London VIGIL going on inside this thread....

Logan135's Avatar
OMG!! Yep it’s true – LONDON has been banned (again)!! I’m breaking out the clanky armor (hope it fits, first time wearing it), rounding up my trusty steed, dangit…..WHERE IS MY LANCE!! That right I’m White-Knighting it!!

This is my thread VIGIL so break out the virtual candles and bic lighters because we are getting started!! The goal if everyone is willing is to keep this thread alive until London gets back from exile island as our show of support. FOCUS PEOPLE!! – we have to keep this going for 90 days (even if it just turns into a countdown thread lol) I can’t do it by myself!!

I do this partly because of the law of recency or those that rocked your world last come to mind first but also because she is pretty entertaining and this place just won’t be the same without her. Someone is going to have to pick up her slack…..that’s 13.60 posts a day. For equal value it will have to be another SMOKIN HOT provider (if it’s some dude then it will have to be at least 25 per day AND they have to be entertaining…just sayin’)

London can’t post but they can’t take away her ability to READ!! (can they??) Show your support, wish her well, reminisce with London stories, sign the petition to get her back, speculate what she did THIS time, are THEY really out to get her lol ( I think it’s a conspiracy by the 6 top posters above her in a diabolical attempt to keep her from becoming THE TOP POSTER bwahhahha…)

Hopefully she’ll be back sooner (she can always throw herself on the mercy of the mods, lol I don’t see that happening) rather than later!! Vigil commencing……
Cpalmson's Avatar
While London can be a thread hijacker par excellance, I thinking banning is a bit too harsh. Beside, she is on my "to do" list, so I have to stay in her good graces
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Damn London, the day my ban gets lifted I find out you're banned

Hopefully you will be back very soon
shorty's Avatar
Makes you wonder about the Mods power on here!!
Chellablaine's Avatar
I feel there are deff issues on this board with women who have a voice. Thread hijacking shouldnt be a reason to be banned. Ive seen certain people get away with much more threatening and ugly behavior. I know she is opinionated and gets carried away, but it keeps things interesting around here. Otherwise, asskissing for business on here makes me wanna puke!
Here is my candle.....

I don't have any Armour though. :-).

Can the OP spare a nice aqua blue one for me, thanks.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I feel there are deff issues on this board with women who have a voice. Thread hijacking shouldnt be a reason to be banned. Ive seen certain people get away with much more threatening and ugly behavior. I know she is opinionated and gets carried away, but it keeps things interesting around here. Otherwise, asskissing for business on here makes me wanna puke! Originally Posted by Chellablaine
how do u get banned?
shorty's Avatar
Sexctexan. . That was my question exactly. See Thread Banning Requirements!!
Forgot to thumbs up you.

I feel there are deff issues on this board with women who have a voice. Thread hijacking shouldnt be a reason to be banned. Ive seen certain people get away with much more threatening and ugly behavior. I know she is opinionated and gets carried away, but it keeps things interesting around here. Otherwise, asskissing for business on here makes me wanna puke! Originally Posted by Chellablaine
Wakeup's Avatar
Amen! Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Heh heh heh
LOL it's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it! Here's to you London - I raise my glass - to saying the things you say and doing the things you do...who else could do it?
Why did she get banned?? She's not disrespectful, just honest. Maybe the guys here can't take the heat and they need to get out of the kitchen,perhaps??
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Heh heh heh Originally Posted by Wakeuр
And the stalking starts ...............

#17 - "Cyber Stalking" is a term that refers to the act of following another member around online.
texasjohn1965's Avatar