Swinger club questions

Well, based on the number of PMs I am getting, this is more popular than I expeced. Thought I would answer as well as I can, a few of the questions here one time instead of over and over in PM.

I am a novice so please, if your more experienced, jump in with your insight as well. Especialy if I get something wrong. :-)

1. Swinger clubs are NOT bordellos. They are private clubs full of adults having a good time. They may be what ever outside the club but inside, they are regular people, not things to groped or be insulting to. No means No.

2. Read up about the lifestyle. Talk to people you may know in it. Its not an orgy with people just jumping in and out. Its people having sex that enjoy others watching and possibibly joining in.

3. If your taking a provider, be sure to set the rates and expectations ahead of time. Will it be at the club only? Any activites before or after? Time limits? I recomend a flat rate so you can both enjoy yourselves without worrying about the time.

4. EXTRA IMPORTANT- Club activities- Odds are, if she takes her cloths off, or even not, there will be offers for sex. Heck, you may get offers yourself. Group, 3 way, her and someone else, man or woman. etc. Are you there just to show off your stuff as it were? Or, if one or both of you get offers, is it OK to have sex with others while you are there? You never have to have sex in these clubs. Its not required. But it happens a lot.

Bottom line is, talk to the provider ahead of time so you both agree on these things. Then, go have fun. If an old, overweight guy with pale white skin like me can have fun, so can you!

Good luck!
gptxman's Avatar
Good thread Bubba. You are very correct with the no means no statement and it is the #1 reason to get kicked out of the club.

5. It is perfectly acceptable to talk with everyone in the club but contact is a tricky thing there. It is best to let the woman make first contact but I have made first contact quite a bit but it is always done very respectfully. In other words if you walk up to a woman there and grab her crotch or boob you might find yourself in a world of trouble.

6. Most swingers clubs have days for single guys and other nights are for couples and single women only. Make sure to check with the club you plan to attend if you are going solo to see if you can get in.

7. If you get kicked out of a swingers club then most of the time it is a life time boot so make sure you are respectful and follow the club rules if you would like to continue to enjoy the club.

I have seen some providers there before (solo and with guys) but I have never had any interactions with them. I do know that most couples and single girls in the clubs are looking for couples to hook up with. There are some like us that will split off to to their own thing sometimes but we even prefer to hook up with another couple so we can both play. Girl on girl play is another thing that is super common. Bi swinging women are very aggressive so it is very possible if you carry a provider to the club that she will be approached by women.
pmdelites's Avatar
and remember that each swingers club sets its own policy.

some are off-premises - you can do some 1st and 2nd base play, but no all out sextravaganzas. iniquity is such a place.
some or on-premises - not only can you go to 1st, 2nd and 3rd base, you can steal home as much as you cock, err, heart desires. at the 13th floor, there are two public rooms [can engage and/or watch] and one private [no watchers!!]. 13th floor is such a place.

the club staff will be glad to show you the place and lay out the rules. in some cases, you must go thru the overview before you can attend. painless, trust me.

it's not for everyone, but it can be lots of fun.
gptxman's Avatar
some are off-premises - you can do some 1st and 2nd base play, but no all out sextravaganzas. iniquity is such a place. Originally Posted by pmdelites
This is very true but it has never stopped me from getting fully naked and fucking till I couldn't fuck anymore on many occasions. By law in an off-premises club you are not allowed to do any sexual acts but in some of them (Iniquity is one) you can do it at your own risk. I always see people going at it in off-premises clubs and have never seen management tell anyone to stop.

With that said I do prefer on-premises clubs when I know ahead of time I will be hooking up later. They offer more comfort (playing locations) and ease of mind from LE causing me troubles.
I assume this is a Dept of Health issue? Possibly some zoneing code issues?
gptxman's Avatar
I assume this is a Dept of Health issue? Possibly some zoneing code issues? Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Bubba if you are referring to the off-premises and on-premises thing it is a license issue. It is kinda like a topless and totally nude strip club thing.

It also works very similar since off-premises clubs sale alcoholic drinks and on-premises clubs are BYOB. Well the ones I have visited are set up this way. I guess it depends on what the owners want to get out of the club (money for entrance fees and drinks or just money for entrance fees) and allow to happen in the club.
Hmm. After midnight in Ft worth is off premises but is also BYOB. But, its next to a Strip club so it could be a zoning issue.

Thanks for the info.
pyramider's Avatar
I assume this is a Dept of Health issue? Possibly some zoneing code issues? Originally Posted by Bubba3452

How does a business get zoned for splooge?
gptxman's Avatar
It was there long before the strip club was so I don't think that has anything to do with it.

I was in After Midnight twice but that was a long time ago. I forgot about them being BYOB so I am not sure what is up with that.
pmdelites's Avatar
thx gptxman for the update. seems to me that you have waaay more experience in swinger clubs than i do.

btw, wrt entrance fees, 13th floor was 50/couple. seems to me iniquity was 75/couple.
  • foxxy
  • 01-18-2011, 09:06 AM
Well, I have some questions, if you wouldn't mind?

My bf and I have discussed visiting places like these on more than one occasion. We both love watching others, and I love watching him with other women. He enjoys seeing me with other women. My hesitation is that I am quite particular about my being with other *men*. How do you think we would fare in a place like 13th floor? My other concern is that I am a plus-size girl (he is quite fit), and I have an inner fear that these places will be like a high school nightmare come back to haunt me. I have read plenty of things about Iniquity and though I would love to visit, the idea of being "shunned" because I am not thin or meet a particular physical ideal is less than appealing. I don't want the bf to get his hopes up, only to have my weight ruin the entire night for both of us. Can we visit just to watch the beautiful people play? How does this work?
gptxman's Avatar
thx gptxman for the update. seems to me that you have waaay more experience in swinger clubs than i do.

btw, wrt entrance fees, 13th floor was 50/couple. seems to me iniquity was 75/couple. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Don't know about waaay more experience but the wife and I always have a good time in them so we go quite often. Just a quick correction, all the swingers clubs (off-premises and on-premises) I have been to are BYOB. Not sure where my mind was the other day when stating differently. Guess it could be because the 13th Floor cost you nothing once in where the other clubs I have been to charge you for all needed set-up items.

13th Floor = Friday $50 & Saturday $75 a couple.
Iniquity = They require a membership be purchased. We always buy a gold membership which is door entry and membership for 3 months at $375 per couple. They offer a regular membership for a month that still requires you to pay a door entry fee but I am not sure what the cost is for these. I am sure you could find it on the web if that is what you are interested in.

Since I always go with the wife or another lady I have always paid couple's rate. Not sure what it is if you are a single guy wanting to go.
I have only been to 2 clubs but trust me when I say the people at 13th floor represent a cross section of the population, Tall, short, thin, heavy, you name it. If your confident enough to get naked and have sex in front of other people you will do just fine. Iniquity is a younger crowd. I am told there is not as much deveristy there. After Midnight and 13th Floor seem to cover a much broader cross section.

You never have to do anything. Watching is just fine. Talk, socialize, etc. Play when you are ready.

Well, I have some questions, if you wouldn't mind?

My bf and I have discussed visiting places like these on more than one occasion. We both love watching others, and I love watching him with other women. He enjoys seeing me with other women. My hesitation is that I am quite particular about my being with other *men*. How do you think we would fare in a place like 13th floor? My other concern is that I am a plus-size girl (he is quite fit), and I have an inner fear that these places will be like a high school nightmare come back to haunt me. I have read plenty of things about Iniquity and though I would love to visit, the idea of being "shunned" because I am not thin or meet a particular physical ideal is less than appealing. I don't want the bf to get his hopes up, only to have my weight ruin the entire night for both of us. Can we visit just to watch the beautiful people play? How does this work? Originally Posted by foxxy
pmdelites's Avatar
Well, I have some questions, if you wouldn't mind?

My bf and I have discussed visiting places like these on more than one occasion. We both love watching others, and I love watching him with other women. He enjoys seeing me with other women. My hesitation is that I am quite particular about my being with other *men*. How do you think we would fare in a place like 13th floor? My other concern is that I am a plus-size girl (he is quite fit), and I have an inner fear that these places will be like a high school nightmare come back to haunt me. I have read plenty of things about Iniquity and though I would love to visit, the idea of being "shunned" because I am not thin or meet a particular physical ideal is less than appealing. I don't want the bf to get his hopes up, only to have my weight ruin the entire night for both of us. Can we visit just to watch the beautiful people play? How does this work? Originally Posted by foxxy
ditto what bubba said. one time, there was a younger couple that stayed completely clothed and just watched what was going on, including my date fellating me and playing with another guy.

so, as bubba said, if you're confident about yourself, comfortable with being in such an environment, and relaxed and open enough to talk w/ others about this that and the other [my date and i talked w/ other couples about NASCAR, shoes and clothes, and restaurants].

i suggest you go to one club on a fri and on a sat nite. you might a slightly different crowd. and then go to another club to get a different experience.

good luck!!
Thanks for all the great info! I can tell I've led way too sheltered a life having never been to one. Any knowledgeable providers out there who would like to personally guide me through my first experience at one of these clubs, please PM me...