Caroline Kennedy Endorses “Sleepy Joe”. Her Reasons.......

His character? His Values?

What character?? The character that allows you to strongarm foreign companies into putting his relatives in high paying jobs? The character that allows him to have attorney generals in other countries fired when they try to investigate his deadbeat kids?

Give me a break.

I figure Caroline Kennedy’ Schossberg’s endorsement and $7 will get you a coffee at Starbucks.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Unlike strong arming your own governments to profit your children’s and your own company...

Give your balls a tug, Jackie. That phony outrage is is your debunked allegation.

Enjoy Trump’s speech to the Congress tonight. It’ll be his last.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Biden would just wander aimlessly through the White House, slobbering and sniffing interns, so probably wouldn’t destroy the economy. Bernie, on the other hand, is a true believer who would damage the country immeasurably.
bambino's Avatar
Biden is done. Caroline Kennedy was never considered the brightest Kennedy. Neither was her brother or Uncle Ted.
Biden is done. Caroline Kennedy was never considered the brightest Kennedy. Neither was her brother or Uncle Ted. Originally Posted by bambino
Ted was a shitty driver when he was drunk and fucking 28 year old interns -
Back when Obama looked like he was going to be the Dim nominee, Caroline was in charge of the VP search committee that chose Biden.