Simple common sense

Ok, I just left a very professional meeting and the topic of Back Page came up.

One of the professionals there started explaining how she got a new phone and number for christmas and the new number 'used to belong to one of those backpage girls".

She got a ton of calls in January until she could get the number changed.

She then proceeded to PLAY FOR THE WHOLE ROOM a recorded voice mail message that was left on her phone:

"Hey this is (first name last name). I'm a married man so please don't call me back. I really want to eat your pussy. You are so fine. How much for an hour? Is it less if you cum??? Text me back".

Now people, REALLY. I just sat there in the room saying nothing. But please people - THINK.

Don't leave messages like that. REALLY.

It was very weird and uncomfortable seeing on the other side of the curtain.

New respect for what you girls go through. He didn't sound too stable....
Gregster, you would be MORE shocked at some of the stuff we hear.
Marshpirate's Avatar
Wow! Just imagine.... He may as well just left his address, ssn, and sent a picture as well! He sounds like a creep of the first order anyway. I second you Gregster on the newfound respect. Nic, I hope you heard only sweet things from me. Sorry you can't make it here next week. We will catch up!
I hope maybe you can make it to my part of town soon. The welcome mat is always out for you, Marsh.
Most gents use common sense when conversing with a woman, and then there are the others who let their cock do the talking.
I'm so glad I'm a man and totally straight. Dating or putting up w/ men would SUCK.

Of course, women DO bring their own crazy but I'm way more comfortable dealing with that than what I heard on the phone.

I've never heard a man's "sexy voice" before (I guess that is what he was doing). I may not sleep well for weeks now.
BootyfulGia's Avatar
How funny! But the weirdest is when guys texts pics of them & their cocks saying "hey baby how bad do you want this? I have $100 for you, cum get it along with this dick, I'm in Metairie on such & such street waiting for you!"

I actually got this text & pics 2 days ago! Lmfao
How funny! But the weirdest is when guys texts pics of them & their cocks saying "hey baby how bad do you want this? I have $100 for you, cum get it along with this dick, I'm in Metairie on such & such street waiting for you!"

I actually got this text & pics 2 days ago! Lmfao Originally Posted by BootyfulGia
that1nolaguy's Avatar
Unfortunately, common sense isn't so common.

I guess the concept of mystery, and safety, are foreign to them
Obviously discretion is not a strong point for some. It is for me and always will be.
Although, I am more than sure that many other ladies can attest that we do get these types of calls from time to time. One of the reasons why I stopped posting my phone number, until I know who I am dealing with
For some reason a vast majority of men let the little head do the thinking, hell I guess we all are guilty of it at least one in our lives, but for me, not to that degree of stupidity!
annie@christophers's Avatar
If I get 1 more fucken picture of some idiot with his dick out...who fucken texts people that shit lol.. I mean show it to some chick in a bar not people looking to get paid for dealing with IT! Lmaof. Better yet the ones that go on and on about how good lookking they are. Hey its a plus but not exactly rate change worthy. I mean my girls im sure could get laid if they wanted. LOOK AT THEM..also very good looking. So silly the way some guys think..and what they think women find sexy. xo annie
SknyDiva's Avatar
How funny! But the weirdest is when guys texts pics of them & their cocks saying "hey baby how bad do you want this? I have $100 for you, cum get it along with this dick, I'm in Metairie on such & such street waiting for you!"

I actually got this text & pics 2 days ago! Lmfao Originally Posted by BootyfulGia
Can he put 3 Benjamin's
If he can do that I'm waiting for him bahahahahahaaa!
SknyDiva's Avatar
I'm so glad I'm a man and totally straight. Dating or putting up w/ men would SUCK.

Of course, women DO bring their own crazy but I'm way more comfortable dealing with that than what I heard on the phone.

I've never heard a man's "sexy voice" before (I guess that is what he was doing). I may not sleep well for weeks now. Originally Posted by gregster

I definetly bring my own brand of crazy. Crazy Good!!
Madame X's Avatar
I've been sent enough dick pics to open a porn site.

As a matter of fact, I've probably been sent at least 5 times as many dick pics as I've had men propose to me on the second date... in case you men would like to know another creepy thing *never* to do to a girl. Ever.