You be the judge

I have a VP that is threatening to bring cyber stalking charges against me. See this thread, post #5:

Everything I have posted has been factual information that is (1) Backed up by correspondence from her and (2) I deem worthy of issuing an alert on for the good of our community.

Below is a copy/paste of Texas law defining cyber stalking. I personally feel her threat is without merit but would welcome any comments from other members.

Texas H.B. No. 2003
relating to the creation of the offense of online harassment.
SECTION 1. Chapter 33, Penal Code, is amended by adding
Section 33.07 to read as follows:
Sec. 33.07. ONLINE HARASSMENT. (a) A person commits an
offense if the person uses the name or persona of another person to
create a web page on or to post one or more messages on a commercial
social networking site :
(1) without obtaining the other person’s consent; and
(2) with the intent to harm, defraud, intimidate, or
threaten any person.
(b) A person commits an offense if the person sends an
electronic mail, instant message, text message, or similar
communication that references a name, domain address, phone number,
or other item of identifying information belonging to any person:
(1) without obtaining the other person’s consent;
(2) with the intent to cause a recipient of the
communication to reasonably believe that the other person
authorized or transmitted the communication; and
(3) with the intent to harm or defraud any person.
(c) An offense under Subsection (a) is a felony of the third
degree. An offense under Subsection (b) is a Class A misdemeanor,
except that the offense is a felony of the third degree if the actor
commits the offense with the intent to solicit a response by
emergency personnel.
(d) If conduct that constitutes an offense under this
section also constitutes an offense under any other law, the actor
may be prosecuted under this section, the other law, or both.
(e) It is a defense to prosecution under this section that
the actor is any of the following entities or that the actor’s
conduct consisted solely of action taken as an employee of any of
the following entities:
(1) a commercial social networking site ;
(2) an Internet service provider;
(3) an interactive computer service, as defined by 47
U.S.C. Section 230;
(4) a telecommunications provider, as defined by
Section 51.002, Utilities Code; or
(5) a video service provider or cable service
provider, as defined by Section 66.002, Utilities Code.
(f) In this section:
(1) ” Commercial social networking site ” means any
business, organization, or other similar entity operating a website
that permits persons to become registered users for the purpose of
establishing personal relationships with other users through
direct or real-time communication with other users or the creation
of web pages or profiles available to the public or to other users.
The term does not include an electronic mail program or a message
board program.
(2) “Identifying information” has the meaning
assigned by Section 32.51.
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Oh...I see you're on your public vendetta again...

This is thread number how many about this chick?

And you can't see it as cyberstalking because????????
Lol @ Kaylee! Girl you hit the nail on the head.
kerwil62's Avatar
Wow, more drama.

Sounds like somebody fell in love and got their heart broken.

You can't always let your dick run your life! Just sayin......
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I WOULD NOT give him ANY attention if I were you. He IS BAITING you and I PROMISE, he WILL NOT leave you alone.

The more public posts he makes, the more it comfirms he is stalking you but Gianna, you have GOT to make a decision to NOT respond what so ever.

I would STOP posting on this thread. YOU give him the fuel he needs by paying attention. Defunk this fool by ignoring him.

If he is sane, he will try drop the public bullshit and try to deal with it in a mature adult way in private.

Just focus on yourself girl. This will blow up in his face, I promise you. Let the universe take care of it for you.
Molay's Avatar
  • Molay
  • 12-19-2012, 09:07 AM
Good advice Kaylee. Both parties need to walk away. Chalk up all losses to the game.

This hobby is not a place for the heart. There are some great people, but never lose sight of what the hobbyist and the provider is.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
He just posted in Dallas and Austin (and he doesn't think he is a cyber stalker?)

Gianna, like I said, don't reply or post. Let him post away and as long as you don't stir the pot in anyway, it will only make your case stronger. DON'T reply to this guy in anyway shape or form.

The more he posts, the more amo he gives you to prove your case.

YOUR silence will be HIS demise!!!!
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Water finds its own level.
I thought the question I posed was fairly straightforward. Perhaps not.

Do my past posts concerning this person meet the definition of the Texas cyber stalking law?

Hint: You must read and understand this law to respond in an intelligent manner. All those that don't bother to read and understand it, or lack the intelligence to do so, should go to the spectator section and chill.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar

Posting threads over and over again in different cities about the same person and talking about posting a website about them is called stalking.

You're a stalker....
TransAm's Avatar
Dude, you're digging your own grave here. The desire to lash out when you feel you've been wronged can be powerful. But it's not helping your cause to do so. Move on.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Kaylee.... Houston?

Oh and OP law or no law your actions are that of a stalker, plain and simple.
By posting via the internet you can be charged with federal crimes not only state since the internet has endless boundaries..
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Hey gee a cee, trust Karma. IF she is a rotten, filthy, thieving skank in need of thorough scourging, Karma will handle that problem really well; her life will be an agony of poverty and ignorance. Wish her a long life.

Just chill, and enjoy the show.
I just wasted 10 minutes of my life going through this and it just makes me want to meet Gianna even more for some fun.....