Good Cops VS Bad Cops

Trill Jackson's Avatar
If good cops truly outweigh bad cops, there should be nothing to fear for speaking out against discrimination and corruption.

If someone in my profession does something to make me look bad I want him to be punished or lose his job.

So again If "most cops are good cops" then It seems all the "good cops" would be publicly demanding justice and reform within their ranks to weed out the bad but... Well look at that, it's not happening.
Trill Jackson's Avatar
Two problems.

The people they make cops these days.

People (The public) have little respect for authority anymore. Originally Posted by bojulay

Respect goes both ways. The authorities have little respect for the public that pays their salaries and gives them a job, which is to "protect and serve us."
Duthgar1976's Avatar
it is hard to respect someone of authority when they themselves have no respect for the laws they are supposed to enforce. I see cops everyday doing shit that would get us pulled over and ticketed or even arrested. yet when you call them on it they just roll up their window and ignore you.
Wheretonow's Avatar
Yeah, we needed a thread to rag on law enforcement personnel. Hadn't been enough of that going on lately.
bojulay's Avatar
I deleted my post, it sounded just a little too general.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I deleted my post, it sounded just a little too general. Originally Posted by bojulay
not before TJ drew a couple of nuggetts to comment on!

I disagree with the premise.. it makes sense in theory, but life doesn't work from theory.. the Police, Hell law enforcement in general, are a brotherhood.. family.. the "good" ones stay mostly silent when the "bad" ones act.. it's the bad ones that have their back if a dangerous situation occurs.. besides, a good cop's definition of a bad cop is probably much different than our definition..
Trill Jackson's Avatar
not before TJ drew a couple of nuggetts to comment on!

I disagree with the premise.. it makes sense in theory, but life doesn't work from theory.. the Police, Hell law enforcement in general, are a brotherhood.. family.. the "good" ones stay mostly silent when the "bad" ones act.. it's the bad ones that have their back if a dangerous situation occurs.. besides, a good cop's definition of a bad cop is probably much different than our definition.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I agree. I don't think most cops are good, quite the opposite. Even the really bad ones who kill people and steal money, etc are defended by the other ones which makes them just as bad.

Just think if a civilian kills someone and another person helps him get away with it he's charged with "accessory" to murder or aiding and abetting. When cops kill people they all cover it up and work together but no charges are filed and all the cops involved get away, both the shooter and police union rep who helps him get away with murder.

It's really like a gang and anyone who speaks out against corruption will be an outcast or lose his job. They don't want whistle-blowers on the force.
Chung Tran's Avatar

It's really like a gang and anyone who speaks out against corruption will be an outcast or lose his job. They don't want whistle-blowers on the force. Originally Posted by Trill Jackson
I started to use that gang analogy, but got side-tracked... the US police force (the sum of all local police units) is the largest gang in the country.. it just is.. every element is there.. initiation.. unwavering loyalty.. retribution for acts of failed loyalty..
Maybe we should have this discussion, wheretonow.

I've known a dozen cops in my life. My father was in a career of military security / law enforcement. Every one of these guys was dumber than a hammer or had an "empowered" complex (as in bully)... or both.

I'm actually pleased to see the exposure of four shit-for-brains assholes subduing (and strangling) some guy selling illegal cigarettes. Like he deserved to die over THAT.
doug_dfw's Avatar
My take is this. Since the creation of Progressive Liberalism, somewhat before I was born, the moral compass as been swung from eye for eye to give two to 1000 eyes for an eye. It is truly a wonder to me in the last 5 decades why we have anyone enter LE as a career, except of course the defence attorneys, in an attempt to uphold the law when the President on down, don't. Ok a good job for those some of those some of whom have described. The majority dedicate their lives, like most of those in our military, to uphold our constitution and abiding law. Except , those including our President and on down through the Elitist Political Community , and the unwashed which grows exponentially, daily. Mexico here we come.
theboss21422's Avatar
When people are given authority over others, they consider themselves somewhat above the realm of their authority, case in point crooked cops and politicians, we as a people need to start protecting ourselves and stop relying on others to govern us
Wheretonow's Avatar
Maybe we should have this discussion, wheretonow.

I've known a dozen cops in my life. My father was in a career of military security / law enforcement. Every one of these guys was dumber than a hammer or had an "empowered" complex (as in bully)... or both.

I'm actually pleased to see the exposure of four shit-for-brains assholes subduing (and strangling) some guy selling illegal cigarettes. Like he deserved to die over THAT. Originally Posted by Prolongus
We hire law enforcement personnel and (at least where I live) pay them precious little to do a job that few of us would want.

They're under constant scrutiny, seldom get any praise, and are required to treat the dregs of our society humanely.

The job attracts a certain kind of personality, and infinite patience and self-discipline aren't traits these kinds of folks normally naturally possess.

I'm too lazy to do the research, but I'm pretty sure that good cops outnumber bad cops, your personal experiences to the contrary.

From 2005 through 2013 1,336 policeman were killed in the line of duty. It's a dangerous, often thankless job, and there are plenty of high-profile incidents where they did it badly. And plenty of instances where they didn't.
It certainly is a thankless profession. It's too bad the horror stories of cops clubbing or choking a man are prevalent over the unreported great stories of police saving lives.

I just wish that during the hiring and training of them, somebody would have the brains to kick out the jerks before they graduate, get a gun, go on the street and can't wait to bully or threaten somebody.
Wheretonow's Avatar
It certainly is a thankless profession. It's too bad the horror stories of cops clubbing or choking a man are prevalent over the unreported great stories of police saving lives.

I just wish that during the hiring and training of them, somebody would have the brains to kick out the jerks before they graduate, get a gun, go on the street and can't wait to bully or threaten somebody. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Well said, Pro
Trill Jackson's Avatar
Being a cop is actually one of the safest jobs in the country statistically.

Most that die in "the line of duty" die from auto accidents.

Way more taxi cab drivers die every year than cops.