Why does one become a hobbyist? Why does one become a provider?

Yes, I know there are surface answershysical intimacy and do-re-mi. And while Freud was right, "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar", there must be more deep seated reasons. We are a minortiy. Most people never venture out, to borrow a phrase from the New Testament, "into the deep waters." (Christ's advice to Peter when he failed to catch any fish.) So why? I will start:i I love cuckold becuase at some level, I want to be punished. To be shamed. And, I never learned the language of romance and seduction. And I ask this question:what price do we pay for this lifetsyle? While there are rewards, nothing comes without a cost.
macbeth1000's Avatar
Yes, I know there are surface answershysical intimacy and do-re-mi. And while Freud was right, "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar", there must be more deep seated reasons. We are a minortiy. Most people never venture out, to borrow a phrase from the New Testament, "into the deep waters." (Christ's advice to Peter when he failed to catch any fish.) So why? I will start:i I love cuckold becuase at some level, I want to be punished. To be shamed. And, I never learned the language of romance and seduction. And I ask this question:what price do we pay for this lifetsyle? While there are rewards, nothing comes without a cost. Originally Posted by outoftheblue
I read this once then twice and the three times over, what exactly is your point? you want to be a cuckold is that it?
I like boundaries and simply defined roles. In the real world people expect to be a part of your life and six feet up ur ass. If you want keep your distance and they end up feeling rejected the hassle in dealing with it sucks. If it affects other people in ur life too then the higher the risk. In the rw people assume they have a right to be "in your life". They don't respect your privacy. In the hobby its a given. SOLD!
I just love really hookers. Yea, that sums it up. I have a deep respect for sex with no attachment outside the moment.

Even tho I'm married, I believe that marriage is as destructive as religion. I think it diminishes us as people because it is based on a feeling of "ownership" of another person.
RideFreeInTexas's Avatar
Even tho I'm married, I believe that marriage is as destructive as religion. I think it diminishes us as people because it is based on a feeling of "ownership" of another person. Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj
Amen brother I'm a believer, and spiritual, but very anti-religion. It's a worse form of control than government. At least with government you know you're dealing with demons, instead of demons pretending to be angels

OP, after my ex left me I tried unsuccessfully to enter the dating field. When you're separated but still married it's like a huge red flag to potential girlfriends. So I started hobbying and "sugar dating" and it went sooooo much better. Hell it doesn't really cost much more than dating, and both parties KNOW where it's heading before it even gets started. I'm not a thrill-of-the-hunt guy, so once I started arrangements I knew that was the setup for me! Even though I'm divorced now I still prefer it to traditional dating. The NSA factor is a big selling point.
I was told to get off my butt and get a hobby.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
The girls at the bars get all bent out of shape when I hit em up and ask if I can cum in their mouth. So I ask here.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I like to fuck and I like variety. That's why I started and why I still occasionally participate. I know it's a deep and complicated concept, but if you think about it long enough, perhaps it will make sense. Who knows.
im old and fat so the thought of dating a decent looking lady isn't exactly something that's going to happen, and I like all people like some physical intimacy also. im probably a lot shallow in my feelings that I just don't enjoy spending time with a lady that resembles myself, which of course what everyone expects me to date. I just simply like attractive women
Jessica Jade's Avatar
It's easy, exciting, and mainly TABOO. I love anything that's different and taboo. My question is why can't people be more open minded about this beautiful "hobby" of ours? I just recently had a friend in my RW group of friends (we are like family) say that this new girl hanging around wasn't welcome because she was a hooker. Now granted, she was a SW with ALOT of other issues but they have NO idea their little sweetheart of the group understands that part of her life. It's funny cuz I feel more big hearted angels are in this hobby than I have ever met in RW. Just JJ's two cents. hobby love you all
Agreed JJ. There is a certain generosity of spirit in the hobby.
This phrase sums it up for both Providers and clients:
"I Fuck, Therefore I Am."
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I got on the hobby because I love women. Religion? Women is the proof that God exists for me. Only the allmighty would create something so GOOOOOD! Marriage? Didn't I say I love women? Of course I love my marriage.Costs for hobbying? average 250 to 300/hr.
TinMan's Avatar
I am gifted with the inability to be introspective. I just do it.
Prime Time's Avatar
It's tough to find women who will let me come down their throat and in their ass for free.