great chemistry and variety based on the difficulty in maintaining the chemistry.

It is just so cool to be able to have wild, crazy, and mutually satisfying sex with someone with whom you really click and genuinely enjoy. The chemistry girls are the keepers for me.
You only bang a chick for the first time once.
chipper's Avatar
I have some regulars that I do have chemistry with and I really enjoy visiting with them. However, I do keep interviewing for the next ATF. You never know what is going to come your way and you don't want to miss any opportunities.
Well I believe in the HUNT but even in the HUNT you will come upon some who have such powerful chemistry that you return for more. Or it could be good pussy deserves a second or third go around.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I like to burn my candle at both ends.

One is the new, exciting, and different end, the end that defines the hunt. Its flame is brighter and hotter.

The other is the staid, old standby end. The flame here is a nice, mellow, and warm. This is where you'll find my favorites, those with whom I feel that I have developed that certain chemistry. That which allows us to explore some of the finer points and perhaps maintain that curious thing that is chemistry.
Papacorn's Avatar
The hunt is why you usually start in the hobby (maybe that should be the "strange").
Chemistry is why you return to see the same lady again (and again, repeat, repeat.....)
elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
Variety is a must-have spice in the seasoning of life. I enjoy the anxiety and delight of meeting new people.

During those rare interludes that you discover makes me wonder what is so special about variety.

In the end, I think variety (the HUNT) is about me doing what I want to do. On the other hand, chemistry is about me doing things I didn't know I would do.
I prefer a mixture of both. But nothing is better than finding that chemistry or connection that really takes things up a notch or two.
CassidyBlue's Avatar
I like it best when I reach out to stroke a brow or touch a face and there is sheer and absolute electricity there..... Fu**ing WOW....

So, does not matter first time or repeat, if it's there, it's there and it can’t be faked. I do very much like it when those I really connect with repeat!
steverino50's Avatar
I haven't been at this long but I have sort of a "rotation". I see these few over and over and I am thrilled each time...which is maybe why I keep going back. And then there is an "empty" chair in the rotation...that rotates too.