Beauty is not only skin deep - how do you rate appearance

H8edByOne's Avatar
I am wondering if performance, attitude and a personal connection effects they way you view and rate the appearance of a provider?

For me, beauty is more then apperance.
I think that appearance is more than skin deep, both in and out of the hobby world. I find extreme cockiness ugly and when I run across someone who is so convinced their shit don't stink, it causes me to see their "ugly", no matter how hot or handsome they may be. Personality does make some appear better looking.

Although I think this is something that only rings true for grown ups lol. If you asked me this when I was a teenager or in college, I would have told you its all about looks and what kind of shoes they wear

Ditto Luxurie! You took the words right out of my mouth! Smart & Sexy!
youngatheart's Avatar
Let's not kid all starts with our own opinion of physical beauty. For some it's a BBW, for some it's those skinny bitches in lingerie commmercials and for others it's beauties like Luxurie.
Once you get past that, is when the real beauty shines through or dies in the dust. There are women I know that are not what one would call beautiful but their personailty and attitude more than compensates.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Physical appearance is secondary to the beauty between your ears. Thats the real turn-on for me.