Multi Handles --- Why

macbeth1000's Avatar
This is a topic that I initially posted in the ML however I decided to post here because this is hobby related. There are people on this site with Multiple handles, even some that have reviews and have had the handle for years however you can tell based on how they write and the same phrasing that they are the same person.

Today, someone that I thought was sweater puppies, that sounded just like the person was Banned, I dont know the reason however if this person was sweater puppies, that handle had 31 reviews and over 3000 comments and had been active for years.

My question is, why do people feel the need to disguise as multiple personas? Is this a personality issue, excitement thing, or what exactly?
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Insecurity, alterior motives, personality disorder, retarded...the list goes on. I am already two people. I don't need to be 5 or 6.
This is a topic that I initially posted in the ML however I decided to post here because this is hobby related. There are people on this site with Multiple handles, even some that have reviews and have had the handle for years however you can tell based on how they write and the same phrasing that they are the same person.

Today, someone that I thought was sweater puppies, that sounded just like the person was Banned, I dont know the reason however if this person was sweater puppies, that handle had 31 reviews and over 3000 comments and had been active for years.

My question is, why do people feel the need to disguise as multiple personas? Is this a personality issue, excitement thing, or what exactly? Originally Posted by macbeth1000
I don't get it either. maybe it's to satisfy their alter egos, multiple personalities, or just because no rhyme or reason.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Probably because of some undiagnosed psychological issue. Anonymous opinions on the internet mean more to some people and then it does to others. I've seen it on all kinds of message boards not just ECCIE. People often seek validation online when they can't get it in real life.
I dunno, but your avatar has some serious sweater puppies...

Wait. I only have one handle. But I could see the benefit of alternates, if for no other reason than all the instantiations SweaterPupppies used to say really rude things (accuracy not denied) to other board members. You get an alt ego, you can really tell somebody to go fuck themselves with a cactus, get banned, no biggie, you're back the next day as yourself. Otherwise, what a waste of time and energy trying to maintain unique voices and styles. Which is why most sock puppets are obvious anyway. They can't. And you'd need a really good floating IP VPN and a way to make your machine number float with uniqueness as well to get away with it if you were being really obvious. If you're just trolling around using alt handles in some innocuous manner like to post an air biscuit review to get cross gender access to the reviews or the MLR, you'd probably never get caught. There are probably as many reasons as there are psychological disorders plus simple reasons like curiosity or to rise from the ashes of banishment because you just can't get enough abuse in your real life.

I just asked my imaginary friend Horace the pig and he doesn't have a answer for you, either. But judging by all the ass kissing going on in Dallas co-ed I think maybe PrettyFuckingMarvelous has come back like 47 times.
muffin101's Avatar
I'm going with personality disorder.

I guess sometimes it allows them to be strategic with certain topics.

A little controlled back & forth and eventually push the thread in a predetermined direction.

macbeth1000's Avatar
My avatar does have two of the best puppies that I have seen on film and hopefully I will have a review of a young imitation copy soon.
On topic, It is funny when providers get extra handles and write reviews on themselves or bad reviews on their competition because the former can be attributed to drumming up business.
Having many handles active where you post one thing on one handle and another with another handle possibly on the same thread is just mind racking.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
This world is the only life some people have. And it gives them some feeling of having control or an advantage.
pyramider's Avatar
For some it's to hide due to past poor behavior. For others it's a game. But we have fucktards diagnosis of mental impairment when it's doubtful they have any medical or psychological credentials.
macbeth1000's Avatar
Present company noted. This site has no filter apart from IP address to catch people with different handles.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I use the internet even before it had this name; Ever since anonymity existed, discussion groups (it was not web-based, but existed) with anonymous posts have people with multiple handles. I don't know the answer, but my guess is that they consider themselves failures in real life and it is important for them to reach some form of status online. So they create handles that agree with them and handles that put their "enemies" down.

I'm not a psychologist or anything even remotely similar. But that is my best guess.
I think its funny whenever someone accuses me of having mutiple handles. Please, I have a hard enough time managing one. I would get caught in a second and don't really see the benefit anyway. If there is something I need to know then I'm sure I will find out (hell even shit I don't need to know I end up hearing about sometimes and I'm like "Hey! I don't wanna know!" lol). Im all about the social mantra of 'the less i know the better'. I really dislike trying to remember what I heard where. Electing to do that on my own is utter horseshitery.

Good question though. I wonder about it too sometimes. Are people really that twisted/bored/insecure/hateful/patheitc/childish/nosey/obsessive (no psych diagnosis there that im aware of) that they can't be themselves or own up to their own shit as themselves? If you wanna insult someone, insult them. Don't hide like some pussy ass kid behind a handle. What kind of chickenshit game is that? Pfft. Do they teach that at case de retiro de la puta?

(On a side note, with regard to that poll, I actually voted against myself on general principle. It was hilarious on so many levels. Thank you, BT :curtsy: )
They do it because it's easy, difficult to be caught, it gives them an advantage (especially the providers who do it), they are very competitive individuals and this place is very important to them. It's their life. their best possibility for social interaction and an elevated stature, their main identity here is really who they want to be. Their sibling IDs are here to prop them up because they need it.

And Santa Claus never gave them what they asked for.
Not all providers are competitive. Some of us are pretty aware that Dallas is a huge market and there is plenty to go around. I have really enjoyed meeting ladies like that lately. I don't feel like im in competition with any of them, never have. They are in the same business as i am and i see them as a resource - not a competitor (this day and age you have to know how to nurture your associations not stomp them out - the latter is an outdated and tired way of thinking). The board is fascinating and fun. Especially as yourself. You don't need all that extra bs to get business. At some point you are only doing it to feed your own demons. Just be yourself. At least that is how I see it. Can't speak for others.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
As I said before...likely attention seeking mentalists.