Warren sapp

Damn, poor guy gets caught, and he gets fired from his job. Sucks that happened to him.

Guest092815's Avatar
Isn't Warren Sapp who was such a brutish ball-player, that he broke a man's neck, years ago in rough play? I seem to remember he didn't have any remorse for causing a catastrophic injury to player on another team.

Now, Warren Sapp is crying, Because he didn't know how to get a date (escort or not)...went about it in a ill-conceived way.. and now he has lost his job.

yes, poor poor Warren Sapp.

and in other news this week.. Suge knight (finally) is charged with murder....

Even a bully's luck runs out eventually
unagi's Avatar
  • unagi
  • 02-03-2015, 11:06 AM
Didn't he get arrested for assaulting them as well?
yes.... he was arrested on as assault charges as well. sounds like it started over an argument about money... Dude, you make a ton of money, pay them and get out of the situation. dumb.
Parsifal's Avatar
Guy's a thug. I guaranty you he tried to shortchange the girls and they started fighting over that. Dumb ass will realize that was the most expensive ass he ever paid for, after everything is said and done...

Some guys are just stupid, selfish and shortsighted...no cure for that.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Tha dumd-ass muthafukkah orta ask Michael Strahan howta treat a hooger. Sumbitch mite lairn a thang 'r two 'r three.
Art Vanderlay's Avatar
Do you mean Lawrence Taylor.?....Strahan is squeaky clean as far as I know
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Sapp is an ignorant ass. I will not miss his brilliant talking ability
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Do you mean Lawrence Taylor.?....Strahan is squeaky clean as far as I know Originally Posted by Art Vanderlay
Strahan an' Sapp has a pers'nl feud a-goin' on. An' Strahan bein' squeaky clean an' a former pro afthlete means he knows howta treat a hoogar an' keeps thangs on tha down-lo.

'Speshully after his nasty dee-vorce frum his gold-digger ex-wife. If'n she culdn't find no dirt, ya knows he knows how ta keep a secret.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
What's amazing is that it wasn't even a sting and the dummy still got caught.
A crazy way to lose your job over a hooker.
illuminati's Avatar
There was a sportscaster who got busted in DC last month. He played in the NBA for a bit and was in DC to call a Georgetown game but got busted in an internet sting the night before.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 02-06-2015, 04:28 PM
There was a sportscaster who got busted in DC last month. He played in the NBA for a bit and was in DC to call a Georgetown game but got busted in an internet sting the night before. Originally Posted by illuminati
Greg Anthony from UNLV. Wasn't much in the NBA but was a fairly good announcer at a lower level.

When you have a high profile public job like an sports announcer, the risk is off the charts when they do something like this. I would love to be there the morning after to see the look on his face when it sinks in what they have lost...

Just goes to prove that it doesn't matter how much money you make, when your cawk starts talking, you listen...
Isn't Warren Sapp who was such a brutish ball-player, that he broke a man's neck, years ago in rough play? I seem to remember he didn't have any remorse for causing a catastrophic injury to player on another team.

Now, Warren Sapp is crying, Because he didn't know how to get a date (escort or not)...went about it in a ill-conceived way.. and now he has lost his job.

yes, poor poor Warren Sapp.

and in other news this week.. Suge knight (finally) is charged with murder....

Even a bully's luck runs out eventually Originally Posted by crystalkitty
+ 1
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah bet tha gals wanted ta charge xtree fer lettin' 'im stick it in thar butts an' he warn't habbin nun'o'thet shee'yitt.
Greg Anthony from UNLV. Wasn't much in the NBA but was a fairly good announcer at a lower level.

When you have a high profile public job like an sports announcer, the risk is off the charts when they do something like this. I would love to be there the morning after to see the look on his face when it sinks in what they have lost...

Just goes to prove that it doesn't matter how much money you make, when your cawk starts talking, you listen... Originally Posted by Toyz
Yeah, the news story I read on Anthony was that he solicited someone to his hotel room off BP for $80. The dude was making $1MM+ a year as a broadcaster. Shockingly dumb.