I a virgin please help.

Can someone who who sare to be nice de and a virgin hobby.
ben dover's Avatar
Smerc's Avatar
  • Smerc
  • 03-11-2021, 08:02 AM
Probably related to rip.
Probably related to rip. Originally Posted by Smerc
That was my first thought as well
ICU 812's Avatar
A well intentioned and well meant suggestion to the OP:

First compose the message in a language you are comfortably fluent in. Then use a translation application to render it into common English.

Not meant to be insulting but intended to be helpful.

Can the Mods/Admins help this member in some way?
pittlicker's Avatar
Refrain from posting when tired or intoxicated.
Probably related to rip. Originally Posted by Smerc
I always thought Rip was Yitzchak's clone, and now Trumptester, all from OK.
I actually didn't understand what the post was about. I actually hope that the post will be made clear with the language that it was written in. So far, the only thing that I understood was the word virgin and nothing more. If you may, I hope that the place can be made clearer so that her issues can be addressed better since I think the people here may really know a lot about things like that. All we have to have is a clear question so that we can send her the clear answers that she is looking for. looooool
Bushjumper's Avatar
Actually Mr. Olsen, the OP is male by his profile, not female. Other than that I also haven't a clue what the post is about.