The "Official" Pick Your Poison Poll (PYPP) - Trialthelon Edition

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Seems the time is about right to re-poll the audience to get a feel towards what we think about the kerfuffle regarding The covid that was sweeping the world, but now it's all Ukraine, J6, TDS, TDS, Orange Man Bad, TDS, TDS all the time because Russia is responsible for all problems. Even if it means WW III. But what about that Durham report anyway? Uhhhhmmmm...

Scamdemic - When you are laundering money through third parties to genetically modify viruses, against US law, stuff happens Was it just an unfortunate accident that has been leveraged to the hilt by our unseen rulers to scam us into accepting subservience and giving away our rights? Never let a crisis go to waste. Come on Man!

Plandemic - It was what they had to inflict upon the masses, mostly because they were broken fiscally, but also to break the US economy under Trump and to plunder the USA, because there is no way all of the civilized countries could possibly be that Galactically stupid at the same time.

New Normal - This time Socialism will really work. Pinky-Swear. I'll give up my liberties for perceived security, just in case. Besides the government class of rulers just want what is best for us for themselves and it's what we really want anyway, because that whole pursuing Life, Liberty and Happiness is just too danged hard.

Shit Happens - Must be some other possibly: Racoon Dogs, Aliens, Solar Flares, Luck of the draw or simply because this stuff happens like this all of the time.

It's anonymous and you are not required to participate, but greatly encouraged to. Whether you like it or not: it really is a matter of life and death for peoples across the entire planet.

Apologies for the added pressure and urgency.
Ripmany's Avatar
I a fool and there say it take one to know one. There sadly did everything could to undermine him and his pland. When did the travel and allow a shut down if economy, he said it real, even worse Americans was number one for cases and near top per capita for case with only few country wilh 10% of our population to beet it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Americans was number one for cases and near top per capita for case ... Originally Posted by Ripmany
There is a message in that statement that hints at Plandemic.
WOW............SMH............ .OK here is the deal.......accidental release from a level 4 bio hazard lab that yes was probably funding by the USA...........we have so many stupid and enforceable laws that we really are our worse enemies sometimes!

The CCP keep it a secret because they are SO DESPERATE to be accepted on the world stage that for something like this to become public knowledge they would have egg on their face for the next 50 years...........and THAT does not fit with the Chairman's plan!

Shutdown......Trump was told by his economic advisor that this would destroy the country and there was nothing we could do expect ride it trump would would have won reelection hands down with the best economy is DECADES decided to IGNORE know, don't worry it will go away in a few weeks...........MORAN!! and when it didn't he downplayed know drink some bleach, you'll be fine!

If it was not an accidentally release and was deliberate because the CCP did not like the economic sanctions that trump had put in place because (YES the CCP has been lying to the world about its economic power for decades)...........if it was NOT an accidentally release.......then that means it was a planned released that has killed almost 7 MILLION PEOPLE world wide...........then I guess we are going to need to drop a NUKE on a major city in China....right?.....let me know how that works out
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
To jiggle the memory cells: the Trump economy was ripping along, low interest rates still, fuel costs way, way down because we were energy independent. China was resigned to make trade deals with us that did not give away the farm and on and on. Meanwhile the swamp was corrupt as ever and getting peeved that their gravy train was sliding off the tracks. In review, without speculation, just known facts:

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The Commies are gaining some ground, but still behind(s) by several lengths. While this ain't Chitcago, you can vote early, just not often or after your dead..

Sniff...Sniff... You smells that? Smells like another the covid poll coming up wind...