Over the counter diet pills

tinypenis's Avatar
Are there any of these that actually work? I need to lose 20 to 25 pounds. I would like to eat less. Im sure there are plenty of people here who can tell me whats going on. I would prefer not to take a laxative for weight loss.
I would advise against this. Those pills aren't approved by the FDA. Do a google search for weight loss side effects. The best way to handle this is a combination of changing your eating habits and starting a consistent exercise program.
tinypenis's Avatar
No shit, sherlock. Ive done that. I still could use some extra help though!
Hes trying to help, there are no short cuts to weight loss it is a marathon not a sprint. Best advice I can give is keto diet, weight training, cardio, and maybe thermogenics.
It really is simple.

1. quit drinking calories. You'd be amazed how many calories you consume in juice, soft drinks, alcohol, etc. At least juice is healthy. Soft drinks are the worst thing possible for your health, possibly.
2. exercise! 4-5 times a week if under 35, 3-4 if 35-50, 2-3 times if over 50. Elevate your heart rate and sustain a "huff and puff" moment. It might only be 2-3 minutes the first time, depending on your health. "Huff and puff" to me is not being able to complete a sentence or a song lyric you are listening to without pausing for air. Your heart rate is ELEVATED at that point. Sustain for 2 minutes. Add to the overall time and sustained huff and puff each week. Then, build muscle mass in your large muscles. Do big lifts - bench, leg press, pec work, glute work, etc. The more muscle mass the more calories are being burned during cardio. Even push ups, planks, situps, etc, at home are great. Add yoga for 20 minutes on days you don't workout, if you are really bent on losing weight.
3. do not skip meals. Skip snacks. Eat out less. Avoid breads. Avoid pre-made foods which are high in crap you don't need. Eat fresh veggies and fruits (it takes time, just like learning to enjoy drinking water).
4. don't buy food you know is unhealthy - hard to have late-night sugar cravings if you have no cookies in the house.
5. eat simply made foods that are fresh. I can't think of a reason to avoid guacamole, for example, if made with fresh ingredients. Make it yourself. Pre-made dips at the store are loaded with crap. Buy processed foods with minimal ingredients. The chips for your dip? Corn, water or oil, and salt should be about it.

Shoot for a pound a week. Be thrilled when it is better (at the start). Don't be discouraged when you go weeks without a noticeable change. I did that recently - worked out hard 4x a week and saw no weight loss. Stayed home from work ONE DAY with a sinus thingy, ate a couple of apples and carrot sticks, slept a lot, and had one glass of OJ (fresh squeezed, not from concentrate) and water. That was it. Lots of sleep, mind you. The next day I went back to work but kept lowkey. Didn't go out to eat with co-workers. Melted a slice of cheese over some shaved ham for lunch. Three days later i was down 4 pounds. I had recalibrated myself, got rested, kicked the soft drink to the curb again, no alcohol, no eating out. Limited food, and I wasn't over-hydrated.

That is just me. No pills, ever, for dieting. No fads, ever.

Eat smart, eat fresh, eat simple, and exercise.
Are there any of these that actually work? I need to lose 20 to 25 pounds. I would like to eat less. Im sure there are plenty of people here who can tell me whats going on. I would prefer not to take a laxative for weight loss. Originally Posted by Meow Mix Morris
I wish I only had 20 to 25lbs to lose I tried every OTC diet pill that you can shake a stick at and only lost very little weight - I am currently taking presxrtjoon contrave and it seems to be helping.
Losing weight makes a person feel food.So many diet stuff out here
mirandalee's Avatar
Actually if you eat less you will gain more weight because you will slow down your metabolism. You're suppose to eat 5 small healthy meals and exercise. 85% of weight loss goals is by what you eat.. Diet pills don't work but I do take stackers 3 to boost my energy
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
You don't have to eat less. You have to eat real. Cutting out the processed stuff works wonders. You don't need to eat as much or as often when you're nourished. But you can eat really delicious food and be healthy. Fad diets don't work long term. Pills are just more chemicals your body doesn't need to be fit. If you need guidance, drop me a line. I've helped several people lose 30 lbs. or more.

Same goes for you, Luke.
UofHpc's Avatar
I would not take any ... chew gum.
To bad can't make diet pill were a person drop weight with in 48 hr.Healthy eating and workout or walking.Losing weight makes anyone feel great.