Do We Really Need to Keep the Poor?

I don't like hearing about them, all the drama....seeing them the way they live

Sounds like the start of a baaaaaaad Illuminati gathering lol

But what I'm really asking is

Do we really need to support as many police officers, correctional facilities, courts, drug suppliers, etc you get my point right Right?

Is it possible to keep the good of capitalism while experimenting outside of it

What's so inherently wrong with sharing power, influence, resources....equality

Is it ok to step outside of our egos, ambitions, illusion of separatism, greed ....and be content on the same humane level? Does there has to be a master and slave relationship for the rest of eternity

I mean c'mon ppl all the jails are overflowing ...we're really trashing up the earth here

I'm going to heat up my chicken burrito now check back on y'all answers later tonight

Well iam not rich by any means in terms of money that is. But I think I make up for it in other ways. I think this video explains what I mean pretty well. Maybe it will help you answer some of your questions.
Ha! x1000
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I don't like hearing about them, all the drama....seeing them the way they live

Sounds like the start of a baaaaaaad Illuminati gathering lol

But what I'm really asking is

Do we really need to support as many police officers, correctional facilities, courts, drug suppliers, etc you get my point right Right?

Is it possible to keep the good of capitalism while experimenting outside of it

What's so inherently wrong with sharing power, influence, resources....equality

Is it ok to step outside of our egos, ambitions, illusion of separatism, greed ....and be content on the same humane level? Does there has to be a master and slave relationship for the rest of eternity

I mean c'mon ppl all the jails are overflowing ...we're really trashing up the earth here

I'm going to heat up my chicken burrito now check back on y'all answers later tonight

GIVE ME SOMETHING AWE-INSPIRING TO READ Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
NO, they need to keep themselves out of trouble and stay in a job.
Your pictures are quite awe inspiring!
omg that was such a beautiful heart-felt video! almost brought tears to my eyes @ acp5762

but that vision of the "poor" isn't what it really is in much of the u.s anyway, wild regions in africa perhaps. (then again how would you really know until you spend time in field research all across the states ...hmm possible future project)

what i meant was the system that we as a society maintain...We maintain support the cycle of poverty. the kind of poverty that isn't healthy living like in that video. i don't think we need a class of poor ppl. We all need to share our resources like the old times ...we don't need an upper ruling class, a "middle" class, the rat race, and ppl starving being forced into crimes and so many unnecessary police and jails to keep them in polluting the earth. it is pollution. its not natural

don't even get me started on education. i don't believe in only formal one of a kind education but everyone needs access to some type of higher education. w out having to go into debt and making the rich richer

thats what im sayin!

spoken like a true pagan

...thanx jewishlawyer. i try
  • 04-20-2013, 03:18 AM
omg that was such a beautiful heart-felt video! almost brought tears to my eyes @ acp5762

but that vision of the "poor" isn't what it really is in much of the u.s anyway, wild regions in africa perhaps. (then again how would you really know until you spend time in field research all across the states ...hmm possible future project)

what i meant was the system that we as a society maintain...We maintain support the cycle of poverty. the kind of poverty that isn't healthy living like in that video. i don't think we need a class of poor ppl. We all need to share our resources like the old times ...we don't need an upper ruling class, a "middle" class, the rat race, and ppl starving being forced into crimes and so many unnecessary police and jails to keep them in polluting the earth. it is pollution. its not natural

don't even get me started on education. i don't believe in only formal one of a kind education but everyone needs access to some type of higher education. w out having to go into debt and making the rich richer

thats what im sayin!

spoken like a true pagan

...thanx jewishlawyer. i try Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-20-2013, 06:27 AM
omg that was such a beautiful heart-felt video! almost brought tears to my eyes @ acp5762

but that vision of the "poor" isn't what it really is in much of the u.s anyway, wild regions in africa perhaps. (then again how would you really know until you spend time in field research all across the states ...hmm possible future project)

what i meant was the system that we as a society maintain...We maintain support the cycle of poverty. the kind of poverty that isn't healthy living like in that video. i don't think we need a class of poor ppl. We all need to share our resources like the old times ...we don't need an upper ruling class, a "middle" class, the rat race, and ppl starving being forced into crimes and so many unnecessary police and jails to keep them in polluting the earth. it is pollution. its not natural

don't even get me started on education. i don't believe in only formal one of a kind education but everyone needs access to some type of higher education. w out having to go into debt and making the rich richer

thats what im sayin!

spoken like a true pagan

...thanx jewishlawyer. i try Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
There should be no inherited wealth. That is a transfer of power from a person that has earned it to a relative that has not. Rich folks that have earned a living know what it is like to be poor and are better able to try and fix that problem Their spoiled rotten kids do not have a clue and are only trying to hang onto something they didn't earn. No different that welfare folks...that's a start.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't know if you're trying to be facetious or not but there is one thing I do know, get a better avatar. Your old one was pretty good.

Anyway, what are the poor? If you could make all the people existing below the poverty line tonight then tomorrow the new poor would be richer but still the poor. If this is not about money but about behavior then that is a result of culture. There used to be a lot more poor a long time ago but it was not acceptable for the poor to steal or murder because they were poor. We give each of our youths a free education till college and about half throw it away. Many drop out and others just wait until they can leave. What do you do with them? Them have to have it made very clear that going into crime is the more difficult thing to do or that going on the dole with children by different men is not going to happen. The so-called "social safety net" has to be trimmed back to stop being a hammock. We also have to get people to understand that status is not earned by having $200 sneakers or the latest, greatest electronic device.

I am sure that WTF is serious about no inherited wealth but when making laws where do you draw the line. You're probably thinking about millions of dollars but what about land? what about a classic car worth tens of thousands? what about a baseball team? what about your coin collection? what about your gun collection? If you open the door to confiscation (that is what you call it) then the standard will get lower and lower about what is wealth. Also who gets the stolen money or goods? The government? Why not the servants (you know all rich people have servants)? You may not like the rich bastard down the street (and I may not either) but he or she earned their money and they should be able to do with it as they please when they die which also includes donating it to their school, church, or charity (which you would also take away).
omg that was such a beautiful heart-felt video! almost brought tears to my eyes @ acp5762

but that vision of the "poor" isn't what it really is in much of the u.s anyway, wild regions in africa perhaps. (then again how would you really know until you spend time in field research all across the states ...hmm possible future project)

what i meant was the system that we as a society maintain...We maintain support the cycle of poverty. the kind of poverty that isn't healthy living like in that video. i don't think we need a class of poor ppl. We all need to share our resources like the old times ...we don't need an upper ruling class, a "middle" class, the rat race, and ppl starving being forced into crimes and so many unnecessary police and jails to keep them in polluting the earth. it is pollution. its not natural

don't even get me started on education. i don't believe in only formal one of a kind education but everyone needs access to some type of higher education. w out having to go into debt and making the rich richer

thats what im sayin!

spoken like a true pagan

...thanx jewishlawyer. i try Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
Iam not sure how to respond to your post here, but I'll try. Although you may not like every aspect of our current economic system in terms of rich vs. poor and how each may affect the other. Regardless of what you may think we all have a great deal of influence over our destiny. I don't think other people have nearly that much influence over others as much as you may think. I'll tell ya something you probably already know. Life can be a mean and ugly place, and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. Some people are unable to live their lives the way you may envision. We are all simply wired differently. Some people will be poor and others rich and many in between You and many others want to look for a solution to this. Some think America should be a Socialist country. We should redistribute resources to level the playing field. Some even think we should reduce the population, for over population is the root of the world's problems. I think we all are over fixated on these things. Everyone thinks they have a plan to save man-kind. The more we try to do that, the louder the message gets that " something's wrong with you, or something's wrong with that" pretty soon all we do is look for something to fix that really isn't broken. What does get broken though is man's spirit, and that's what's wrong with our country today.
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  • 04-20-2013, 12:00 PM
You may not like the rich bastard down the street (and I may not either) but he or she earned their money and they should be able to do with it as they please when they die which also includes donating it to their school, church, or charity (which you would also take away). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
They earned it, not their children nor their servants nor their favorite charity.

It matters not if I like him or not, if he gives you money when he is alive, you pay taxes on it as if it were income. Why should you pay no taxes on any money he gives you in his death?

They should be taxed at the very least at the top of the income scale. It is welfare for the rich, until they fix that welfare problem, I will not condem the truely poor on actual welfare.Do you not understand that roads built, airports, Defense all helped the rich earn their money. Of course they should pay down the national debt they to contributed to. If not alive by paying poliyticians to keep their taxes low, then at least in death when no argument can be made by anyone with an ounce of common sense that children of the wealthy have earned their parents money , tax free!
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  • 04-20-2013, 12:03 PM
. What does get broken though is man's spirit, and that's what's wrong with our country today. Originally Posted by acp5762
You sound like one of those misguide terrorist..''Our country lacks moral fiber.'' Who has been preaching you that BS? Glenn Beck?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You make my point for me. They earned it. Shouldn't they decide what happens to their estate after they die? What gives you or the state the right to determine what happens to their estate?

You say that the country helped them get wealthy. I say that they helped the country be successful. They had an idea, they worked hard, and they built a business that hired workers, paid them, and paid taxes. The workers paid taxes on their income and bought things that had to be made by other people. Those people had to be hired by someone else to produce those items. The country had very little to do with it and lets be very clear here, when you say country you really mean government don't you? Government should have a very limited role in life. National defense, upholding the law, and protecting the defenseless from harm. There is nothing in our Constitution that said government should be in the role of deciding who gets ahead and who doesn't. In the early 1800s a bill was brought before the House. The goal was to establish a fund to help veterans from the Revolutionary War. James Madison stood against the bill. He said that it was a noble idea to help the poor but he could find no place in the Constitution that allowed for them to do that. He wrote most of the Constitution.
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  • 04-20-2013, 12:22 PM
do we really need to talk about keeping the poor? opposed to what? Hitler-esque camps complete with gas chambers? Load up cruise ships and go feed the sharks ..

You sound like one of those misguide terrorist..''Our country lacks moral fiber.'' Who has been preaching you that BS? Glenn Beck? Originally Posted by WTF
I never mentioned one thing about moral fiber or morals or anything even remotely close.
I don't know if you're trying to be facetious or not but there is one thing I do know, get a better avatar. Your old one was pretty good.

Anyway, what are the poor? If you could make all the people existing below the poverty line tonight then tomorrow the new poor would be richer but still the poor. If this is not about money but about behavior then that is a result of culture. There used to be a lot more poor a long time ago but it was not acceptable for the poor to steal or murder because they were poor. We give each of our youths a free education till college and about half throw it away. Many drop out and others just wait until they can leave. What do you do with them? Them have to have it made very clear that going into crime is the more difficult thing to do or that going on the dole with children by different men is not going to happen. The so-called "social safety net" has to be trimmed back to stop being a hammock. We also have to get people to understand that status is not earned by having $200 sneakers or the latest, greatest electronic device.

I am sure that WTF is serious about no inherited wealth but when making laws where do you draw the line. You're probably thinking about millions of dollars but what about land? what about a classic car worth tens of thousands? what about a baseball team? what about your coin collection? what about your gun collection? If you open the door to confiscation (that is what you call it) then the standard will get lower and lower about what is wealth. Also who gets the stolen money or goods? The government? Why not the servants (you know all rich people have servants)? You may not like the rich bastard down the street (and I may not either) but he or she earned their money and they should be able to do with it as they please when they die which also includes donating it to their school, church, or charity (which you would also take away). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Great post JD, very well said.