listen here fuckers stop what the hell you're doing...

Listen puertricanbaby19 is my little sister, and I'm doing all her screening and all....

I know for a fact that a member on here WHO fucking knows better was an ass hole today to her.
I'm sure you know who you are!!!
You wrote her asking for bbfs she fucking told you NO a million times I know because I'm also reading everything and doing all her screening and setting appts.
So when you come and Try to force the shit on her your a nasty fuck. Then you get mad or irratated because she makes you put one on, get the fuck out of here...
So many people are asking her here, and some of you I know on the board, stop it ain't happening.

She's new, but I'm not!!! She's young but she's old enough to know she's not fucking raw...
She knows ain't no money worth a fucking a std, a kid, or what ever else.

It's gross, she isn't doing it, it's not fucking happening, one more message or I am busting your asses out about it.
Stop it, be a gent, have fun, safe fun, and move along, trying to make this experience a good one.
Whispers's Avatar
So you are threatening to out the private communications between a hobbyist and a whore here?

Cool. Have at it.....

Did she start on a street corner like you? Or does having a big sis on ECCIE mean she gets to graduate straight to the big time?

Bareback sex is gross? What's it like pimpin your little sis?

That's some set of family dynamics there.......

On another note...... I thought you claimed the state gave you back your kids? You sure seem to be whoring on the road a lot..... Doesn't seem possible in light of that......
InitialB's Avatar
I'm just getting heavy into hobbying but I wouldn't even dare ask for BBFS. I think anyone who does is an idiot IMO.

I like my dick way too much and I don't really care to pick up something. I'm quite aware of the ones that can be picked up even with a cover on but I don't care for the ones that would give me a death sentence or piss blood.
Shut the fuck up and don't bring my Lil sister in to our shit, it like me being your family in to it.
I'm not pimping her I'm screening for her to stay safe!!!!

And quit bringing my kids up you dummy I have my kids done saying that..

And it not outting some one if I'm use there handle, kind like how you guys say shit about girls, could be the same way...

Whisper in asking u nicely, leave my sister out of your fucking miserable life and fanatics. I'm not play she has done nothing wrong.

If you wanna say shit about me go a head
you know its really funny the last time I was here you must have bitched to your little butt buddy and little or sorry Big whispers musta had his feelings hurt because I got a letter from one of the mods stating that we were to leave you alone and we need to stop. but you are a fat ass can just say whatever the f*** you want I don't think so keep my f****** name out your mouth keep my sisters name out your mouth keep my kids and s*** out your mouth you have your nerve talking about anybody on this f****** bored when you're one stick of butter away from having a f****** heart attack. at the mods want me to leave you alone then you need to leave me alone I seem to remember reading on there that if it wasn't abided by that somebody would be banned so why aren't you being banned.
and I got my sister at the same street I'm about to go pick your daughter up at yeah not funny huh
Whispers's Avatar
you know its really funny the last time I was here you must have bitched to your little butt buddy and little or sorry Big whispers musta had his feelings hurt because I got a letter from one of the mods stating that we were to leave you alone and we need to stop.

"We"? Who is "We"?...... I think if you got a notification like that from a MOD and are here like this now you are not only crossing those lines but you are now in direct violation of a directive from a MOD....

but you are a fat ass can just say whatever the f*** you want I don't think so keep my f****** name out your mouth keep my sisters name out your mouth keep my kids and s*** out your mouth you have your nerve talking about anybody on this f****** bored

If I am talking about the whores and the issues they bring to the boards then I am simply on subject...... YOU are the one that brings this shit to CoEd just as you used to with all your problems in the past....... You should try simply taking care of business and keeping it off the boards and out of the public eye....

when you're one stick of butter away from having a f****** heart attack. at the mods want me to leave you alone then you need to leave me alone I seem to remember reading on there that if it wasn't abided by that somebody would be banned so why aren't you being banned. Originally Posted by shayla84
Maybe because I haven't crossed the same lines as you have? I'll be curious to know why you are not banned if you were actually given such a warning in the past and are here with the personal attacks again.....

and I got my sister at the same street I'm about to go pick your daughter up at yeah not funny huh Originally Posted by shayla84

I raised my kids better and supported them in a manner that allowed them to get an education and never have to consider a life such as yours......
You can SAY whatever you want about someone in my family but it doesn't make it so....
Walking the streets and sucking dick in backseats and allies is the stock and trade of a street whore....... .

YOU and your little sister turning tricks for a living, advertising as whores, bragging in ads about your dick sucking abilities as you travel from city to city while others raise your kids is simply fact..... YOU told us!....

So what's next?..... "Yo Mamma" Jokes?

Whispers's Avatar
Shut the fuck up and don't bring my Lil sister in to our shit, it like me being your family in to it.
I'm not pimping her I'm screening for her to stay safe!!!!

And quit bringing my kids up you dummy I have my kids done saying that..

And it not outting some one if I'm use there handle, kind like how you guys say shit about girls, could be the same way... You may want to read what the guidelines have to say in regards to divulging information from private correspondence before doing so....... Ah heck..... Never mind... Just do what you think is best!

Whisper in asking u nicely, leave my sister out of your fucking miserable life and fanatics. I'm not play she has done nothing wrong.

If you wanna say shit about me go a head Originally Posted by shayla84

Asking me nicely?
Still Looking's Avatar
Can you post some pictures of your sister?
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Can you post some pictures of your sister? Originally Posted by Still Looking

So what's next?..... "Yo Mamma" Jokes?


Yo momma is so fat that when she went to the beach a whale swam up and sang, "We are family."
Still Looking's Avatar Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn

Whispers you started the shit and I'm not about to let this power you have here stand in the way of sticking up for my self...
Don't give a dam what you say about me leave my kids and sister out of it...
I hope karma gets you I really do, your a shitty excuse of a man, as you sit there and act like older women, bigger women, or women with minds of there own are just these bad people, like it or not dude your gonna get old and dependent, and these little teenie bopper whores you fuck ain't gonna want shit to do with you, or they will be out to get your money and that's all they want from you, and because you treat every one shitty your gonna die alone in a nursing home thinking about how lonely you are...
But it will serve you right and I'll still be here 30 or so years younger then you smiling.
Fuck off kindly sir....

Oh and I made this post since there is like 4 or more guys asking for it to let them know it's not happening and she does have someone in her corner and so maybe it will stop... Or I can go in the women's lounge and post handles so there get put on DNS lists, I was trying to be less evasive and that way it was over and done with. Not to start shit, men can't see the women side (wait maybe they can I forgot we got leaky bitches here) so them what's the use, no I want guys to see it so they know ok she's not playing when she says no!!! Not to mention when a girl had to keep repeating her self and having to keep moving her ass back farther and farther because he keeps trying to get it in, THAT is a problem!!!!! NO FUCKING MEANS NO I don't care of your a hooker or not, shouldn't have to repeat your self constantly, especially when you come already know knowing she said NO...

So now whispers less see you try to justify how it's ok some one is trying to force bbfs on her... Come on so every one can see how BIG of a piece of shit you truly are...
And every daddy thinks there daughters are perfect mean while, there the biggest whores out there, except they usually don't get paid for it. If she's anything like you I'm sure...
Isitaduck's Avatar
What about the doubles special?
Eww, no, gross.