GSO27 and a1

pyramider's Avatar
With annoyingone gone where are the ladies supposed to buy the grape seed oil? A1 has been pimping the stuff and now he is probably hoarding it for personal use during his sabbatical.
I think Kroger's sells it. It ain't the same grade, though.
dearhunter's Avatar
They can always make an appeal for a shot of the super charged is experimental.....but, it will rock-n-roll.
Wayward's Avatar
GS03? Now that sounds interesting, we should explore that majical liquid and it's sexual healing properties.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I've heard that it works wonders on relieving the pain of Chapped Ass....just saying.

pyramider's Avatar
I've heard that it works wonders on relieving the pain of Chapped Ass....just saying.

Originally Posted by SofaKingFun

Nah, you have it all confused . . . The pain of chapped ass can be relieved by the ass kissers using Chap Stick.
Wayward's Avatar
Why is it all the fun people keep getting banned? Okay person, but still.
dearhunter's Avatar
I don't know......Starbucks anyone?
Wayward's Avatar
Can't believe we missed the Sicilian Ginger gambit, that was the same one Amber used against Nikki in 2000. A1 you have earned my blessing, while we caught the barfly out of the gate, smooth missed the Sicilian gambit! Really slipping in my dotage or perhaps you are ready to visit us on the Island after all.
pyramider's Avatar
At least with the Sicilian Ginger he found an avatar with some really nice boobage.

Joanie on the y? Better bring samples of the GSO84.
dearhunter's Avatar
A big league Houston move.........who would have thunck he had it in him.....the question is......did he bust his nutt......that shit would just be act one at home.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Can't believe we missed the Sicilian Ginger gambit, that was the same one Amber used against Nikki in 2000. A1 you have earned my blessing, while we caught the barfly out of the gate, smooth missed the Sicilian gambit! Really slipping in my dotage or perhaps you are ready to visit us on the Island after all. Originally Posted by Wayward
Only took a couple of her/his posts (Sil.ginger) in the powder room to be called out
He couldnt quite master girl talk that was to easy to catch
Wayward's Avatar
I used to moderate the women's forum on ymmv and still help Wakeup do the Womyn's Room on YMWV, guys just don't get what's it's about. They really thinck it is all about them and it really isn't poor A1, he would have been out of his depth. Seems the Prophet was doing his thing again, "...the question is......did he bust his nutt..." the answer, doesn't he always.

Thanks for the morning chuckle Sweet N Little, A1 getting his girl on in the Powder Room is pretty much going to make my day. If he had just lurked...

Can we talk about the John Bull straw man he was building or is that going to be problematic? Posting a series of alerts on the Bullness was pretty clever, except this is one of those areas where even the Houston Boys use a little restraint. While it does amuse, there are way too many B.S. alerts already and it is a hard call to balance humor against damaging the alert system more than it already is. But he wasn't going for humor so much was he?

We have some providers that have posted so many alerts, as some kind of provider ad for their own insanity that something really bad could happen to them and no one would listen. While we laugh about it, they have almost made them selves targets.
dearhunter's Avatar
The rookie thought he could herd cats and take out someone on a SHMB......that is just funny on many levels.
pyramider's Avatar
You got to love the guy for thincking outside the box.