Sky_Wire spills his guts about Jamie Young

sky_wire's Avatar
I know that I voice strong opinions, and know that I sometimes flame people. It's easy to conclude that I'm an asshole. Plus, I don't post reviews. I don't have much credibility on these boards.

I saw JY once, and I had a wonderful time. In short, she was the provider of my dreams. In my opinion, every AA++ review of her, is true. Actually, she's better than her best review. No level of praise would be an exaggeration.

However, when I tried to hook again, she jacked me around on a level that went far beyond the level of a ditsy young provider. I wasted an entire holiday sitting at home while she changed and rechanged our meeting. BTY, I had set up the meeting 3 days earlier.

I appreciate that a provider's body is her own, and she has a right to see who she pleases. Maybe I'm too old, fat, or I remind her of some problem from her past. I also realize that it's uncomfortable to say to someone "I don't want to see you." So, I just texted her saying that if you don't want to see me, just text me saying that your schedule is full, or something to that effect. I wanted to give her an easy out. She called back saying no, no, no I really want to see you. Well, then the cycle restarted again.

I played this game again and again. She's such a gorgeous piece of ass, I went for it hook line and sinker. Guys, I was played, like a total loser. I've got a pretty thick skin, but this really, really bothered me. I feel that her treatment towards me was intentionally cruel.

Maybe JY honestly remembers this differently, but that doesn't change the way I FEEL.

In a later texting session, I very politely pointed out to her that given her line of work, she really shouldn't treat people this way. You never know who might have a connection with LE, and a single enemy could be one too many. You people know that I post quite a bit in the legal section. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what I do for a living.

Well, that's when she went totally off on me. She sure as hell made it clear that she wouldn't see me after that, I can assure you. I made an enemy for life by saying that.

All this really bothers me, because I never had this interaction with a provider before. I shouldn't have posted my comment regarding the her math query. But the sting of this interaction still really bothers me. I need to drop it, but it ain't easy, and I'm only human.

All I can say is that I'll work very hard to never rehash this in the future. I just wanted everyone to know what my issue was with this provider.

She sure as hell won't see me. But if she'll see you, it's money well spent.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-13-2010, 06:15 AM
In a later texting session, I very politely pointed out to her that given her line of work, she really shouldn't treat people this way. You never know who might have a connection with LE, and a single enemy could be one too many. You people know that I post quite a bit in the legal section. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what I do for a living.

Well, that's when she went totally off on me. She sure as hell made it clear that she wouldn't see me after that, I can assure you. I made an enemy for life by saying that. Originally Posted by sky_wire

Not trying to pick sides or anything, but any asshat that texted me what is a blatant threat would have bigger issues than getting laid... not calling you an asshat... but I wouldn't blame her for doing it.

Emotions run thin, fires burn white hot... easiest thing is to involve yourself in OTHER matters. Something 180 degrees from what is pissing you off...
sky_wire's Avatar
Not trying to pick sides or anything, but any asshat that texted me what is a blatant threat would have bigger issues than getting laid... not calling you an asshat... but I wouldn't blame her for doing it.

Emotions run thin, fires burn white hot... easiest thing is to involve yourself in OTHER matters. Something 180 degrees from what is pissing you off... Originally Posted by ~Ze~
I meant that I'm a criminal defense attorney, and I know how you girls get nailed. If that came off as a threat, that was 180 degrees from my intention.

When a hobby guy or a provider catches a case, they sometimes have the option of "working their case off." That's police code for being a rat. That's what I meant. Usually the hobby guy gets the offer.

Sometimes texting isn't very clear. It's too bad that what I thought was friendly advice, is easily interpreted as a blatant threat.
Valentine Michael's Avatar
The text about le sounded like a threat to me to. Don't know about anything before that because you're not very specific.
CenterLock's Avatar
I try to stay out of these threads. Usually I succeed. Apparently this isn't one of those times.

I try to keep to the center - locked there if you will. There's always what he said/wants/thinks etc and what she says/wants/thinks etc. Then there is the objective truth sitting smack dab in the center. Sometimes one or both sides are very close to center. Other times they hang a left - a hard left. The more feelings and emotions get involved, the more effort is required to stay true to truth, etiquette, and decorum.

There are many reasons a provider may treat you the way you describe ranging from flake to emergency and back again. Some people drop the ball trying to accommodate. Others don't like saying no (to people, money, the list goes on). On the other side, sometimes people can get too far into liking someone else (as a person, for the job they do etc) and then have that poorly translated in communication with the other individual.

Were either of these the case here? I haven't a clue. I just acknowledge that I am human and so is every provider here. We do what we do in hopes of a good time or income. When that fails, move on.

I do agree that your other post was uncalled for and am glad you see that; but am glad this thread stated the reasoning in a more appropriate fashion - to even include praise for Jamie's good work.

Remember we're all just human - which means we all have room for improvement.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar

In a later texting session, I very politely pointed out to her that given her line of work, she really shouldn't treat people this way. You never know who might have a connection with LE, and a single enemy could be one too many. You people know that I post quite a bit in the legal section. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what I do for a living. Originally Posted by sky_wire
Hittn' and missin' sucks. I hope JY jumps on to give her side.

If this is exactly what you said, it sounds like a threat. First you mention connection to LE then you mention enemy. Red Flags and trigger words if ever there were any. We all know and deal with people from all walks of life, but have learned not to throw those connections or words around lightly. While it's understandable you were upset about hitting and missing with JY, I'm not sure anyone here will be too sympathetic. Big No No. Sorry it escalated to this (for both of you) and hopefully, next time you find yourself in a situation of this nature. you will choose a different way to handle it, hon. No winners here. btw....I understand that you "might" have been pointing out that others she treated this way would be out to get her, but it does read as a veiled threat.

Kuddos for honestly stating your faux pas in an open forum and hopefully many have learned from it. If at some point you feel you've been strung along again, maybe you should post an alert as others do, rather than going on a text tangent. It's just not acceptable to threaten the ladies, regardless of the situation, no matter how veiled and intentionally or not. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out either, hon.
sky_wire's Avatar
Max, what can I say, other than your points are well reasoned and probably dead on. My interactions with JY started just before some asshole outed her to her apartment manager. My thinking was that it could have been LE instead, and she would see that. I can already see that the opinion is leaning towards I fucked that up pretty bad, if that was my intention.

For the record, ratting someone out will almost never do any good in cases like this. In cases like murder and major drug quantities, that's a different story because they often involve gangs. In gang cases nobody cooperates with police out of fear of retaliation. Snitches play a big role in those cases. Usually the snitches are gang members themselves looking at major pen time because of prior convictions.

Confession is sometimes good for the soul. I'm glad to have gotten if off my chest. If JY wasn't an 11 out of 10, none of this shit would have bothered me. It has given me a headache, however.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar

Confession is sometimes good for the soul. I'm glad to have gotten if off my chest. If JY wasn't an 11 out of 10, none of this shit would have bothered me. It has given me a headache, however.
Originally Posted by sky_wire
I know, right!?!? She is hot! Women can drive men to do some silly things at times, but know that you guys occasionally affect us the same way. Take two Tylenol and a deep breath. This too shall pass. Best of Luck!
Wow I am sorry this happened Skywire. I hope she gets on here as well so we can here what she has to say. Again sorry for what happened babe.
I agree that the LE thing totally sounds like a threat, and I probably would have gone off on you, too. However, big kudos to you for stepping up to the plate and admitting it, even if it was not your intention to threaten her. It's nice to see someone give 'their side' without attempting to rip the other party to shreds. So, good job.
CenterLock's Avatar
I agree that the LE thing totally sounds like a threat, and I probably would have gone off on you, too. However, big kudos to you for stepping up to the plate and admitting it, even if it was not your intention to threaten her. It's nice to see someone give 'their side' without attempting to rip the other party to shreds. So, good job. Originally Posted by Dannie
Amen to that
Sorry, skywire, but it I was a provider and you said that to me, I would not only go off on you, I would make it my lifes work to do everything possible to prevent you from ever getting laid by a provider again.

I will give you the benifit of the doubt that you did not intend it that way. But, thats like joking about a terrorest on a plane, You just don't do that, ever. If things are not going the way you want, for any reason, just move on.

Personaly, I see no reason for Jamie to reply to this thread at all. Its not worth the drama
I applaud your apologizing, especially in an open forum.

Jamie is a very sweet girl, she did not deserve to be threaten.

She did not need to play text tag with you, if she never intended to see you. Maybe she had a good reason to. Well, I would have found another provider to spend time with verses text tag. And to threaten her was not being a gentlemen.

Again I applaud you for putting it out and apologizing, and that was gentlemen of you.
While I appreciate all the very very nice thingss you said about me, skywire (Hey it's like a threAD made for me!) I will stand by my decision to stop seeing you.

The comments you made here were unnecesary and I think I can safely say that this board has ENOUGH drama.

At our initial meeting, you gave me the wrong donation. No, I did not say anything to you about it, because you actually only stayed 30 minutes I believe, and the donation you left was seemingly appropriate for the time spent together. However at that time, I did NOT offer or advertise 30 minute sessions. (I do now, and the rates for them are a little more than you left, but that's not the point).

Why did we not have a session after the first one? As you stated, I had just been "outed" to my apt complex, so when I had to change our appt, it was because I was unsure I could host our appointment for safety reasons. I didn't know if I was under surveillance so I wanted to lay low for a while before I had clients come over again.

You continued to text, call and message me incessantly. I go to school full time and have real world obligations as well. I did get back to you and said Yes, I did want to see you again. I meant that. But the texts started making me feel uncomfortable, the pms as well. Then I noticed you saying things in threads that were giving me an uneasy feeling.

I should have just told you that you were making me feel uncomfortable, but I am not a confrontational person at all, so I usually keep a smile on and do my best to be acommodating. (Like the donation thing, I figured it was to best I let it go, because the amount of time spent was proportional to the amount of money recieved. IF I had a 30 min rate, that was what I probably would have listed as my rate).

Then, the straw that broke the camels back was the last PM you sent me, which I would copy and paste here if it were allowed. Yes, you made the comment about LE watching me. You were also giving unsolicited advice to me on how I should present and conduct myself on the board. It crossed the line. I do not want to feel threatened by a client ever. I even posted in the Ladies Powder Room about this situation when it happened SIX months ago. I had an overwhelmingly response that these ladies supported my decision to no longer see you and they thought you had definitely crossed the line. (Ladies,
I replied to your PM politely that I did not want to see you anymore.

I'm terribly sorry it turned out that way when it's obvious you are a die hard JY fan

I appreciate all the wonderful things you had to say about me in this thread. I'm beyond flattered. I also recognize that it takes a big person to admit their wrongdoings and actually be honest(especially on this board), and you did both. I'm glad this thread has stayed civil thus far and although I have to get back to studying, maybe we could discuss this privately and see if we could find middle ground so we can see eachother again.

Have a good day everyone && thanks for your input!!!
CaptainJones's Avatar
This thread only ads to her argument that you are crossing the line
You are practically in love with her dude