I have a question for the gentleman........

I have always respected a gentleman's privacy , married or not, I would NEVER text or call someone UNLESS I am asked to since you never know who might see it if you had your phone lying around.....
I changed my policy recently on posting my new number for more privacy from unwanted type calls. I asked that a pm or email be sent first.
SO my question to you is this, I had a regular come today come to my location and knock on the door wanting to see me. He stated he had not been able to reach me on my old number. My first reaction was OMG what if I had someone here at that time? Family or anyone......
SOOOO not wanting to text anyone or call someone I have seen before and give them my new number,, if you were married would you want to be notified of a providers new number since it is not posted anymore on the web? or is that a no go for most to contact them by text. I have regulars I enjoy seeing but do not want to cross the boundaries as this guy did and contact them by text.
Just wanting opinions of what you like in discretion on this. Most I do not have email address since I did not take emails before.
OldGrump's Avatar
If I was a regular, I'd appreciate a new number via PM. Otherwise, state in your showcase how it can be obtained and if you prefer a PM or email first.

The dude knocking unexpectedly was totally out of line - maybe even dangerous. Regular or not, what if you had another client? Geez. I would "unregularize" him.
  • hd
  • 12-11-2013, 02:07 PM
wouldn't mater how close I and a provider might be as far as being friends thrugh the hobby, no one should ever show up unexpectedly like that. A message thru here or p411 should be done first.

I don't even like my neighbors making a surprise visit without warning.
fletch's Avatar
if any provider's "old" number doesn't work then you as a hobbyist should assume they don't want it to work. then do a little research to confirm her status.

showing up unannounced is NEVER acceptable.
I really agree with everyone, that is something someone should never do, just showing up is not good. I do see a lot of gentlemen that are not members on sites so just curious, would you want a text of the new number if you were married or no text at all? I do not want to cross that privacy rule , but I do not want people just showing up either!!!!!
He showed up and knocked on your door...
Today has been one hell of a laugh riot here...

You ladies should check your PMs here more often. Once a year isn't enough. Some of you are missing out on appointments.
Way way way out of line on his part.

How would he feel had you done the same to him? How about mid day thanksgiving when his family and friends are all there?

If the # don't work you e mail or PM.
I check my pms' many times a day Prolongus....Not once a year LOL This one that showed up is not a member on here, does not want to join due to privacy .... That was a good laugh, he wants privacy but I am not suppose to have any.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
If I was a regular, I'd appreciate a new number via PM. Otherwise, state in your showcase how it can be obtained and if you prefer a PM or email first.

The dude knocking unexpectedly was totally out of line - maybe even dangerous. Regular or not, what if you had another client? Geez. I would "unregularize" him. Originally Posted by OldGrump

In addition, see here: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=923534
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 12-11-2013, 03:03 PM
I love to just show up out of the blue. I try to time it around dinner time.
I know I'm not going to interrupt a session because I've been watching from the parking lot for a few hours and I know when a client is there. See its all good!

OH..I assume you check your PMs or emails so if he's a regular he can contact you that way for the new number.....or well.....I guess he can just ask you in person now.
Hercules's Avatar
I had a regular come today come to my location and knock on the door wanting to see me. He stated he had not been able to reach me on my old number. Originally Posted by SensualLadyD
Beat his ass with the biggest dildo you have. If he were a regular he should've been able to find you on the I-net to email or PM for a #. And if couldn't then he should assume you've move on.
I had a gentleman do that to me and I was floored! Needless to say, he is no longer a client. Discretion should be important on both sides. Showing up unannounced is rude, disrespectful and scary as hell. Shame on the guys that do this. I imagine if the shoe were on the other foot, the provider doing that would be deemed bat shit crazy!
uncle buck 50's Avatar
That guy should be flogged for that.... Except he'd probably like it and show up un-announced again.
Some ideas to address the number change.

PM those on ECCIE.

Create a searchable ad or post with your old number in it stating your new system.

Good luck!
pmdelites's Avatar
If I was a regular, I'd appreciate a new number via PM. Otherwise, state in your showcase how it can be obtained and if you prefer a PM or email first.

The dude knocking unexpectedly was totally out of line - maybe even dangerous. Regular or not, what if you had another client? Geez. I would "unregularize" him. Originally Posted by OldGrump
as has been stated, post info about your change [wherever you advertise] and let guys know they can contact you. send pvt msgs to guys w/ a eccie acct who you know well. only send text or email if you have record that they said that'd be acceptable.

the other guys interested in you will find out soon enough how to contact you.

wrt. showing up unannounced, i made that Faux Pas once early on in my hobby career. have never done it again!!!