The answer is straight forward, simple and within our capability.

From Scholar Walid Shoebat:
"This should be the million-dollar question. Yet answering it will save us billions, even trillions.

The answer is so simple; stop the Muslim Minority Affairs program, stop the influx of immigration and student visas from countries where Islamism is flourishing and start boycotting Saudi oil altogether.

That’s it."
For more:
The Muslim Minority Affairs program. A Saudi sponsored/financed program for activities in the US - educate yourselves on what is happening.
we could all convert to mohammedanism

kill the homosexuals

kill the hollywood types

re-educate the women to be subservient, maybe clip off all clitorises

burn a lot of the books

educate only males

im not sure if dhimmitude would suffice it at this stage

the funny thing is, the left is our biggest obstacle......its as if their hatred of their immediate foe, right thinking americans, causes them to truck with the tiger that would just as soon destroy them first and not last as is their hope.

remember the booing of Israel and God at the democrat convention?

the only religion the left makes excuses for and tries to laud is the most illiberal one...perplexing what?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Have Trendaway, acp, IBSyndrome, Corneyhole, IFFY, neverhadathought, and the rest of the armchair riding (and bathrobe clad), second guessing "macho men" some sling shots, cigars, male incontinence pads and whiskey and station them along the perimeter of the USA. They can bring their own weapons and ammo. Hell, that'd even keep Glenna busy running them supplies.

These dummmm-buh-buh-BASSES need to quit coaching and get into the game.
LexusLover's Avatar
The answer is straight forward, simple and within our capability. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Did you just answer your own question?

The fire ants seemed to increase this year, perhaps the mild winter, but I figured out as long as my neighbors didn't doctor theirs with "fire ant medicine," then it would be a matter of time before mine would come back after I dosed them. But that didn't dissuade me from dosing them ... at least they will stay over in my neighbors' yards.

Just discretely kill the mother-fuckers. They have declared jihad on us. That is good enough for me. It's a bonus that it might please wtf to see that population numbers are reduced without any more demand on "benefits."

Hell, load up the drones and get the geeks to control the joy sticks.

Old Dingus
Get on a hooker board and list everything bad about America and the president. It will convince them their work here is done and will go home.
I suggest you stop it the same way as you stopped Irish terrorism.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I do believe I just saw spoken support for my "kill the Muslims" thing!! Sweet
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-23-2013, 12:45 PM
not sure you can stop it if you want to live in a free country ..

I digress

all the so called constitutional patriots that preach freedom in one breath, don't seem to have much problem going on lock down and removing a cornerstone of this countrys foundation ... freedom.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I do believe I just saw spoken support for my "kill the Muslims" thing!! Sweet Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Glenna, no one is interested in your religion.
I suggest you stop it the same way as you stopped Irish terrorism. Originally Posted by essence
O.K. Somebody thoroughly frisk Fancy again.

Old Dingus
I do believe I just saw spoken support for my "kill the Muslims" thing!! Sweet Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Sorry. You are wrong agin.

I did not write to kill all the Muslims; I wrote to kill all the mother fuckers that declared or support jihad against us. There is a big difference.

See: Rambo, Rule of First Blood.

Old Dingus
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-23-2013, 02:17 PM
kill all the mother fuckers that declared or support jihad against us

aka all the muslims

kill all the mother fuckers that declared or support jihad against us

aka all the muslims

lol Originally Posted by CJ7
CJ, I will give you that at least you are honest. Apparently low in comprehension skills, but honest.

I said "kill all the mother fuckers that declared or support jihad against us."

You said "aka all the muslims. lol"

Maybe you think ALL muslims declared or support jihad against us. I do not. In fact, I have friends and clients who are muslims and I would always prefer them to you.

Old Tsokar (or however it is spelled) is a naturalized American and I am fine with killing him when we are through obtaining information and he has a fair trial. Will you now try to say I favor killing ALL Americans?

Your bullshit simply does not make sense.

Old Dingus