Sex teacher Lafayette needed

I'm seeing this girl outside the hobby and apparently I am not good at sex: ( I can give her clitoral orgasms but can't give her a g spot orgasm during intercourse. I last long enough but I guess either I'm not big enough or have sexual anxiety so my dick goes flaccid. I'm only 21 years old this should be my prime. I lost all my self confidence when I caught my gf of 4 years cheating on me with my cousin. Ever since I've been terrible I'n bed. She told me two days ago that I was her second choice my cousin could give her gspot orgasms with no problems. She told me his dick was way bigger and that imasculated me. I Feel like the most worthless guy on the earth right now I'm loosing everything. I need a sex therapist someone who can show me how to please a woman.. It's the most terrible feeling I'n the world I see many providers and I just get bbbj cause I can't scew up there . I wish I had a friend with benefits are a provider that would help me learn but that would cost me a fourtune to see a provider 3times a week for lessons. If anyone can help me teach me show me how it's done refer me to someone I would appreciate. It was very hard for me to get on the board and admit this so guys please have respect. Girls if there's anything someone can work out with me or anyone willing to teach me I'm willing to negotiate time and money. I can't live like this anymore witha half flaccid cock please help ! Love you eccie
By no stretch of the imagination am I some Don Juan, but let me see if I can help.

First, I hope you whipped your cousins ass. Or, at least took him off your Christmas card list. A family member? Man, thats just wrong.

Second, I will tell you that a lot of it comes from experience. We all blundered along when we were young.

Third, have her talk to you. Remember sex is a two way street. Ask her what feels good. Ask her what she doesn't like. Remember, every lady is different. This goes to the experience. You have to have the confidence to know that you don't know everything about sex. I know I learn something all the time that I didn't know. This is the reason some ladies will forgive the flaws of us "older" men and prefer us to young hard bodies.

Keep your head up and get with an experienced provider. They will help.
It is defineitly understandable the way you are feeling. I would be feeling the same way

I don't have all the answers, but some things to keep in mind.....Do you really want to be with someone that judges you on your cock size only? Yes, there are women, who only want guys with big cocks and big muscles. Just like there are guys who only want women with big tits, fine asses, and give incredible blow job skills.

The fact that you been together for four years is a hard pill to swallow, but hey, at least you know now and can move on. You need to find a chick that likes you for you and you like her for her. Sex is great. If the only thing keeping you with someone is the sex, and your not enjoying the company of the person your with, then its not going to last.

Another thing to keep in mind. As bad as your feeling now, you should remember that things could always be worse. You don't have cancer, (You are healthy i am assuming?) you don't have any kind of crippling disease, you have your family? you can afford to put food on the table, your not homeless....

Yeah, it sucks when a girl tells you that. I had one tell me that once. Really pissed me off, then i realized she is not the kind of person i would want to be with anyway.

you will get over it bro.
Not every woman can have an orgasm from intercourse alone so don’t sweat it. Like Stick1969 said, ask the lady. If she’s on top, try stimulating her with you hand on her clitoris (I feel weird using the clinical term!) Or before you penetrate a woman, stimulate her g-spot (It’s the ridged spot that kind of feels like the roof of your mouth) with your fingers. It takes longer, but DAMN it’s a wild orgasm.

Also penis size? Really, that’s her deal after four years. Fuck her. It sounds like the cheating is the least of her flaws – and that’s saying something. That’s an ugly thing to say, and you don’t really want someone like that anyway! Forget about her; you’ll be well on your way to staying hard.

I’m a big, big fan of genital massage with lots of lube. Ask her to put her hair in a pony tail (You’ll be able to watch your own personal porn better .), lube your cock and balls up and have her rub and blow away; you'll stay hard. It’s awesome.

Anyway, these are just a few, get you started suggestions.
I like oliva's suggestions
I can pleasure every way without my dick she's had g spot orgasms from
My fingers but not
Me inside her I know there's more girls out there and I've tried everything (accept drugs) to increase my size confidence and erection times if im not getting sucked I go flat I need a whole day to spend with a provider or girl who would make me feel adequate thanks for the input and any more comming
I am telling you man, get with a provider that knows what she is doing. Olivia gave some great advice. I am telling you they can help! I have learned more from providers than I ever did in real life. Frankly, it has helped my real life sex.
I, too, agree with Olivia. (1) Screw that broad for even fixing her mouth to say some crazy BS like that. Maybe, with all the people she's been getting it from, her pussy's all stretched out. Bet she never thought of that. (2) Olivia was right...not all of us cum from vaginal sex. I depends on the woman, the shape of her inside, etc. Its not about you, or her. (3) I don't think you need a provider to "fix" anything. I think you and the lady just need to talk. Explore. Help each other work it out. And please, PLEASE have fun doing it!
Nah we are done have been I need a provider any suggestions Lafayette Gfe ?
Sorry danny, i wasn't trying to make you feel bad
Kick the cousins ass. Drop the girlfriend like a hot rock and like suggested get with an experienced provider for a hands on instructional session. I bet several of the locals would be more than willing if asked.

The most important advice in all of this is drop the gf I don't care how long you have been with her. Save yourself a ton of heartache in the future and move on to something better, she will never be faithful.
You know you know what I mean what I mean? Damn double posts. Please delete grrrrrrr.
*I too agree with Olivia*
On to the next one Danny! Ashley and I had no complaints with you this week! This girl crossed way too many boundaries and has made you question you masculinity... NOT COOL!! She's just hateful and trying to make herself feel better by bringing you down and using your penis size as a way to justify her guilt... promise!
I love you guys Ashley and Miley I had great times with you girls thanks a bunch