I have been doing a lot of reading lately and have noticed a trend in a few threads referring to providers as if we aren't human. Almost like we are a sub-culture that can't be trusted or loved or even trust and love in return.
As everything in life, there are bad people, but is it so bad that we are thought of as robots that just spread our legs and collect funds? Sure the hobby does affect some ladies in a negative way, but for me, it has been a learning experience , a chance to grow up and see that there are people who actually give a damn about each other and in some cases, people who actually give a damn about someone that they don't even know. I think that most ladies here will agree that this is the case for them, as well.
I guess I am saying all of this to say, just as you gentlemen chose to be apart of this hobby, most of us chose to be a part of it as well. It's a choice...it doesn't make me less than human or less than any other woman on this planet. In fact, I think it only makes me stronger. Some of us lead double lives, support our families by ourselves, and work daily to be "perfect" in the eyes of the gentlemen we entertain. We are caregivers to many...so next time you think about a provider as just a body to use for a few hours, try just once to think of us for who we are and you may not be disappointed as often. Ladies respond very well to being treated like ladies. Yes, I know, you are the paying client....but as I said before, I, just as you, made a choice to spend time with you. I didn't have to and won't again if I feel disrespected or looked down upon. Luckily, that has only happened a few times in my experience.
I enjoy my life as a provider, but I am not a provider 24/7. At the end of the day, I am a normal woman....who loves strongly and faithfully, who would put my man and my children in front of everything else. If I walked away from this today, I would walk away with a smile and with a lot of friends, but with no regrets and no scars. It is a blessing to be able to provide the things I can provide to make others happy, but in the long run, when Mr. Perfect comes along and says, "Let's go, baby.", I am out of here. Simply because this isn't my life. It is only a small part of what makes me....me.
I know that this may be futile, because most people who have a strong belief about something, very rarely change their thought process because of something said by one of the ones they have those beliefs about. I wanted to say it, just in case it helps. Hey, can't blame a girl for trying.