Houston lawyer gunned down at McDonalds

VitaMan's Avatar
He was at a McDonalds on Chimney Rock. Another customer was complaining about his order. The lawyer tried to calm the argument. The suspect went out to his car, got his gun, shot and killed him.

Hope they find this guy very, very soon.
bcglx's Avatar
  • bcglx
  • 05-10-2024, 07:09 AM
You forgot to mention the part where the lawyer pushed the guy to the groud when they went outside to fight. Then he stuck around for the guy to go to his truck to grab his gun. Remember guts mind your own buisness always and dont be a tough guy. And if a guy says he's gonna grab is gun or he goes to his car you better be ready with a gun or you better run.
VitaMan's Avatar
I will try to remember that the next time I go to McDonalds to get a sandwich.
bigwill832's Avatar
It's a very safe to assume that everyone has a gun here in Houston. So, don't try to be a hero unless it's absolutely necessary. Losing your life over a fucking McDonald's order. Have fun with that story at the pearly gates.