Bill Gates.......Communist China’s Useful Idiot

China Good, US Bad.

That about sums it up.

Remember back in the old Soviet Union Days, when our Main Stream Media and the Left tried to push that “moral equivalency “ scam.......”they are just like us, only different”.

Hey, Mr Gates. China is a fukin’ totalitarian State. They are not our moral equivalent. If you push the envelope too far over there, they will put your ass against the wall.

We all understand your need to kiss China’s ass. Most of the stuff you market originates there.

Just remember, there is no such thing as a Pet Rattle Snake. If you think there is, just reach down and give it a pat on the head.
bambino's Avatar
I would say Biden is China’s biggest useful idiot. Gates is up there though.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Somebody has a lot of nerve disparaging Bill Gates intellect.
He is so far beyond Chump in intelligence and ability it's funny.
He started his own business. He was not given a real estate fortune by his Daddy.
I don't think he started any failures like Chump has.
I don't think he declared bankruptcy as a dodge for his own inept management like Chump has.
I don't think he screwed over working people who fell in with his
ill fated projects like Chump has.
He is solid financially not encumbered by loans and sketchy bullshit like Chump.

Don't focus on China and what they did or didn't do.
We are supposed to have a President to look after our interests.
Did FDR whine that Nazi Germany and Japan didn't play fair ?
  • oeb11
  • 04-27-2020, 12:37 PM
gates made his fortune as a capistalist - now following the Chinese Orwellian model of capitalism to generate funds for the party - which imposes total political control and Marxist confirm thought!
BILL GATES is worshipping at the altar of Comrade Xi - still trying to improve his pile with the CCP!
gates made his fortune as a capistalist - now following the Chinese Orwellian model of capitalism to generate funds for the party - which imposes total political control and Marxist confirm thought!
BILL GATES is worshipping at the altar of Comrade Xi - still trying to improve his pile with the CCP! Originally Posted by oeb11
Gates made his initial inroads to his fortune as a thief and a huckster fraud.

No wonder he is now aligning with the group who are the largest thieves of intellectual property in the world. Must remind him of his early days.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Do any of you Chump idiots know how to spell Capitalist ?

There used to be a guy with a Dictionary . Maybe he can help.

Learn to spell before you embark on Orwellian models. They may be over your head.

If you guys can't keep up - you have to sit at the Kiddie table.
Do any of you Chump idiots know how to spell Capitalist ?

There used to be a guy with a Dictionary . Maybe he can help.

Learn to spell before you embark on Orwellian models. They may be over your head.

If you guys can't keep up - you have to sit at the Kiddie table. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
You know things are getting bad for the libs/Trump haters when they resort to spelling errors as their responding argument.
bambino's Avatar
You know things are getting bad for the libs/Trump haters when they resort to spelling errors as their responding argument. Originally Posted by eccielover
I guess he never read one of WTF’s posts!!!!!
Somebody has a lot of nerve disparaging Bill Gates intellect.
He is so far beyond Chump in intelligence and ability it's funny.
He started his own business. He was not given a real estate fortune by his Daddy.
I don't think he started any failures like Chump has.
I don't think he declared bankruptcy as a dodge for his own inept management like Chump has.
I don't think he screwed over working people who fell in with his
ill fated projects like Chump has.
He is solid financially not encumbered by loans and sketchy bullshit like Chump.

Don't focus on China and what they did or didn't do.
We are supposed to have a President to look after our interests.
Did FDR whine that Nazi Germany and Japan didn't play fair ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
I don't think you know a lot about Bill Gates.

His Dad was a rich lawyer. He went to an exclusive private school where he had access to a mainframe computer.

Around the time he was at Harvard, he struck up a friendship with Paul Allen who helped start MSFT.

DOS was software brought by Bill from a widow of a programmer who had killed himself. He made billions off that one deal.

Is Gates a smart guy? Hell yeah. But don't think he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Like much of corporate America, Gates has to toe the Chinese Communist Party line - in order to protect his business.

Remember when a front office guy for the Houston Rockets tweeted something in solidarity with Hong Kong protesters and the Chicoms threatened to cut the NBA out of the Chinese market? The NBA folded up like a bunch of cowards.

Steve Kerr and others don't have a problem criticizing the US or threatening to boycott North Carolina over transgender bathrooms. But as soon as the biggest totalitarian state in human history threatens their profits, the NBA suddenly sees no evil.

But the NBA isn't alone. Every company that wants a slice of the Chinese market will toe the line - especially the tech companies. That's where Gates comes in. He doesn't want the Chicoms to shift all of the systems over to other operating systems or, worse yet, simply stealing Microsoft OS and developing a directly competing Chinese version.

So, he whispers sweet nothings in China's ears and says bad things about the US.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
DOS was software brought by Bill from a widow of a programmer who had killed himself. He made billions off that one deal. Originally Posted by gnadfly

don't know where you got this part. that is not true.
You know things are getting bad for the libs/Trump haters when they resort to spelling errors as their responding argument. Originally Posted by eccielover
Give him this much credit. He did not resort to using the word Hitler or Nazi in his rant.
Give him this much credit. He did not resort to using the word Hitler or Nazi in his rant. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Not Yet.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Do any of you Chump idiots know how to spell Capitalist ?... Originally Posted by sportfisherman

If your whole point is spelling, you have no point at all.

Orange Man Good
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I don't think he screwed over working people... Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Uhmm, yeah, seems like a swell fella to his employees.

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