AFF this one I just had to share

boomvang's Avatar
I got this this this morning. I'm pretty jade and cynical but to be invitrf to an orgy in Wisconsin by a 23 and 27 year old blonfdes. It's probably complete bull shit. Gut you have to give them credit fpr coming up with a new flavor or bull shit,

Ink to the AFF page

Link to the website of the grater Cable Wisconsin

My response slightly redacted.

Hello Dears,
Ok you have won. This the most incredible invitation I have received since Al Gore invented the internet
The credibility is what concerns me , but only a little. Why pick a man twice your age 996 miles away? Is this an attempt to sell me a timeshare in the general Cable area? If so you two are brilliant. Use two pretty and wholesome blonde girls to invite you to an orgy. Someone is a genius. In all of my sexual past I have never been a swinger. But I have an invitation to a party of more than 2 for tomorrow. And the really ironic thing is the only time I have ever done MFM was probably 25 years ago in Steven’s Point Wisconsin. I was once a big consumer of XXXXXXXX so I have been wined and dined in your state several times. With a population of 836 Cable is extremely fortunate to have two women like you. Winter is coming and every time I have been there some character of a local always has to show on a building or a tree just high the snow was last winter. And that has to mean that other than deer hunting season there should be lots of time shares available. What better of an activity to offer when freezing outside than an orgy with a couple of beautiful you women, and all of their palls and a big bowl of cheese curds. I guess that would be approximate orgy food? Probably not in ancient Rome, but it may very well be in the greater Cable area. Do you have a way to control the male to female ratio? You’ll draw more men than women you know. Who wants to attend a sausage fest when it’s 10 to 1? Something I have really enjoyed about your state besides the lovely smell of most of the paper mills, is I have been lucky every time I have been there. A total of three times I think. The first time I went with 4 other guys all from Dallas. We heard later that we were on the police radio as we were just driving in to town in our Cadillac Fleetwood. No one ever bothered us, everyone was great. We may have influenced that a little bit by buying ever one in every place we went more drinks that they needed. I’ll never forget it, going into the bowling ally around midnight and running up a $500 bar tab. And as we walked out we’d just tell them to add 25% and charge it to the factoryl. The bowling Allley night I met a very pleasant school teacher. I knew that after a dozen B52s and slippery nipples that this woman would be mine for the rest of the evening. What an ambassador for your state. They should put her on the payroll. You may or may not know this, but electuary school teachers are some of the most beautifully nasty women I have cine across
So I’d like to know more, but you have to tell me how you will control the male to female ration. And just where will you recruit the wanton young lovelys in a town of 836? They must be huge supporters of the Greater Cable Area. Do they all get their picture in the paper after we leave? Your state is no different from mine in some respects. I screwed a school teacher one night and the next morning at the lodge where we were staying everyone already knew. Even the bus boys were grinning at me. So just what are the logistics of this event you have planned? You might consider sending a bus over to the women’s state penn and inviting all the ladies that release that day. Sounds a little bit hokey. But I had exactly that experience when I was 16 years old. She had been out for less than a day when meet. Good god that girl was horny. Bless her little criminal heart; she gave me my first blow job. Her name was XXXXX and as far as I know she had never been to the lovely state of Wisconsin.

I’d like to know more if you’d you like to pass along a little more information.

Thanks a lot for making my morning,