Delete my account

I'm done.. thanks
dynamitekid's Avatar
Are you da po-po?
  • BSer
  • 11-10-2014, 06:12 PM
Fucking po-po
bambino's Avatar
Shit, I thought it was that Kreigoff jack off.
FFH's Avatar
  • FFH
  • 11-10-2014, 06:21 PM

That's my line fuckers!!!!!
Know your' role bitches
berryberry's Avatar

That's my line fuckers!!!!!
Know your' role bitches
Originally Posted by FFH
Theft of a line - sounds like a job for da po-po
AmishGangster's Avatar
Hmpf, he never even got started, so sad.
The po po comes for you after you die. Think it's called wages for sin
dynamitekid's Avatar
Typical of the po-po. Do a half-ass job and retire early with a pension.
No, I’m not po-po. Why would it matter? They’re a bunch of useless fucks anyway.

I’ve just been doing this since ASPD and I’ve never seen things so ugly. For over a year I’ve been trying to help someone and got to see their life first hand. Everyone just uses everyone, which of course has always been a given. But when they get played, puts their lifelong health at risk and don’t stand up for themselves , when family members don’t care enough - it’s time to go.

So if this isn't the proper way to get the boot, then Mods send me a PM. It's just that I searched and it seems like this is an acceptable way.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Send a PM to dickemdown or the2dogs, they will handle it quicker if you just wanna get it over with
Guest123018-4's Avatar
DeD doesn't waste time when it comes to a proper request.
AmishGangster's Avatar
DeD doesn't waste time when it comes to a proper request. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You won't believe this but I PM'd him with a simple admin request last week and the lazy trick had it handled in under 5 minutes
JohnnyCap's Avatar
You won't believe this but I PM'd him with a simple admin request last week and the lazy trick had it handled in under 5 minutes Originally Posted by AmishGangster
That helps answer why this section only needs two mods but upset struggles with four.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The reality is we have some of the most well behaved members on the board.