wow my first no on a review!!!!!

Its funny how someone can go through the whole session and had a great time and then say no. Like if in any way during the session if you don't like it then u should not finish and just leave. But for someone to go through the whole session with great conversation and write a bad review is beyond me. Another gentleman that I have seen twice and seen my friend said something negative about me in a post. I don't know why he would have said something negative about me when he had a great time with me. Must I add this guy has seen me in two different states amazing huh! This gentlemen said that I was thinking bout leaving this business and I may be working for someone which both is a lie. I thought he was my friend. I guess I am a little too nice but that will change! With over 20 great reviews and one no , guys I don't even know or heard of are bashing me on the post. I didn't know this site was about bullying escorts. This is the only way I can defend myself since I can't make a comment on the review. Guys can't fake happiness there is always a receipt left after every session a receipt that shows you did have a good time . A no is for a horrible experience not because i wont do one or two things that a client likes. Its my business,my body my, decision what I will and will not do. This is all I have to say on that matter.
gimme_that's Avatar
Its funny how someone can go through the whole session and had a great time and then say no. Like if in any way during the session if you don't like it then u should not finish and just leave. Originally Posted by Pocahontas Springs
Its called discretion. How well do you think it would go in the majority for a client to tell a provider she's not worth half the pussy she's sitting on. And I'm sure you would like him to leave early.....but keep your full donation. Well that's not an option sometimes we will soildier it out.......its emotionless sex, and it will suffice for the night.....

I thought he was my friend. I guess I am a little too nice but that will change! Originally Posted by Pocahontas Springs
Yes an I guess you will pass on these jaded feeling of mistrusts toward all your clients. I'm sure that won't lend itself to a decline in your reviews being great either.......

Guys can't fake happiness there is always a receipt left after every session a receipt that shows you did have a good time. Originally Posted by Pocahontas Springs
Cumming does not make a guaranteed satisfaction receipt....its merely a proff of purchase......just betty crocker points for some catalogue shit we might want later.......or not even care to order.......

A no is for a horrible experience not because i wont do one or two things that a client likes. Its my business,my body my, decision what I will and will not do. This is all I have to say on that matter. Originally Posted by Pocahontas Springs

If you didn't include this and he asked about certain things prior, or if you performance wasn't up to par he's entitled to his opinion and to be subjective. You might not agree, but you didn't pay for it, so he makes that decision.

He's entitled to doing his review as he sees fit. Just as much as your are entitiled to complain when someones said review is posted and not to your satisfaction.

If you have a myraid of good reviews posted, whats the big deal about one bad review. It won't change your status and it won't efffect your business unless multiple guys say the same thing. I didn't even know about it myself, but your post will definitely take more people to it to see why your services declined. Silence is golden in situations like these and you can let your track record of good reviews speak more volumes for you. When I see post like these it makes me think the provider only felt impassioned to respond or do better after the review. If I have a so so, mediorce, or shitty won't know it when you see me since there's no need for overkill if you sucked. But the review provides a balance to be more honest.
Silence is not golden in this case. I can respond the way I want to respond. I don't know you at all but you have over 2000 posts and only 3 reviews. Your opinion does not matter to me. I defended myself like I felt I should. If lies are told about me then I will defend myself. No this will not hurt me but you are no way involved and you sound more angry than the posters. So be silent and let lies be told about me? Thank you for your opinion but I will always defend myself if little lies are told about me and my character.
And please don't be so descriptive on a post while speaking to me please.
I saw the review too and there is probably issues on both sides. Perhaps she was just having a bad day (she evidently had an issue in another State). Maybe she just didn't feel affectionate for this guy on this occasion. Maybe she wasn't up to a performance when she wasn't in the mood. What is a girl supposed to do when she actually has a headache and just wants to sleep!
On the other hand, we guys rely on the reviews to make decisions on where to spend a lot of money (often 10's of thousands per year). For instance, I really loath CBJ. Some guys prefer it, and will tell you that it is their choice in their reviews. But if it is standard practice (shows up in multiple reviews), I will surely pass. We do expect YMMV - but if she has changed her repertoire, that is new, current information. I for one would give the girl a break - she is absolutely gorgeous and she's only human. LG
Oh well, I will just have to see Pocahontas now and find out for myself.
I bet she is a real doll and a sweet-heart!
She is now officially on my short dance card.
Sorry, DP

Like you would know, are you speaking words of wisdom from experience? All I see are 3 hardly passable for informative reviews with low rate no name SW's.
the only one that seems jaded here is you, this is a hobby, you are supposed to be having fun.
you didnt pay for it either, why are you so hateful? Damn, we are humans with feelings, how would you feel if every lady you met picked apart every thing about you on the most personal level? oh wait, none would, because you contribute nothing to the hobby but BS posts like this one.
LA Man's Avatar
+1 Mojito, on my short list now too. I have had sessions that weren't as reviews say. Be it an off day, no connection, or whatever play enough and it will happen. Hell I had one with a very well known provider that all raved over. Never jump to conclusions-I always try three times. The second to see if the first was a fluke, third just to verify if either if the first were random oddities.....
Arverni's Avatar
That guy is a coward who only has "nerve" when he's sitting behind a computer screen operating an anonymous "personality".

Seriously - not a single male on these forums should post a negative review unless they tell the woman face to face first. To go through a session "faking" a good time and then slogging the girl in the review is pure cowardice.

It's like me at work - if I have to send an email to my boss complaining that a co-worker isn't pulling his load ... then I .cc the coworker. And - before I send the email - I talk to my coworker and if I can't fix the problem that way - then I launch something to the boss with a .cc to the lard ass.

Never say anything about an individual that you wouldn't say to their face. Some people weren't raised right though.

This is why the review system is completely fucked. Fuckin' Beta Males that won't sit down with a girl and try to resolve the issue. Wanna be the "big man" with a negative review ... "Hey look guys! Imma sexual gourmet - and this gal sucked!"

Please - that's not manly.

If a gal doesn't show for the date - then cool 'dis her. If she does something extremely negative ... tell her you had a lousy time and won't be coming back - and then 'dis her.

But to sit there and be all nice and give her no indication that you're having a horrible time and then coming in here and shitting on her? That's wrong man.
rex111999's Avatar
Did the "white knight club" read the review? Or are you just jumping in here to try to garner some good feelings with Pocahontas?
Arverni's Avatar
Did the "white knight club" read the review? Or are you just jumping in here to try to garner some good feelings with Pocahontas? Originally Posted by rex111999
Dude, I'm really not a serious "hobbyer" - I "hobby" about once a month - maaaybe.

I kind of stick to a small set of gals and throw a new one in occasionally. Look at my fuckin' reviews - I think half of 'em are on one girl.

I have never met Poca ... never emailed or communicated with her ... and she's not on my "list" - at least not anytime soon cuz the list is pretty full right now.

My opinions are my opinions - nice try in trying to link my opinion to something sinister or some kind of ulterior motive.

I stand by what I say. If you got a problem with it - how about being a brave man and attacking my points instead of some lame attempt at attacking my character?

EDIT: Just looked at Poca's showcase - she's 20 years old ... so no, she won't be on my list anytime soon since I normally go for the older ladies. There is one other gal in her early 20's I want to see - but she's a military vet and so we have that in common. So again, I really don't care what Poca thinks of me ... I just think that if you're going to say something negative about an individual - at least say it to their face first.
LA Man's Avatar
Rex, Arc had a very viable point. If someone can't tell the provider on the way out then ut's chicken shit. If it is brought up she has a chance to apologize and try to work out a way to fix the situation like any business person would. If she gets uppitty then bash her more on the review.

The providers a human's, women that whether the hobbyist believe it or not have feelings and emotions. NE in a review does not stand for a woman with no emotions so she will always be on cue. Those that want that go buy a fuckin blow up doll.
Uh, LA Man.... I'm still waitin' on 2 and 3!

Miss Pocahontas, as you can see, one bad review can bring even more biz than with all the stellar reviews!
Keep your chin up, keeping doing what YOU do, and just ignore the rest! And if you need an ear to vent to, give me a call. Or send a PM.
Karrine_Kream's Avatar
No one wants a no review but it happens-everyone is entitled to their opinion and I feel you should just take them for what they are-opinions-they can be helpful they can be NOT helpful but it is up to you to decide how to take it.

I always say reviews are to give an idea of who you are, so they paint a picture of "YOU" the great things about guys are that they accept things for what they are and they use reviews to see how you are-who you are-what you like etc. and how another person's story goes

I feel reviews do not reflect you and your encounters with every guy (they cant-unless your a robot) LOL I mean all guys are NOT the same and don't require the same so dont sweat it

And forget the remarks/comments PPL are always going to have something to say-some more than others LOL