many of us HOBBYISTS have morals?

setman's Avatar
We've heard from some of the ladies,

how about from the gents?

If providers have morals, can hobbyists?

Pink Floyd's Avatar
I cannot seperate clients and providers. I do not deny my animal instincts, and cling to something written thousands of years ago by a mythology based culture. There are certain principals that must be in place for any organized society, but legislating sex is not one of them.
This is really a stupid thread (as was the other one) for those posting on a SHMB and/or participating in the hobby.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
This is really a stupid thread (as was the other one) for those posting on a SHMB and/or participating in the hobby. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I cannot seperate clients and providers. I do not deny my animal instincts, and cling to something written thousands of years ago by a mythology based culture. There are certain principals that must be in place for any organized society, but legislating sex is not one of them. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
Absolutely excellent answer!

Morality is strictly related to culture and environment. It's moral in some countries to "circumcise" females, maiming the clitoris to guard per-marital virginity and insure against extra-marital infidelity. (Theory being that if women don't enjoy sex, often find it painful and/or fear it after mutilation, they won't want to do it, but of course, it's their duty to suffer at the hands of their husbands.)

It's moral in some countries to force children to work 12-16 hours a day in sweatshops making the toys our kids play with here in the States.

It's moral in some countries to forbid interracial marriage as it "corrupts the purity of what God made," reasoning that makes same-sex unions punishable by death in some places.

It's moral to eat what we consider house pets ("alternate species family members" for many of us) in some cultures (my chihuahuas would literally be taco dogs ), and human flesh may still be a socially acceptable delicacy to palates other than Hannibal Lector's.

Morality is malleable. I try to treat people as I would be like to be treated, the Biblical adage "Love thy neighbor as thyself." I just charge for it.
shorty's Avatar
Yes, I have morals! I won't see underage girls, engage in MFM, strap-on play, or have another swinging dick sucking me off!! If I know for sure the lady has management, I won't see her. If I know she lies about most everything, I won't see her. Yes, I know this is a fantasy. I'm a firm believer in speaking your mind and not fucking anybody over.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Morality is strictly related to culture and environment. Morality is malleable. I try to treat people as I would be like to be treated, the Biblical adage "Love thy neighbor as thyself." Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I agree 100%. "Treat others as you wish to be treated", is my personal moral code.

Yes, I have morals! I won't see underage girls,
engage in MFM, strap-on play, or have another swinging dick sucking me off!! If I know for sure the lady has management, I won't see her. If I know she lies about most everything, I won't see her. Yes, I know this is a fantasy. I'm a firm believer in speaking your mind and not fucking anybody over. Originally Posted by shorty
What the heck do MFM, strap-ons, or managment, have to do with morality? Are you reading some rare version of the Bible, or is this a new religion?
Pink Floyd's Avatar
FancyInHeels, excellent response. I use the example so often presented as the paragon of morality - the Nun as a prime example of a group in total denial of the first imperitive of survival of a spieces - they exist in an unatural state, and that is considered moral.
shorty's Avatar
I agree 100%. "Treat others as you wish to be treated", is my personal moral code.

What the heck do MFM, strap-ons, or managment, have to do with morality? Are you reading some rare version of the Bible, or is this a new religion? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Dude too me its morally wrong to run a train on a lady or having her being managed by someone and giving her money to him/them. Everyone has there own morals and those are mine.
mrchris.emm's Avatar
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels View Post
Morality is strictly related to culture and environment. Morality is malleable. I try to treat people as I would be like to be treated, the Biblical adage "Love thy neighbor as thyself."

Spot on. People should view morals differently from ethics. A wise man once said "I have no morals, only ethics."
  • Rigin
  • 09-11-2011, 01:43 PM
I follow my own moral compass....sure it needs to be re-calibrated every now and then as I age and learn. Which is better then some people who have not seemed to have calibrated theirs since it got banged around in the box it was shipped in.
Dude too me its morally wrong to run a train on a lady or having her being managed by someone and giving her money to him/them. Everyone has there own morals and those are mine. Originally Posted by shorty
Cpalmson's Avatar
This is a very good thread b/c it makes people think and be intellectually honest with themselves. Society has it's morals as do individuals. For me, I have a strong personal moral code for which the most part I adhere to. Actually for me, the activities of this hobby are against my personal moral code. However ever since I was a young boy, sex has been my weakness and vice. Call me conflicted or call me a hypocrite. It is just further proof nobody is perfect.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-11-2011, 04:26 PM
The litteral answer to your question is "All of us have morals". They may differ greatly, and some may claim they are amoral--but truly amoral people are exceedingly rare.

Now I suspect the question was more, "What are your moral beliefs?" A far more complex question. For me, in terms of this business, I believe consetual activities are not wrong, I believe coerced sex is evil in all its forms. I believe in helping my friends and those in need. I believe in standing up to bullies.
  • MrGiz
  • 09-11-2011, 05:32 PM
The litteral answer to your question is "All of us have morals". They may differ greatly, and some may claim they are amoral--but truly amoral people are exceedingly rare.

Now I suspect the question was more, "What are your moral beliefs?" A far more complex question. For me, in terms of this business, I believe consetual activities are not wrong, I believe coerced sex is evil in all its forms. I believe in helping my friends and those in need. I believe in standing up to bullies. Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-T's answer comes closest to my own beliefs... especially when it comes to consensual activities... including those ladies who absolutely LUV to play Choo-Choooooooo Mama

I get the impression that this thread is begging the question....
What is our little community's thoughts on who possesses higher morals... Providers? Or Hobbyists?

Personally... I think it would be a dumb question... how can it be any more equal?