Question to Moderators: Moderator "edits" to threads

Ok, so on another thread, I posted something and edited it within the automatic window allotted and somehow the characters [edit] were added to my post. Yet when I tried to duplicate that by editing another thread (this one intentionally), the characters [edit] did not appear in the body of my text. Does this mean that a moderator jumped into my thread and typed the characters [edit] or is there some coding thing going on there?

I edited this post here to again verify if the [edit] would appear at the end automatically.
and it did not...
LazurusLong's Avatar
Back on ASPD they had a feature turned on that would include a tag line of "last edited by" with a time stamp if you did an edit.

IF you edited it within 5 minutes no tag was inserted.
If you edited it between 5 minutes and 1 second and the allowed edit time meaning under 59 minutes and 59 seconds then the last edited by string would appear.

Check the time between when you post and edit. I know that is how it worked back on ASPD because I tested it to find when the tag would appear.

Here is a thread about that option.

In my opinion, it would probably cause more grief for the staff doing edits if only 1 or 2 staff were always shown as editing.

I recall St Chris posting something about the editing of posts or removal of posts should not happen often but if needed most times you see a edited by staff tag inserted.
Sounds like a hickup. never have seen that on any post unless a mod puts it in as part of them editing the thread.
I figured it out. The wording of one of my posts was subtly changed and the moderator added the [edit] at the end of the post. Go go verbiage police!