Hillary Clinton says 'many, many, many people' want her to join 2020 Democratic primary

  • oeb11
  • 11-12-2019, 06:56 PM
Hillary Clinton continued to stir speculation on Tuesday that she could make a late entry into the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, saying “many, many, many people” are pressuring her to consider a third run for the White House.

The former secretary of state said during an interview with BBC Radio 5 Live that she hasn't ruled out joining the already-crowded Democratic fray looking to be the nominee to challenge President Trump in next year’s general election.
“I, as I say, never, never, never say never,” Clinton said. “I will certainly tell you, I’m under enormous pressure from many, many, many people to think about it.”
Clinton added: “But as of this moment, sitting here in this studio talking to you, that is absolutely not in my plans."

While previous election cycles have seen the list of potential nominees winnow down as the first primaries approach, the 2020 Democratic primary looks different. With no clear front-runner and shifting polls, a number of potential candidates have indicated an interest in launching a late bid for the presidency.
Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City, filed paperwork last week to qualify for the primary in Alabama and has spent the past few weeks talking with prominent Democrats about the state of the 2020 field, expressing concerns about the steadiness of former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign and the rise of liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.
Former Attorney General Eric Holder has also reportedly been considering entering the primary. Newsweek reported last Friday that Holder had spoken with strategists about a potential run. And on Monday, sources close to former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick told The Associated Press that he's mulling a White House run, as well.
If Clinton were to join the race, she would quickly become the biggest figure in the Democratic field. She has twice run for president in the past, losing the Democratic nomination to then-Sen. Barack Obama in 2008 and losing the general election in a close race to Trump in 2016.
Rumors about Clinton entering the 2020 race, however, have been circulating for a while, with Mark Penn, an adviser and pollster to Bill and Hillary Clinton from 1995 to 2008, making waves last year by predicting in The Wall Street Journal that Clinton would return in 2020 as a “liberal firebrand."

Despite the rumors, Clinton’s supporters in early voting states don’t think she’ll be entering the race in 2020.
“I don’t think she’s running again,” incoming New Hampshire Senate President Donna Soucy, a four-term Democratic state senator who backed Clinton’s 2008 and 2016 presidential campaigns, told Fox News.
“I know the rumors floating out there that that’s a possibility,” Soucy added. “I don’t believe for a second that it is.”
Fox News’ Paul Steinhauser contributed to this report.

H..... - is "Back"!!!
DNC take notice - it arises again - for another loss in Nov 2020.

And, will take down many a DPST candidate with it.

Fear- DPST's - It is Back!!!
School child question - Which is deeper - the lines on the face of H..... , or the Grand Canyon????
bambino's Avatar
She’s talked to a bunch of Bozos in this forum.
  • oeb11
  • 11-12-2019, 07:09 PM
And her clown coterie believes every word it ever uttered.

Including her excuses for her unfaithful husband.

Question - why was he unfaithful???
And, Why did bill lie about it and obstruct justice. ???

Look and listen - the answer will come - grasshoppers!
Hillary Clinton continued to stir speculation on Tuesday that she could make a late entry into the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, saying “many, many, many people” are pressuring her to consider a third run for the White House.

The former secretary of state said during an interview with BBC Radio 5 Live that she hasn't ruled out joining the already-crowded Democratic fray looking to be the nominee to challenge President Trump in next year’s general election.
“I, as I say, never, never, never say never,” Clinton said. “I will certainly tell you, I’m under enormous pressure from many, many, many people to think about it.”
Clinton added: “But as of this moment, sitting here in this studio talking to you, that is absolutely not in my plans."

While previous election cycles have seen the list of potential nominees winnow down as the first primaries approach, the 2020 Democratic primary looks different. With no clear front-runner and shifting polls, a number of potential candidates have indicated an interest in launching a late bid for the presidency.
Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City, filed paperwork last week to qualify for the primary in Alabama and has spent the past few weeks talking with prominent Democrats about the state of the 2020 field, expressing concerns about the steadiness of former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign and the rise of liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.
Former Attorney General Eric Holder has also reportedly been considering entering the primary. Newsweek reported last Friday that Holder had spoken with strategists about a potential run. And on Monday, sources close to former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick told The Associated Press that he's mulling a White House run, as well.
If Clinton were to join the race, she would quickly become the biggest figure in the Democratic field. She has twice run for president in the past, losing the Democratic nomination to then-Sen. Barack Obama in 2008 and losing the general election in a close race to Trump in 2016.
Rumors about Clinton entering the 2020 race, however, have been circulating for a while, with Mark Penn, an adviser and pollster to Bill and Hillary Clinton from 1995 to 2008, making waves last year by predicting in The Wall Street Journal that Clinton would return in 2020 as a “liberal firebrand."

Despite the rumors, Clinton’s supporters in early voting states don’t think she’ll be entering the race in 2020.
“I don’t think she’s running again,” incoming New Hampshire Senate President Donna Soucy, a four-term Democratic state senator who backed Clinton’s 2008 and 2016 presidential campaigns, told Fox News.
“I know the rumors floating out there that that’s a possibility,” Soucy added. “I don’t believe for a second that it is.”
Fox News’ Paul Steinhauser contributed to this report.

H..... - is "Back"!!!
DNC take notice - it arises again - for another loss in Nov 2020.

And, will take down many a DPST candidate with it.

Fear- DPST's - It is Back!!!
School child question - Which is deeper - the lines on the face of H..... , or the Grand Canyon????
Originally Posted by oeb11
She might want to clean up her act first before running again. Then on another note she might want to Lawyer up because it's quite possible she could be a person of great interest in the Barr, Durham Criminal Investigation of FISA abuse.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Repeating myself somewhat from another post in this forum:
She clearly knows how to pull in guest speaking fees
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
remember this ?


How Hillary Clinton Still Can, and Should, Become President After the Trump-Russia Investigation

Munchmasterman's Avatar
You guys believe everything trump says. His lying makes the Clintons look almost perfect.

Why did trump cheat? Because his ho won't fuck him anymore. She pulls trains of illegal aliens at mar-a-who cares.

Why does trump lie about everything?

Why are his douche-bags refusing to testify?

Clinton lied about getting a blowjob. trump has lied about.....almost every issue he has been asked about. And you people worship him.

Open your eyes and ears.

If your head wasn't buried in the sand, you would know the answer by now.

Yes, trump will be impeached. No question. Remember, just because you don't believe means nothing.
No matter what proof is given, you won't believe it.
That's because you would look utterly stupid.

Go ahead and try to change the subject. Be a tucker carlson and pretend all is well.

And her clown coterie believes every word it ever uttered.

Including her excuses for her unfaithful husband.

Question - why was he unfaithful???
And, Why did bill lie about it and obstruct justice. ???

Look and listen - the answer will come - grasshoppers! Originally Posted by oeb11
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You guys believe everything trump says. His lying makes the Clintons look almost perfect.

Why did trump cheat? Because his ho won't fuck him anymore. She pulls trains of illegal aliens at mar-a-who cares.

Why does trump lie about everything?

Why are his douche-bags refusing to testify?

Clinton lied about getting a blowjob. trump has lied about.....almost every issue he has been asked about. And you people worship him.

Open your eyes and ears.

If your head wasn't buried in the sand, you would know the answer by now.

Yes, trump will be impeached. No question. Remember, just because you don't believe means nothing.
No matter what proof is given, you won't believe it.
That's because you would look utterly stupid.

Go ahead and try to change the subject. Be a tucker carlson and pretend all is well. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

if you say so.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Your approval means nothing.
It's what you always say when you're at a loss for any rebuttal.
I love hearing the only answer you can give.
if you say so. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Your approval means nothing.
It's what you always say when you're at a loss for any rebuttal.
I love hearing the only answer you can give.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

uh .. no.

Can also be used to politely disagree or imply that someone is lying.
Person A: I'm fine.
Person B: If you say so...
Your approval means nothing.
It's what you always say when you're at a loss for any rebuttal.
I love hearing the only answer you can give.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Maybe no one cares enough about your hateful posts to bother with tediously going over your "points".

My sincerest hope for you is that you are a white man who gets passed over for your dream job due to an affirmative action plan.

Concerning the topic of this thread, I hope Hillary doesn't run. She could easily win the popular vote again and if she listens to Bill, she could win them in enough places to also win the electoral college.
  • oeb11
  • 11-13-2019, 08:02 AM
Trump, IMHO, is likely to be impeached by the lynch mob House that has planned political impeachment in search of a crime since the day after election day, Nov 2016.

And the practical effect - will be a Senate trial Schiff cannot control - and open calling and questioning of witnesses from both sides.

America will see how underhanded McCarthyite Schiff and Nadler behaved, along with the DPST House.
Pelosi is justifiably afraid of Schiff's charade.

Reasonably so.

DPST's - be careful what you ask for - it may come back to bite you in the butt.

for those think-skinned snowflakes who are so injured by the DPST initialism - the RTM button is your friend. After all the foul postings at conservatives - just shows the usual DPST hypocrisy.

go vote you some "Marxist foursome" as your leaders.

Chung Tran's Avatar
Concerning the topic of this thread, I hope Hillary doesn't run. She could easily win the popular vote again and if she listens to Bill, she could win them in enough places to also win the electoral college. Originally Posted by friendly fred

you think so?

I don't know.. it would be fun to see a re-match, just to see how it finishes. the idea that Patrick and Holder are "thinking" of running, is a bad sign for the current field. Buttigieg is apparently in first place now, in Iowa. it's 1976 all over again.

for those think-skinned snowflakes who are so injured by the DPST initialism - the RTM button is your friend. After all the foul postings at conservatives - just shows the usual DPST hypocrisy. Originally Posted by oeb11
the Right-Wingers on this Forum, generally speaking, are far uglier than the Left. and much less articulate when they insult.
LexusLover's Avatar

the Right-Wingers on this Forum, generally speaking, are far uglier than the Left. and much less articulate when they insult. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Why do you hate so much?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Why do you hate so much? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I don't..