Sex on Ambien?

Iron Chef's Avatar
I read that Tiger Woods liked to have sex while he and his partner were both on ambien.

Anybody tried it?
shooter6.5's Avatar
are you asking if either me or my partner has fallen asleep during sex???????????
Iron Chef's Avatar
I would think it would make it a challenge! Hurry up and fuck before we both fall asleep.
travelling_man's Avatar
I've been with some girls that I thought were on Ambien - that certainly would explain their lack of passion!
Well, I was gonna gonna quack the whole concept but I decided to google it first.
First hit was:

and that thread was started June 2007!
Mya MyLanna's Avatar
No I have'nt tried it but I heard that when you trip off Ambien that you can not remember what you did that next day . It was even said that people who do take it at night to sleep have not remembered getting up in the middle of the night to binge eat and has blamed Ambien for making them fatter . It also was a problem with college students using as a form of a Date-Rape drug . Sounds like some really strong stuff .
CassidyBlue's Avatar
So..... Tiger and I have something in common. I do not sleep on Ambien rather, I go into a very euphoric state, it is very surreal. I've even stayed up all night after taking one. While I have not had sex during Ambien, I could see where it might be pretty fantastic.

Needless to say, I did not take it after the first few times as it was useless for me in conquering insomnia.
Ambien made me fall into a deep sleep like in 10 minutes. It is also very addictive to rely on if you start taking it for sleep promblems. Be carefull with it.
Guest100610-3's Avatar
Ive heard, never done it my self, only heard, of people having sex on pain pills. So maybe its that really relaxed mellow felling they were going for.

By the way any one know when they first came out with Ambien? I dated a girl in the late 80's that may have been the first test subject.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

I just noticed that Tara Evans is on top of me. Hey I must be a lucky guy today.
Man, sex on Ambien?

Tiger seriously needs some help. Maybe he needs to tutor at the elbow of the master, S P Hunter. LOL!

Really? Ambien?

I wouldn't be much fun on Ambien. Excedrin PM puts me completely out.
After a great DATY session, I could SLEEP like I had taken Ambien! LOL!