How do old pic factor in?

wade38's Avatar
Loved to know what ya think of the old photos used by many still. Do you continue to pass on by or take the plunge?

FirePhoenix's Avatar
I have to admit that quite frankly I forgot about my showcase for a good long time. Someone posted a very unflattering pic of me in my showcase and it woke me up to the fact that I needed to update the showcase. Now I'm taking my pics and showcase in all sorts of new directions. Hopefully next week I will be able to post Mt newest creations. It going to definitely be a hell of a show stopper
wade38's Avatar
Good for you. No one should be able to upload to your showcase only you should have control and mods. But don't feel bad there are folks that use 5yrs and older photos still. Many use photos from other source.

Have to say I have seen some very funny showcases over the years. As a Photographer and one that has worked with many models of various shapes and sizes, I do get a kick out of some of the showcases.

But it all good in fun. Many get disappointed though who venture on the showcase alone. Glad there are many that have the complete package: Personality, attitude, enjoyment, humor and much more.

RICKDOG8's Avatar
Girls like Alana Kay and Seductive Selina deserve praise for constantly updating their photos. I'm sure there are others but those are 2 that come to mind. I wish more would follow suit.
Guest121917-1's Avatar
I was guilty of this for a while. Then when I realized what great photo quality my phone had...boom updated pics. old is OLD? How frequent do you expect providers to update photos.....? Weekly? Monthly? Quarterly? Ish....? Just wanting to know what you gentlemen concider OLD. I KNOW mine NEED to be updated....they feel old after about a month or two
wade38's Avatar
We know there are always changes. Old would be 3 yrs or more. Now there have been many that report their pictures are old, but also say that they still look the same or better.

Hobby folks will have to have faith in the honest reviews.

It would be nice though if one didn't wait 3yrs to update photos.

One tip: if you are going to take a bathroom selfie, don't include the background mess. But then again some folk might be into the trashy room pics. We all seen them, but like many .. omg... next. LOL

We will leave the no face or obscure photos for another discussion, and girls the mix A Cups with E cups in the same profile. LOL

But, hey not going to fault anyone for using OLD pics. But I am sure like many it is more like ..hmmm...pass..nice review but...yep still pass..
RICKDOG8's Avatar
I don't feel like there is a absolute certain time they should be updated. But if you're more than 15-20lbs heavier then the pics you have on your showcase...I'd say it's time to update. It doesn't do anyone any good to have outdated pics like that. The hobbyist is disappointed and the provider may not get a no review but she may get roasted in the ROS. JMO!
Lol. Understandable. PERSONALLY. I GET TIRED OF LOOKING AT MY OWN PHOTOS after about 1-2 months.... That's when I feel you gents are also PROBABLY TIRED of the same poses, outfits and colors. I also think it invites more traffic to the showcase if we are posting the line.."NEW PICS IN MY SHOWCASE"
PrettyBoyG's Avatar
It's 2016 and I bet every provider on this site has a cell phone or digital camera so there is no reason to not have good pics. Two of my pet peeves in the hobby are grainy pics and outdated showcases. I would never spend my money on a provider who use outdated pics. I don't care how good the service is. Some providers on this site are still using the same pics that they had at ASPD.
One of my hobbies is photography. And I have been fortunate to work with some of the great guys on this site that are photographers - I have waaaaaay too much fun with that! I always appreciate in a review when it says - that she looks like her pics or her pics are current-then I know I'm doing it right. The problem I have is that I have way more pics than what will fit in my
TehRyc's Avatar
What some may consider "unflattering", others may consider true representations of what is being seen. I kind of feel like you are fibbing if you try all these extreme angles and terrible photoshops to hide the fact that you are either way older or way heavier than your pics show. I almost feel like it should be mandatory for a standing picture from head to toe to be used to make a gallery. Either way I keep walking onto the next provider if I see extreme angles, pictures that look like they were taken with a potatoe, or super close ups of tits and ass. I'm not above walking away the moment the door opens and I am surprised by what I see. Then we would get alerts about me being a time waster.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
"Old pics" factor in imo if any of her reviews start presenting problems (indicating she doesn't look as good or drastically different).
If reviews say she still look like her pics then it doesn't matter to much if she's not posting new pics every few months.
My last shoot was a bit over a year ago ... so maybe I could use new pics to show different outfits and because I'M getting tired of looking at them even though I literally look the same.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
To the "unflattering". Just got this dress yesterday and just took the pic right now....mmm, yup it's a full scale unedited pic. I'm still wondering what shoes to get for the dress