An ATF is a terrible thing to waste!

Cyclone1996's Avatar
I found out one of my long time ATfs has a pimp. From what she tells me, it Sounds like she's had one from the very first time I saw her. It's never affected my time with her. And I've never felt unsafe. But now what should I do with this info: continue to see her, or move on?
  • !VI!
  • 04-27-2014, 02:48 PM
I found out one of my long time ATfs has a pimp. From what she tells me, it Sounds like she's had one from the very first time I saw her. It's never affected my time with her. And I've never felt unsafe. But now what should I do with this info: continue to see her, or move on? Originally Posted by Cyclone1996
well, how important is it to you,

i it didn't effect you before then why should it now?

imho if the pimp is not effecting how she is with you then he's just a walking bank....

to be fair, find out why she has a pimp, if she tells you and it's good enough, see her as you choose, if not then let her go and move on =^.^=

i still don't understand the purpose of a pimp.... is it just a fe/male that controls you spending habits? who you see? safety?
Super Sonic's Avatar
Some of them are not pimps but Business Managers. They take calls, perform screening, book appointments and make the meeting and/or transportation arrangements. In this relationship, they work for the Provider. If the Provider is organizationally challenged or has a civilian or real world work life that takes precedence, this is a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Pimps are different creatures. They control the Providers through a variety of methods. The worse being intimidation, physical abuse or drug addiction. The Providers not only work for them but are emotionally owned by them. They take advantage of a Providers dire financial situation or their low self esteem. They take the Lion's share of the donation and keep the Provider bound to them and unable to afford to leave. Pimps are bottom feeding leaches.

So, my question to Cyclone is does your ATF have a Business Manager or a Pimp? If the answer is the latter, then keep in mind most of your donation is going into his pocket. If you can live with that, I say carry on.
OldGrump's Avatar
Some of them are not pimps but Business Managers. They take calls, book appointments and make the meeting and/or transportation arrangements. In this relationship, they work for the Provider. If the Provider is organizationally challenged or has a civilian or real world work life that takes precedence, this is a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Pimps are different creatures. They control the Providers through a variety of methods. The worse being intimidation, physical abuse or drug addiction. The Providers not only work for them but are emotionally owned by them. They take advantage of a Providers dire financial situation or their low self esteem. They take the Lion's share of the donation and keep the Provider bound to them and unable to afford to leave. Pimps are bottom feeding leaches.

So, my question to Cyclone is does your ATF have a Business Manager or a Pimp? If the answer is the latter, then keep in mind most of your donation is going into his pocket. If you can live with that, I say carry on. Originally Posted by Super Sonic
Well said.
  • !VI!
  • 04-27-2014, 03:33 PM
Some of them are not pimps but Business Managers. They take calls, book appointments and make the meeting and/or transportation arrangements. In this relationship, they work for the Provider. If the Provider is organizationally challenged or has a civilian or real world work life that takes precedence, this is a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Pimps are different creatures. They control the Providers through a variety of methods. The worse being intimidation, physical abuse or drug addiction. The Providers not only work for them but are emotionally owned by them. They take advantage of a Providers dire financial situation or their low self esteem. They take the Lion's share of the donation and keep the Provider bound to them and unable to afford to leave. Pimps are bottom feeding leaches.

So, my question to Cyclone is does your ATF have a Business Manager or a Pimp? If the answer is the latter, then keep in mind most of your donation is going into his pocket. If you can live with that, I say carry on. Originally Posted by Super Sonic
+1 agree well said
daty/o's Avatar
Keep in mind, she's an atf for a reason that has nothing to do with a manager. It never mattered before, why penalize her?
Move on. Business manager or pimp, another person now has access to you and information about you. And likely, in either event, has some type of boyfriend status which adds to the volatility.
Thuck Fat's Avatar
Keep in mind, she's an atf for a reason that has nothing to do with a manager. It never mattered before, why penalize her? Originally Posted by daty/o
+1...nice avatar

Continue seeing her. Dont get caught up in figuring out the difference between a business manager and a pimp. It was her services that made you a regular and her your ATF. What are you going to do? Regret all the times you went to see her and left satisfied? The fact that management went unnoticed for so long says a lot and you can thank her pimp for that. Carry on.
One question, did she call him a "pimp"? Or is that your characterization of it?
You would be surprised at the number of women who have: pimps, managers, BF's, GF's, Husbands, Families, agencies, etc. in their lives. This should not affect your activities with them. Providing is the way they make a living. Sure, they get paid for having fun. I restore old cars. Customers pay me to have fun working on old cars. Whether it is providing or restoring, it is still work. Keep the ladies' private life deparate from her public life and you will be better off. Don't over think it.
Keep in mind, she's an atf for a reason that has nothing to do with a manager. It never mattered before, why penalize her? Originally Posted by daty/o
I agree.
This is going to be your call based on your own head game. You should put some thought into what this will do to your feelings about your time with the girl. It could be troublesome to know your money is going to support him. If you can get past it carry on....If not change dance partners. It is so hard to understand these girls and their giving away so much of what they work so hard for..
It's a trap! Girls with pimps/folks/a man/a daddy are VERY leery in talking about them to hobbyist. She's trying to bring you in on some shit you don't want to be apart of. There's no other reason for her to share that info with all.

Ditch that chick and move on. You have be warned thusly.
KeepinItReal's Avatar
It's a trap! Girls with pimps/folks/a man/a daddy are VERY leery in talking about them to hobbyist. She's trying to bring you in on some shit you don't want to be apart of. There's no other reason for her to share that info with all.

Ditch that chick and move on. You have be warned thusly. Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj
+1 ^^^

If she is the one who told you that she has a pimp, then she did so for a reason and you probably don't want any part of that shit.

If you heard from another source and the pimp or manager has never caused any problems or even showed any signs of his presence, then why stop seeing her now. I for one, absolutely done give a flying Fuck what a lady does with the money I paid for her time, after all, she earned it. You would be surprised how many of these ladies have a dead beat in their lives, that they have to support in one way or another.
pimps are the scum of the earth, i don't support the scum of the earth.