Choosing a restaurant

KCQuestor's Avatar
A group of men got together for their 20th high school reunion. They decided to go out to dinner at Chateau Culottes de Luxe because the waitresses were all young and gorgeous and wore low cut tops.

Ten years later they gathered for their 30th reunion and decided to celebrate at Chateau Culottes de Luxe because of the world class chef and exceptional wine selection.

At their 40th reunion the men decided to have dinner at Chateau Culottes de Luxe because they could have a nice conversation in the quiet, low key dining room.

At their 50th reunion the gentlemen decided to dine at Chateau Culottes de Luxe because they had a wheelchair accessible entryway and an elevator.

At their 60th reunion, the four men agreed to eat at Chateau Culottes de Luxe because they had never been there before.
Gipper4's Avatar
Ah yes, a nice classic one!
tia travels's Avatar
I'm calling my Mom right now to tell her that one!!