giving thanks for amazing times

It won't make it to any Hallmark Thanksgiving cards, but today I am thankful for the wonderful experiences I have had with the wonderful women I have met through eccie and aspd.

I truly appreciate the excitement, the connection, the laughter, and the many many ways you all have enhanced my life.

Thank you!
Phroggy's Avatar
I whole heartedly agree!!

It won't make it to any Hallmark Thanksgiving cards, but today I am thankful for the wonderful experiences I have had with the wonderful women I have met through eccie and aspd.

I truly appreciate the excitement, the connection, the laughter, and the many many ways you all have enhanced my life.

Thank you! Originally Posted by meldrick
I would like to thank ECCIE...for creating a place to hobby in a safe way.
i would also like to thank whatever BP ad posted a link to this place a few months back that allowed me to find it.
davidsmith0123's Avatar
"It won't make it to any Hallmark Thanksgiving cards, but today I am thankful for the wonderful experiences I have had with the wonderful women I have met through eccie and aspd.

I truly appreciate the excitement, the connection, the laughter, and the many many ways you all have enhanced my life."

Well said, Meldrick. I'd like to add my thanks to the wonderful ladies I have met and the great experiences they have provided. And thanks to eccie and p411 for making these meetings possible. So, thanks again, lovely ones.
** gobble gobble**
Whispers's Avatar
Damn Goodie Goodies....

I'm thankful the place is run right, we can share information and keep the wusses in their proper place.

Speaking of keeping the wusses in their proper place..... Someone PM me the link to their new Wuss Board Please!
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
I, too would like to wish all I have met and all others a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Thanks Meldrick for this thread. Let me share a cat story from thanksgiving........

I was lucky it wasn't this but I had the table all fancy, china place settings for 12, the crystal the silver and in one corner of the table the cat who was curled up on HER table. I could share it but not have it all.
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Well spoken, Meldrick. You are a faithful friend, a walk-away wonderful wordsmith, a louche limericist, and a superlative hobbyest hobbyist. And the Adorables love you! One recently said to me, as she lay there naked and damp with the perspiration of our boinking, “That Meldrick is soooo sweeet and soooo funny.” I’m thinking, “What am I, chopped liver?”

I like Thanksgiving. I like the sentiments, I like the food. I like any recipe that begins with the words, “Take two sticks of butter.” Now that I think about it, I have had a number of dates with Adorables that began with the words, “Take two sticks of butter.”

Mature Companion's Avatar
I am thankful for the wonderful experiences I have had with the wonderful women I have met through eccie and aspd.

I truly appreciate the excitement, the connection, the laughter, and the many many ways you all have enhanced my life.

Thank you! Originally Posted by meldrick

That's what it's all about. When you meet someone/s within this adult lifestyle that make you smile & leave you with a wonderful lasting impression/feeling within. It's a beautiful amazing feeling!

Those types of folks are few & far between. I've been blessed to of met many wonderful men *here*. Men whom I enjoy outside beyond the intimacy.

And least I not forget the few wonderful women I've come to know, laugh & cry with,snuggle up with and stay up till the wee hours of the morning watching every episode of Dexter with. Many wonderful times, with dear friends. That go beyond the scope of the *hobby life*.

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
[FONT=Verdana]Well spoken, Meldrick. You are a faithful friend, a walk-away wonderful wordsmith, a louche limericist, and a superlative hobbyest hobbyist. And the Adorables love you! Originally Posted by Monk Rasputin
ohhhh Meldrick!!! LOl da man!

Now that I think about it, I have had a number of dates with Adorables that began with the words, “Take two sticks of butter.”

Monk Originally Posted by Monk Rasputin
ohhh yummm.