shootout at Sawgrass Ridge Lane

VitaMan's Avatar
Last night a dispute over parking led to a shootout and 1 man killed. Surprising this doesn't happen more often, with the concealed carry weapons. Who knows who is packing ?
Italia DiBella's Avatar
Folks are losing their dang minds over BS.

On my way home last night two cars came from behind me out of nowhere, racing, swerved around me about an inch more they would have side swiped me.

I should have unloaded on them since they obviously were looking for an adrenaline rush lol

Be careful out there
O'Mike's Avatar
VitaMan the criminal actions of Concealed Weapons Permit holders (as a demographic) are some of the lowest in the state. Why do you think that they would change their propensity for abiding the law by carrying a weapon?

They are not the kind of people (on average) that are hot heads and can't, or look for excuses to not, control their actions.

Yes, they tend to be the responsible adults in the room.

Want numbers? Check this link,

CWP holders account for about 4% of the population yet account for about 0.30% of the convictions. (less than a third of one percent)

Don't get these folks confused with those that illegally carry weapons and commit the vast majority of crimes.

Good answer. Thanks for the facts.
Tiger407's Avatar
A lot of people packing without carry permits. And that will not change with proposed gun controls.
boardman's Avatar
Last night a dispute over parking led to a shootout and 1 man killed. Surprising this doesn't happen more often, with the concealed carry weapons. Who knows who is packing ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
You countered your own argument in 3 sentences. Lmmfao
O'Mike's Avatar
A lot of people packing without carry permits. And that will not change with proposed gun controls. Originally Posted by Tiger407

But it will effect the honest folks of this country. The criminals still carry in the gun free zones (victim zones). Do you think a sign has any meaning to them? The democrats in their demented mental state seem to think more laws will stop crime, they are delusional. It will be the opposite as the violent criminals will have free reign to prey on the un-protected and disarmed.

We can look to our neighbor to the south to see what some of the strictest gun control laws in the world do. The honest, hard working citizens are at the mercy of the outlaws and corrupt leftist government. (There is only one legal gun store in all of Mexico.)
  • pxmcc
  • 12-28-2020, 07:28 AM
maybe Sawgrass Ridge Lane is just the latest iteration of the ok corral..

supposedly the concealed carry license holders are the most restrained of all gun owners. do we have evidence that the shooters had concealed carry permits? i kinda doubt it, and, being the inveterate gambler that i am, i'd put up a g that the shooters did not have concealed carry permits. any takers among those who don't already know the factual backstory? (beware those who protest too much..)

btw vitaman, merry late christmas and happy early new years! i hope you're not still fucking with that hot as fuck scammer Candy from way back in the day. she offered me a free session after the whole 2 fake benjis for the 8 real jacksons-or was it 8 harriet tubmans-situation, and i said, ya no thanks you conniving ho, i wont fuck you even for a no rules no clocks totally free session...

and one of my best hobby buddies took my absolute favorite atf taylor college-ya i get the whole redundancy thing and my apologies-off the market. if he can pull that shit off, i offer nothing but props to the gent for achieving the practically impossible hobby holy grail, taming the absolutely perfect hobby shrew..

and yes i have recs, so feel free to hmu anytime sir..